3 Daughters
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Picture of NormanConquest
O.K. .I've told this one before but it's been a few years.You can tell this one in church.3- 13 year old triplet daughters lived with their pap in the Ozarks after mama passed. Anyway,the girls figured out that it was time for their first date,the snag was getting papa to listen.So they ganged up on him until he gave consent. But on one thing he held firm;before you go on your date,the boys have to come + meet me on the porch in my rocker.promises made + then comes date night with Papa sitting on the porch in his rocker W/ a dbl/ 12G. in his lap + a smile to pass the time of day.O.K. here comes the fatal night.The girls are waiting,pap is rocking;then the 1st car arrives.Beat up old sedan + some pup comes out + says to pap,"Hi my names Joe +I came to get Flo to go to the show, can Flo go?"The old man thinks he is dumber than dirt but safe enough,so off they go. The 2nd kid shows up + says "Hi I'm Eddie + I came to get Betty so we can go steady.Is Betty ready?"The old man says that this one is dumber than the last but looks safe enough. After # 2 leaves there is a Red Corvette screaming into the front yard + this young stud full of himself jumps out of the car +said "Say old timer,my names Chuck". So pap shot him right then + there.

Never mistake motion for action.
Posts: 17357 | Location: Austin, Texas | Registered: 11 March 2013Reply With Quote
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Picture of Moremonte
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shocker jumping On The Spot!! hehehe
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My oldest son in high school likes to share a pie with his friends after a football game. The dad of one of the girls in the group asked me where my son was. I said having pie. His reply was “pie, right, is that what they call it now”. He was all smiles and laughing at this point. I told him he could call it what he wanted but either way my son was having it with his daughter. Funny thing ... he is was no longer laughing but the rest of us were. Big Grin
Posts: 130 | Location: Ozarks | Registered: 04 August 2017Reply With Quote
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Saw a T shirt today, Guns don't Kill People, Fathers of Pretty Girls do. Too bad the chick wearing the shirt didn't live up to the claim. Big Grin


Indeed, no human being has yet lived under conditions which, considering the prevailing climates of the past, can be regarded as normal. John E Pfeiffer, The Emergence of Man

Those who can't skin, can hold a leg. Abraham Lincoln

Only one war at a time. Abe Again.
Posts: 4211 | Location: Alta. Canada | Registered: 06 November 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of NormanConquest
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Years ago a buddy of mine's daughter got knocked up by some guy.Dad said he would take care of it. He told me later "Here in West Texas there are places where they can't hear you scream,"

Never mistake motion for action.
Posts: 17357 | Location: Austin, Texas | Registered: 11 March 2013Reply With Quote
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