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17 hmr or 22 mag
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Hey guys im lookin at buying another rifle and im having a little problem deciding what to get,its either going to be a savage 93 in 22 mag or the same rifle in a 17 hmr, im not familiar with either caliber, but i was hoping to get so opinions on both good or bad and hopefully decide from that which one is better.Im looking to find out about max effective range on groundhogs and wind bucking ability. Any help woul;d be great . Thanks, Bill.
Posts: 163 | Location: York Pa | Registered: 21 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Its a tough one. I think the 22 Mag has more thump outside 75 yards and will kill bigger game. The 17 shoots a tiny bit flatter but still drops velocity real fast.

I really think the 22 Mag in a good shooting gun can do a lot more in the practical world.

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Owning both...

and now that several manufacturers are putting on bullets in the 30 grain Weight on 22 Mags now, that are polymer tipped, or the trendier ones like TNT/Speers on them...

you are going to get a lot more thump from the 22 Mag, plus the accuracy of those new bullets are phenominal.. plus the trajectory is equal to the 17 HMR now..and they buck wind better having a 30 grain bullet vs a 17 grain bullet...

put on a mildot scope or one of those specialty scopes like Cabelas carries for rimfires and you are easily in varmint territory for distances out to 150 yds, and 200 if you learn to use your equipment...

The bullet styles used on the 17 HMR, migrating over to the 22 Win Mag also, have finally made the 22 Mag into what it should have always been... and its spendier trendier ammo is on the same price tier as the 17 HMR ammo is there is no economic advantage of one over the other...

Consider getting a spendy Ruger 77/17 or 77/22 Mag.. and there are after market barrels available.. and the way they are made, you can switch barrels on them to have both of the two rimfire magnum rounds...

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John Quincy Adams

A reporter did a human-interest piece on the Texas Rangers. The reporter recognized the Colt Model 1911 the Ranger was carrying and asked him "Why do you carry a 45?" The Ranger responded, "Because they don't make a 46."

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I have never owned a 22 Magnum but told myself when Kimber came out with a 17 I would buy one. They did and I did. I bought a Kimber Classic varmint in 17Mach2 put a 4.5 x14 Vari X III on it and went to the range. The first 5 shots at 50 yds were literally one hole and .17 at that. Actually thought I had missed the target at first. Accuracy is phenominal. Went after coyotes and several later decided it just isn't up to the job and the wind drift is not the best. I decided the 17HMR would be the way to go so ordered a new Savage with the thumbhole stock (that's the purple varigated laminate special order Savage made for some distributor) and AccuTrigger put another 4.5x14 VariX III on it and went to the range. Accuracy was as good as the Kimber and the trigger is really excellant. After several coyotes and some ground squirrels I have decided it is a 125 yd rifle and IS sensitive to wind but it is accuate beyond belief and does a number on coyotes. The ncest thing is just buy the ammo off the shelf and don't bother with picking up the brass (except for being a good sportsman and cleaning up) for reload. It digests ANY brand with equal accuracy. The rimfire stuff must really be of consistant quality. I will PROBABLY get rid of the Kimber but the Savage is definitely a keeper.

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I have a couple pre-A/T Savage 93R17BVSS rifles in 17 HRM and a pre-A/T Savage 93FVSS in 22 Mag that I restocked with a Savage laminated stock. I really like the 17 HRM and think that the average Savage 93 in 17 HRM has the potential to shoot better groups than most people are capable of shooting. For shooting game under 25 lbs., I'd recommend the 17 HRM, but for heavier game, I'd recommend the 22 Magnum. You could, in a pinch, harvest a deer with a 22 Magnum, but the 17 HRM isn't currently loaded with a bullet suitable for deer.

I figure that an accurate 17 HRM is 'chuck capable out to 150+/- yards. I've shot pdogs farther than 150 yards, but the light bullets do present some wind drift challenges.

If you're not set on the Savage, Marlin makes some rifles in 17 HMR that are very accurate right out of the box.

You can do some more in depth research before making your purchase at
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Lately, I've dumped my .223 in favor of my.17 HMR. Mine is a cz452 trainer. Shots run about 225 to 250 yds. After that the .223 gets the nod. I have one of those BDC scopes and it works like a charm.

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Hey guy thanks for the replys, im thinkin i might get the 22 mag,ammo is also cheaper. The main reason for getting this rifle is to be able to hunt groundhogs in more areas where my 300 winny is too much as far as muzzle blast and ricochets go, im not gonna try and push the envelope with longer shots with it, ill prolly stay in the 100-175 yrd range no further at least at first anyway. but keep em commin.
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I think you have to have both! I view the .17 HMR as kind of a niche cartridge: as a rimfire, its great for ground squirrels out west and for starlings and crows and such, but it does not have the killing power of the .22 WMR. For rockchucks, fox and even coyotes, I like the .22 WMR. And there are so many choices in ammo available in the .22 WMR. I'd really like to try Outland Sales' "Coyote Killer" ammo (33 grain pill at 2265 fps).

My .02 worth.

