In North Florida the State Institution for criminals is named Stark. As we all know, and there has been a recent forum regarding this, there are only so many jokes and most are already well known.
One day a new prisoner to Stark arrived, went through processing, and was introduced to his new cell and cellmate. After about an hour, someone called out "74", and everyone including the guards cracked up laughing. In another 40 minutes someone hollered "32", with the same response of everyone laughing.
So the inmate requested of his cellmate, "what is happening?" His cellmate explained that since everyone had already heard all of the jokes and knew the punch lines, the incarcerated community at Stark had assigned all of the jokes particular numbers. When someone remembered a joke and wanted to share it, they just called out the number and all of the prisoners would think about the joke and laugh.
Well, the new inmate wanted to be accepted so in a few minutes yelled out "16" and nothing happened. He waited about 30 minutes and shouted "95" and nothing happened. So he asked his new cellmate what was going on and the reply was...
VASHER, it is all about how you tell a joke that is important.
Fred, just write down a couple of jokes in Russian, to see how well you do...
Vashper does one thing that very few people do around here: he tries to communicate in someone else's language. And he does quite a good job of it.
To be frank, if a lot of people here don't get his jokes it's not because of the language, but because of a cultural barrier. The sense of humor in many European cultures and languages is very different from American humor. Less... slapstick, I'd say. Much more intricate and indirect. French speakers will understand what I mean.
Posts: 1252 | Location: East Africa | Registered: 14 November 2006
Dear Fred! Let's be realistic. As Mark Twain remarked, "only reigning persons and persons suffering from tapeworm have the right to talk about themself "we" ". You're not a monarch? So why do you generalize and speak on behalf of the whole prison? Local company opens the discussion, started by me, this the counter tells us. Therefore, they are at least funny for folks here - and that is enough. I readily believe that my jokes not funny for you, for some reasons: the language barrier, differences in culture, DNA and IQ, but the problem is easily solved - don't read my jokes. There is enough good humor without me.
Brice, trast me, I also feel sorry Piglet, but.... could not resist...
Posts: 2356 | Location: Moscow | Registered: 07 December 2012