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Indian names

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27 April 2006, 22:21
Indian names
A young indian boy was speaking with an elder and asked how indians got named.

The elder said that when an indian woman is about to give birth , the father of the child will go on a vision quest.

First he smokes the peyote pipe with the medicine man , and then he retreats to a private place to await his vision.

If he sees an eagle soaring in the clouds, he may name the child ,Soaring Eagle.

If he sees a buck running through the forest , he may select Running Deer as the child's name.

"But tell me , why do you ask me these questions , Two Dogs Fucking?"

We seldom get to choose
But I've seen them go both ways
And I would rather go out in a blaze of glory
Than to slowly rot away!
27 April 2006, 22:58

"Science only goes so far then God takes over."
27 April 2006, 23:18
I heard a version of that nearly 30 years ago at a church camp. It still is one of my favorite jokes! cheers
29 April 2006, 11:33
First time I heard it the kid was called "Broken Rubber". Must have been a modern indian! Roll Eyes derf

Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati
01 May 2006, 09:41
Sambar 9.3
An oldie but a goodie!

Cheers, Dave.

Aut Inveniam Viam aut Faciam.