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Q- What do you call a lesbian dinosaur???
A- A Likalotapuss!!!

Q- What do you call two lesbians in a canoe???
A- Fur traders!!!

Posts: 274 | Location: S.E. Michigan | Registered: 04 July 2003
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Just another woman trying to do a mans job.
Posts: 110 | Location: Southwest Utah | Registered: 30 December 2002
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Picture of MuskegMan
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Here's the full post called "lesbonics" from Dec 12, 2002:

1. What do you call a cupboard full of lesbians?
A licker cabinet.

2. What do you call an Eskimo lesbian?
A Klondyke.

3. What do you call 100 lesbians with guns?
Militia Etheridge.

4. Why can't lesbians diet and wear make-up at the same time?
Because they can't eat Jenny Craig with Mary Kay on their face.

5. Why do lesbians like to be reincarnated as whales?
So they can have 10 foot tongues and breathe out of the tops of their heads.

6. What do you call 2 lesbians in a canoe?
Fur Traders.

7. What is a lesbian dinosaur called?
A Lickalotapuss.

8. What do you call a lesbian with long fingers?
Well Hung.

9. What do two lesbians do when they are having their periods?

10. What do lesbians call an open can of tuna?

11. What did the lesbian vampire say to her partner?
See you next month.

12. Did you hear that Ellen Degeneres drowned?
She was found face down in Ricki Lake.

13. How can you tell a tough lesbian bar?
Even the pool table doesn't have balls.

14. Do you know what drag is?
It's when a man wears everything a lesbian won't.

15. What do you call lesbian twins?

16. How can you tell if a lesbian is butch?
She kick-starts her vibrator and rolls her own tampons.

17. What's the definition of confusion?
Twenty blind lesbians in a fish market.

18. What's the difference between a ritz cracker and a lesbian?
One's a snack cracker, the other a crack snacker!
Posts: 2097 | Location: S.E. Alaska | Registered: 18 December 2003
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Sh*t!!! I've been out-done!!!
Posts: 274 | Location: S.E. Michigan | Registered: 04 July 2003
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What do you call an actively gay dinosaur with ghoneriea?

Posts: 125 | Location: Altus, OK,USA | Registered: 30 March 2001
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FF; There ain't no way you can be outdone as long as you got your mascot!! derf
Posts: 3450 | Location: Aldergrove,BC,Canada | Registered: 22 February 2003
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Why does Billy Jean King have two first names?

So she can be Billy on top, and Jean on the bottom.
Posts: 68 | Location: Fond du Lac, Wisconsin | Registered: 24 February 2003
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