Heres another true one. In our little town of Liberty Hill right outside of Austin, the population growth has become so severe that they needed to build a new high school. Of course, the football stadium came 1st before school. This was at the tune of $82K. It went up for a vote on the bond. It was voted down but the city fathers wanted it so votes are damned they were still gonna do it. There was a public meeting + one local firebrand ( I admit he's his own worst enemy) starts up by saying that they can't do this, etc. so the council just calls the sheriff's dept. + has him arrested for speaking at a public meeting. Sound familiar Herr Goebbels? My point here is that in Williamson County, anything goes if you are one of the top dogs. Think about that if you are considering moving to the Heavenly Capital of central Texas (fastest growing community in the nation). Oh did I mention that the other day they wanted to build anothere new High school. IMO, let the realtors pay for it. They're the only ones benefitting.
Concerning the last high school, after the smoke cleared + all the money was spent, the kids still had no lockers. I'm sure when they slide through the next high school the results will be the same. The county line runs through my property so I am taxed by 2 counties + thus 2 school districts. I am truly getting taxed out of existence + don't say contest it. I do every year + they always have a B.S. answer. A good case in point. Several years ago some idiot from Califonia moved here + paid $18K per acre. So WillCo decided that ALL the property here was now worth 18K per acre even after I showed documentation that the last 5 acres that I bought adjoining mine went for $7K per acre. The guy moved in down the road + a buddy of mine was building his pipe fence so I asked him to ask the owner if the didn't mind to say how much he paid for his 26 acres. He paid $5600.00 per acre. So I went to WillCo + said by your own theory of land value that now it should be worth what the last sales were. OH NO!!! It doesn't work like that. Assholes act like it's their money. That's why when you go to contest your taxes you have to go through security checks, scanners, armed guards in the corridors, etc. People are tired of getting theie money stolen from them. O.K. I'm off my soapbox now.