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True story (2nd hand), very funny ending
One of Us
So about 6 years ago I was working for an office supply company. I usually only worked mornings but they needed me to close that night so I stayed.

It was me (a department manager), a closing manager, a stocker, and a cashier.

Right before closing, my closing manager had told me over the radio that a known shoplifter/return fraud person had entered the store and he wanted me to be on the register.

So I went to the register and waited while he followed her through the store. She was a fairly large lady and always used the motorized scooter when she came in.

That night, he followed her through the store just slightly out of view from her. He watched her grab an item off the shelf and put it in her bag which was sitting in the basket of the scooter. She then proceeded to drive up to the register I was standing at.

Right before she got to me, she grabbed a soda. Then she finally made it up to me and pulled the item out of her bag, it was a $60 usb wireless mouse. She begins to tell me she bought the mouse, didn't have a receipt cuz she lost it and wanted to return it for store credit and also buy the soda but separately. In order to process the return without a receipt, I have to use her id but, there is a 3-no receipt return limit.

My closing manager radios to me, not to allow the return for any reason, even if she reached her limit, which she has. He tells me to stall her while he calls the cops.

So I do. I slowly start putting in her info and waited until the register prompted me to no allow the transaction. I slowly explain to her that I can't take the mouse back unless she brings in the receipt. At this point she leaves the mouse on the counter and tells me to ring up the soda. So I do... slowly again.

Right as I'm finishing the sale, the cops walk in. They begin questioning her about what's going on. She starts saying she didn't do anything wrong.
Unfortunately I can't tell them she was shoplifting because she never put the mouse back into her bag.

She had intended to leave it there after trying to return it.

My closing manager finally makes it up to the front of the store and pulls one of the officers away and starts telling them what happened.

We notice another lady practically run out of the store (her empty handed accomplice).
The officer in front of me then tells me to go lock the door and make sure no one else comes in since it is now after closing.

So I go lock the door and meet the rest of my coworkers just to the left of the doors so we can watch whats going on.

As we're standing there waiting for the cops to resolve the situation, the lady starts screaming that she wants to leave and that she didn't do anything wrong. After screaming at the officers for 10mins, she literally jumps out of the scooter and starts trying to run towards the door.

The officer then screams at me to go stand in front of the door and to keep it locked.
Our store had a double door, an outer front door that was automatic and then an inner door that was automatic... it was a very small hallway between both doors.

So here I am at the outer door with with my hand on the lock blocking the exit. The lady comes rushing at me and begins screaming at me in a loud shrill voice. The sound is literally echoing in this little hallway between the doors.

The lady proceeds to threaten to assault me if I don't let her out. The male officer is now behind her screaming that she needs to return inside to the main part of the store or he'll be forced to drag her back in.

5 mins of screaming later... Right before she has the opportunity to assault me, he tackles her... keep in mind, she's a bigger lady... and well when the officer tackled her, she sort of bounced.
In the mist of things I had to dive off to the side to avoid being tackled or kicked.
After the officer finally has her in cuffs, he picked her up and brought her back in the main part of the store.

The female officer proceeds to search through her bag and pulls out a pack of cigarettes. She The female officer then pulls the male officer off to the side and begins to talk to him. The male officer then takes the pack and brings it to where me and my closing manager are now standing and opens the pack and asks my manager if he knew what she had.

I was still trying to regain my hearing and didn't catch what was said.

My closing manager is trying so hard at this point not to bust out laughing and turns to me and goes "Did you see that? The woman has a crack pipe in her cigarette pack."

Not even 2 secs later we hear the officer asking the woman why she had a crack pipe. The whole time she denies it but at this point she's already being arrested.

As they finally start taking her outside to put her in the back of the car, she starts screaming "OFFICER, I TOLD YOU IT'S NOT MY CRACK PIPE, I LEFT MINE AT HOME!!!"

We all start dying of laughter at that point.
In the midst of realizing what she said, the woman starts faking a heart attack.

We had to wait for paramedics to arrive and fill out statements about what we saw and heard.
Till this day I'll never forget that story. Turns out... this woman lives not even 3 miles away from me in a trailer park.
Posts: 214 | Registered: 05 October 2008Reply With Quote
one of us
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Thats gotta be a Walmart story?
Posts: 1102 | Location: Denmark | Registered: 15 October 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 28 June 2017 02:33 Hide Post
Thats gotta be a Walmart story?

yup gotta be
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Never mistake motion for action.
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