Small print (real case)
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Probably there is no man who would not be annoyed that the most important items in the contracts are always written "small print".

But knowing about it, over and over again, many people sign papers without reading them carefully, and pay commissions, which are not imagined.

42-year-old resident of Voronezh found an ingenious way to turn this feature in his favor, and now, using inattention bankers, is going to sue them, 24 million rubles.

In 2008, a resident of the regional center has received from JSC "Tinkoff Credit Systems" letter proposing to use a credit card. For its design had to fill out an application form and send it to the address.

Voronezh' man scanned the form and changed the terms offered by the bank, to the most part to the fine print. He pointed out that the interest rate on the loan and the fee for the issuance of cash are 0%, and the "customer can not pay all commissions and fees stipulated rates." In addition, instead of the address of the bank Voronezh' man have a website, affirming that "with the current General Terms and Tariffs, on the Internet, familiar." In other words, he prescribed for yourself and unlimited free credit.

Separately in the contract on its website envisaged if the bank breaks the terms of the document. "The Bank has the right to amend these General Terms and Conditions unilaterally. In case of changes, additions, substitutions General Conditions unilaterally by the Bank, the Bank shall pay compensation to the Customer in the amount of 3 000 000 (three million) rubles for each successive change, supplement or replace the General Conditions ", - said the client. Compensation from the bank to terminate the contract unilaterally was set at 6,000,000 rubles.

Soon legally savvy client received from the bank a copy of the approved application form and credit card. This meant that the bank agrees to the terms offered. Apparently, the bankers have signed the document without reading it, without knowing that the customer offered terms to them.

Bank terminated the contract with Voronezh"man in April 2010 because, according to TCS, the customer began to avoid delay in the payment of the minimum payment. After two years of JSC "Tinkoff Credit Systems" has gone to court to recover from the former client standard delay, commissions and fees. Voronezh' man, paying only the principal, has filed a lawsuit claiming the bank with 24 million rubles as compensation for breach of paragraphs credit agreement entered into on his terms.

Now we have a good chance of Voronezh' man win a lawsuit against the bank. Not least because the court had previously upheld the treaty, which entered into hand. According to this decision, the contract drawn up by the client, is recognized as legitimate.
Posts: 2356 | Location: Moscow | Registered: 07 December 2012Reply With Quote
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Picture of The Dane
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Only in Russia.
Oh and con grats with Snowden as a russian citicen.
Posts: 1102 | Location: Denmark | Registered: 15 October 2001Reply With Quote
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Hmmm, just for the sake of argument,is there anyone out there that has never felt screwed by the banks? I do not advocate any communist or muslim agenda. (r/e usury et/al.) I do however adhere to a true principle of interest (what we used to call a farmers interest)when a true 10% meant just that.Besides that is all that God requires.FAIR interest on a loan.Were I a vindictive man I would comment on our V.P. whos main concern is his constituents in guess where? Wilmington ,Del. The KAPITAL of credit cards.Since this goober has been in office our rates have escalated.Any comments.....(comrades").

Never mistake motion for action.
Posts: 17357 | Location: Austin, Texas | Registered: 11 March 2013Reply With Quote
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con grats with Snowden as a russian citicen.

Well, he is not citizen, but refugee.
And this is a common situation in the absence of an extradition treaty.
Posts: 2356 | Location: Moscow | Registered: 07 December 2012Reply With Quote
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