They are intimidating when held on a glove... I have always been impressed by the resolve of any falconer to fly them... They are not docile by any stretch of the imagination.
Posts: 2268 | Location: Westchester, NY, USA | Registered: 02 July 2007
My brother knows a falconer who had a problem with a neighbor's german shepherd. It had killed one of his birds and the neighbor was unconcerned.So the falconer put out his golden eagle and watched.Soon the dog came to kill that bird but instead the eagle quickly killed the dog ! The talons span 11" with needle sharp points !
Originally posted by mete: My brother knows a falconer who had a problem with a neighbor's german shepherd. It had killed one of his birds and the neighbor was unconcerned.So the falconer put out his golden eagle and watched.Soon the dog came to kill that bird but instead the eagle quickly killed the dog ! The talons span 11" with needle sharp points !
Golden eagles are used in Mongolia to hunt wolves- there is some incredible footage on youtube of the hunts.
----------------------------------------- "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. -Henry David Thoreau, Walden
Posts: 900 | Location: Tanzania | Registered: 07 December 2007
I raised a golden eagle in my dorm room at Sul Ross in then late 60's what a mess . Gave him to the saddle maker George Nix to make a hunting bird. He got to be three feet tall. Lots of jack rabbits were spilled on my dorm walls . They can shit ten feet .
Originally posted by mete: My brother knows a falconer who had a problem with a neighbor's german shepherd. It had killed one of his birds and the neighbor was unconcerned.So the falconer put out his golden eagle and watched.Soon the dog came to kill that bird but instead the eagle quickly killed the dog ! The talons span 11" with needle sharp points !
Both neighbors need better attorneys. "A small town that cannot support one attorney can easily support two." -- Ben Franklin