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The 18th Anniversary Of Nothing - More Warming Humor
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The only country now perpetuating the myth of man made global warming is the US. Every other country has abandoned the theory in favor of reality. All recognize that there is no data supporting a warming world, the climatologists are lost, and there is no viable solution to stop the increase in green house gas emissions much less any agreement on slowing it down.

In short, all the scary talk has come home to roost.


'Where's the global warming?' Expert says public are growing sceptical of climate change

By: Levi Winchester Mon, October 6, 2014

THE PUBLIC are becoming ever more sceptical of climate change as they begin to ask 'where is the global warming we were promised?', a leading scientist has claimed.

This week saw the 18th anniversary since the Earth's temperature last rose - something that Dr Benny Peiser, from the Global Warming Policy Forum, says experts are struggling to understand.

He explains that we are now in the midst of a "crisis of credibility" because the global warming - and accompanied 'Doomsday' effects - that we were once warned about has not happened.

Scientists from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) once predicted a temperature rise of 0.2 degrees per decade - but are now baffled by the fact our planet's temperature has not increased for almost two decades.

Speaking exclusively to, Dr Peiser said: "What has happened is that the public has become more sceptical because they were told we are facing Doomsday, and suddenly they realise ‘Where is the warming that we were promised?’"

"They say we can predict the climate and the reality is that they can’t."

Because of this so-called "global warming hiatus", Dr Peiser says climate change is not as pressing of an issue as it once was, a fact that should be embraced by the scientific community. "Climate change used to be a top priority but it has dropped quite significantly - other issues are more important for international meetings," he said. "The reality is that they are quite relieved in a way, and we should all be relieved that it isn’t such a big problem at present.

"We might have much more time than many people once told us." However, the reason behind the current pause in rising temperatures remains a mystery, and there are said to be more than 30 theories attempting to decipher what caused this stability. Some scientists suggest the heat may have gone into the ocean, but Dr Peiser remains unconvinced by this theory.

Dr Benny Peiser interviewDr Peiser is a leading expert on global warming

The public has become more sceptical because they were told we are facing Doomsday, and suddenly they realise ‘Where is the warming that we were promised?’

"Something is clearly balancing out the warming effect of the CO2 [carbon dioxide]," he explained. "It might be natural factors, it might be the ocean, no one knows for sure.

"It [the warming] could start anytime - and that is an indication that we don’t fully understand the climate. "That’s a reality that most climate scientists are reluctant to admit."

A host of world leaders gathered last month to discuss the topic of global warming at the UN Climate Change Summit. US President Barack Obama said it was an issue "that will define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other" - but Dr Peiser could not help but notice there were a few faces missing from the meeting. A handful of countries - including China, India and Canada - did not attend the summit, something that did not surprise Dr Peiser.

He explained that for him, the summit reaffirmed that there is no international agreement about what to do regarding climate change. He also suspects that the lack of attendance is due to some of the countries' growing need to continue using fossil fuels. "That is a clear indication that reality is sinking in and the reality is that both China, India and other emerging nations have huge energy demands," he said. "They have huge growing economies, growing populations - their energy is going to double within the next 20 years and they cannot afford to give up on conventional fossil fuels. "That’s basically what they have told the world."

Looking to the future, Dr Peiser is adamant there is no easy solution to tackling global warming - something he does not expect to see change for a long time. With regards to the next UN Climate Change Conference, he said that it will be all "lip service" and "business as usual". "I’m pretty sure there will be some sort of agreement, there have always been agreements at every UN summit, but they're not worth the paper they are written on.

"They won’t be legally binding and it won’t mean that the Chinese, or the Indians, or the Brazilians, or the Russians, will cut CO2 emissions." The continued debate on global warming comes just weeks after thousands of people gathered around the world to protest against climate change at the People's Climate March.


Just Remember, We ALL Told You So.
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And exactly where is the humor in what you wrote?
Posts: 1102 | Location: Denmark | Registered: 15 October 2001Reply With Quote
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    The humor is there continues to be no proof, yet the UN and a declining few still want to believe.

    And to add to the hilarity of it all is that even if it were true that green house gas emissions cause global warming, there is positively nothing that anyone could do to reverse it's course. So pretty silly to continue to argue about it or have UN climate change summits that are intended to hurt the global economies of the developed and developing countries.

    I would like to see the UN try to convince 5 billion people that it's good for the planet if they would just sit happily in their mud huts without electricity and die quietly so that the rest of us can continue on with our green house gas emitting lifestyles.

    Good luck with all that tu2


Just Remember, We ALL Told You So.
Posts: 22442 | Location: Occupying Little Minds Rent Free | Registered: 04 October 2012Reply With Quote
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Hey, they can't even convince the Africans to use rubbers to stem the epidemic of AIDS.

Aim for the exit hole
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    Or stop eating dead monkeys they find in the bush or stop fornicating with 20 people a day; 15 of which have Ebola.

    I hate to use the word hopeless, but the ignorant on our planet are pretty much hopelessly doomed. And I am still struggling with the question - Is that really such a bad thing?


Just Remember, We ALL Told You So.
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