the first two are sibling Harris' Hawks (Parabuteo uncitincus) from the Sonoran desert going into their fifth season, the last is a western Red Tail going into her second season
Checking the internet about Harris' hawks I didn't see any mention of marsh hawks . However my knowledge of marsh hawks has been identifying things are long tail and white rump ! Harris' have both so I concluded they are a type of marsh hawk !
This morning I took sandwich and coffee and parked along the Upper Delaware River and saw two young and one mature bald eagle -I guess they all were looking for breakfast by cruising low near the water's edge ,all at about 7:00-7:30 their normal breakfast time !!
Have no knowledge of falconry but do enjoy watching the hawks that live in my backyard "collecting" the pigeons that raid my squirrel/bird feeders. Sit on my brick patio w/ covering over it and frequently the hawks actually fly underneath the canopy and swoop in to nail a pigeon on the ground, only some 20' or so away from me. Wife does not like to see it and tells me to stop the hawk, but figure I would be well off just to leave the hawk to it's dinner. As for the squirrels(lots of them) have watched a pair of the hawks corner one in open back yard with some shrubs and the squirrel had no problems avoiding them with his quick movements and hiding in the shrubs. Hawks would get on both sides of the shrub and watch for the squirrel but he would dart out so fast and reach nearby tree and saved for another day. These birds of prey are indeed fascinating to watch.