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I have a 22 mag in the new Rem model 5 which according to you fellows in the USA is the same as a Charles Daly, which were never available in Canada. I love this rifle, beautifully blued, and fantastically accurate with CCI maxi mag ammo and is minute of gopher with the Win Dyna point ammo as well.
My 17HMR is a CZ Varmint again a very nicely made rifle and very accurate with both the 17 and 20 grain loaded ammo. I've only used them for gophers and magpies and crows. Love to see a magpie in a tree at 125 yards thinking he is safe.............. FS
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I've got both and love them both. On prairie dogs, the .17HMR is my rifle of choice. On the bigger things, the .22WMR.

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Funny how so many guys can shoot the same two rounds and have such different opinions. It's as it should be! We are all different.
Years ago when the .17HMR first came out I bought a CZ 452 Varmint and put Eric Brooks trigger kit in it and a 6X20X40 Weaver Grand Slam on it. After a summer of shooting it etc I had it at the range one morning when the conditions were real decent. That morning I fired 9 consecutive 5 shot groups at 100 yards with the Hornady 17 grain HMR ammo, the aggregate of those nine groups was a .72. As memory serves the smallest group was in the .4's and the largest was a 1.20ish. That's with a rim fire rifle I paid as memory serves $369.00 for, phenomenal in my opinion.
I've probably had a dozen or more .22 Mags over the years and in fact had a Ruger M77-.22Mag Varmint Laminate at the time with a $350.00 Lilga barrel on it, none of them have ever given me the consistent long range accuracy that cheap HMR has. I have since sold the Ruger .22 mag by the way.
I agree that for some situations the heavier bullet in the .22 Mag is certainly gonna do a better job at reasonable ranges on bigger critters. (Well there was that one badger I killed with one shot from that HMR at 175 yards, long story and certainly not my weapon of choice but it's all I had and badgers holes are a scourge in pastures).
My rim fire shooting however is primarily what we call gophers (Richardsons ground squirrels actually) we shoot them in large numbers and they aren't very big. For that purpose with shots ranging from 75ish (closer is .22 handgun work) to near 200 yards and probably a few over that a titch. For that particular purpose the .17HMR is the flat out winner in the rim fire group IMO, that's why I sold my .22 Mag.
Both are great rounds but I and several friends prefer the HMR on gophers by a wide margin.
At the risk of portraying myself as a slob hunter which I'm not and boring you all to tears which I will. I gotta say that in about 1970 there were 5 of us young vets going to college on the $230.00 a month GI Bill. We shared an old farmhouse quite a ways out of Spearfish SD were the college was. $230.00 a month didn't go far what with having to cover beer, food, beer, books, beer, tuition, beer, chasing women, beer, rent, beer, a few other necessities, beer etc. etc.
I had developed a pretty fair knack for sneaky footing around the woods. I provided the meat for all of us courtesy of a Marlin .22 Mag with Winchester solid points and the deer, antelope, wild turkeys etc. provided by the South Dakota Game Fish and Parks (SORRY!). At 50 yards if a white tail doe looks directly at ya and you plant one right between her running lights she drops in her tracks. (I am absolutely not recommending poaching but at the time it seemed a good idea, we ate everything I killed). About that time Remington introduced the 5MM Mag which was close to the .17HMR actually and IMO way ahead of it's time. I connived a 592 tubular model thinking it would be better than the ole Marlin...WRONG! Not for the purpose I was using it for, it got sold quickly and the ole Marlin kept us fed.
Sorry for rambling.
Before somebody rightfully lambastes me. I'd like to add that I been a hunter safety instructor for over 15 years and have never violated "any" game or fish laws since, still trying to get back into a positive Karma flow on the poaching deal CRYBABY .

"If a man buys a rifle at a gun show and his wife doesn't know it"...Did he really buy a rifle?
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The 17 HMR in the Savage or the CZ would be my choice. Because I have had both the 17 and 22 Mag and I found that you really do not save money on ammo because of the several brands you have to buy to find out which one will shoot the best in the 22 Mag. With the 17 HMR it seems anything you put in it will shoot almost one hole at a hundred yards. Also with the 17 you will have good shot placement, and anything you hit in the head will drop. I have shot alot of small game with the 17 up to 150 yards.
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I found my 17 HMR to be so wind sensitive that it became very frustrating for shots beyond 50 yards or so.

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Originally posted by Leonard Barnes:
The 17 HMR in the Savage or the CZ would be my choice.

Because I have had both the 17 and 22 Mag and I found that you really do not save money on ammo because of the several brands you have to buy to find out which one will shoot the best in the 22 Mag.
With the 17 HMR it seems anything you put in it will shoot almost one hole at a hundred yards.

Also with the 17 you will have good shot placement, and anything you hit in the head will drop. I have shot alot of small game with the 17 up to 150 yards.
While Leonard is not fibbing to you, if you are going to make a decision â€because of the several brands you have to buy to find out which one will shoot the best in the 22 Mag†you won’t be able to afford to shoot either one or any centerfire for that matter.
Stop now, don’t buy either! You can’t afford it. Good grief…

Buy a Savage in 22Mag, go out and buy CCI Maxi-Mag +V (HP or solid, mine shoots the HP’s slightly better), Winchester Supreme Black box (#S22WM) 34g, and Remington Premier 33g V-Max and any other “premium†ammo that is available in your area. CCI loads a Speer GDHP, but it shot terrible in my gun, and just OK in 2 other guns, but you can try it, it might shoot great in yours! Try them, you'll be surprised at how accurate the new premium ammo is.

