NC, I like the long story where a Spanish family fleeing the Inquisition winds up in Mexico. Several generations later, a descendant converts and you get a Jesus Goldberg!
Indeed, no human being has yet lived under conditions which, considering the prevailing climates of the past, can be regarded as normal. John E Pfeiffer, The Emergence of Man
Those who can't skin, can hold a leg. Abraham Lincoln
bnagel,bear with me here. I'm not sure of this story ,only that my preacher/friend told it to me + I find it interesting + plausible but I don't KNOW as fact. We all know of the Spanish Inquisition + that jews were at the top of the list along with the heretics,etc.Long way around the barn;when the Spanish invaded Mexico + Central America they brought along civilians as well for laborers,etc.Many of those civilians were escaping jews.Now here is the point of thought;the jews to keep in tradition of their religion,but under cover,making unleavened bread.....tortillas.I can go either way on this theory,but I thought it interesting to mention.
NC, does he have a theory about chipatis and naan, too? It would be interesting if someone came up with another joke, based on Indian Hebrews. Of course, I have to laugh about the Little Black Sambo story because it is Indian and had nothing to do with being black. Chipatis look kinda tiger-striped. Pancakes, not so much. Restaurant chain had to do a name change years back -- Denny's now. Too funny!
Back in the 70's the NAACP was trying to shut down the Sambo's pancake restaurants franchise as being racsist.They had to drop their case when it was revealed that the owners name was Sam Bo xxxx.But the damage was done.Too bad,they made good pancakes.