Thanks once again, AMIGO. All were good but a few I really associated within my own mindset. Glenda with the A.K., The cigar arson story I heard years ago, might be true or not but when a shyster, lawyer (better) or not pulls a scam it makes you feel good when he gets caught. , The Calvin + Hobbes recalls to mind when Winston Churchill said told the house of Commons that if Hitler invaded Hell, I would feel obliged to give some support to Satan before this chamber., + finally about one of the guys in the pacific with the jap skulls. My Uncle Dick used to tell the story when he came back from the Pacific there was one guy on the ship that had kept 7 jap skulls of the guys he killed + then boiled them down. Uncle Dick said that when they went to his seabag they threw them over the side + that kid cried like a baby, saying, they took my skulls.