The reason 17HMR ammo shoots pretty much exactly the same is that it IS pretty much EXACTLY the same. CCI loads the majority of all HMR ammo, unless that has changed in the last six months, so it better be consistent.

Most 22Mag ammo has significantly more ft/lbs of energy than the 17HMR from muzzle out to 150 yards, the useful limit for these cartridges. The HMR has roughly 240 ft/lbs @ muzzle, most 22Mag has 311 or better. At least 23% more power for the 22Mag.
Putting this in perspective, Winchester factory loads with the same 150g Fail Safe bullet, the 300 Win Mag load produces 20% more ft/lbs of energy than the 30-’06. While I realize other factors besides ft/lbs are involved to cleanly kill, more is always better.

The main advantage with a 22Mag is the different kinds of ammo that are now available. All types of Bullets from 33g to 40+g and it all doesn’t cost $15.00 a box. My buddy’s 22Mag shoots the old 40g Dyna Point and Winchester Super-X 40g ammo way under an inch @ 100 yards. $9.95 a box!!

What the 17HMR really achieved was forcing ammo manufactures to finally make the 22Mag what it was supposed to be. The “new†premium 22Mag ammo puts a heavier version of the same technologically advanced projectile downrange almost as fast and just as accurately as most people can shoot their HMR. With a 125 yard zero, there is only 3†difference from the muzzle to 150.

I was at the range a couple years back with my old Marlin 25MC 22Mag camo model, slight trigger job, used price with 3X9 Redfield 5-star scope a wee bit over $150 (because, after all 22Mag’s were obsolete). There was a guy a couple lanes down with a then brand new 917 17HMR with the 900 series trigger system. After about 30 rounds he puts his spotting scope on my target and asks me what I’m shooting. He can’t believe the groups I’m getting with my “obsolete†22Mag.

And you could actually see the holes in my target with your naked eye…


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Most 22Mag ammo has significantly more ft/lbs of energy than the 17HMR from muzzle out to 150 yards, the useful limit for these cartridges. The HMR has roughly 240 ft/lbs @ muzzle, most 22Mag has 311 or better. At least 23% more power for the 22Mag.
Putting this in perspective, Winchester factory loads with the same 150g Fail Safe bullet, the 300 Win Mag load produces 20% more ft/lbs of energy than the 30-’06. While I realize other factors besides ft/lbs are involved to cleanly kill, more is always better.

I took the liberty of copying Hornadys data of their site for the velocity and energy of their .22 Mag and .17HMR as well.

22 WMR 30 gr. V-MAX
Velocity (fps) / Energy (ft-lbs)
Muzzle 100 yd 200 yd
2200/322 1421/134 1002/67

17 HMR 17 GR V-MAX
Velocity (fps) / Energy (ft-lbs)
Muzzle 100 yd 200 yd
2550/245 1901/136 1378/72

Acording to Hornady the .22 Mag has more poop at the muzzle but while real close the .17HMR has more at 100 and 200.
Beings as how I like both of em I sure can't get involved in "this one's better than that one", especially cause I think both are better for certain things.
I do have to say I've never had a .22 Mag that would shoot with an HMR for accuracy.
Coincidently I went to the range with a new to me (used but doesn't look it) Anschutz .17HMR MPR (Multi Purpose Rifle) on Monday. The guy I got it from cut the barrel from Anschutz's foolishly long 25.5ish inch barrel to what Bull Berry stated as optimum length for an HMR barrel with is between 18 and 19 inches. I put a 6X20X40 Weaver Grand Slam on it for my first range trip. It was 26 degrees and a 12 to 14 MPH wind quartering from the right rear.
After sight in at 50 yards it was putting Hornady 17 grainers one after another into one pencil size hole.
Cold as it was with the windchill and all after 50 yard sight in I stopped quick at the longer range benches of our range. At 100 some hygienically challenged range goer had failed to pull his targets and he'd left a Shoot-N-C target up with only one or two holes in it. I set up a couple bags and shot this 5 shot group aiming at the 9 at the bottom of the target. This is my first 100 yard group with this rifle. A bit of right to left drift but to say I was pleased is a huge understatement.

I've had a lot of .22Mags since the 60's and I've never had one shoot even close to that kind of 100 yard group. Outside center to center that group measured a .57 and the 1st four before the 5th one went left were in the .3's. I shot one 5 shot group at 100 and got back in the truck to thaw out. I'm looking forward to warmer weather and good circumstances. Find me a .22 Mag that shoots that well and I'm an owner!

"If a man buys a rifle at a gun show and his wife doesn't know it"...Did he really buy a rifle?
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22LR $.05/shot
17M2 $.10/shot
22WRM $.20/shot
17HMR $.24/shot
.223 $.29/shot factory
.223 $.16/shot handload

I own all of these guns, and find that the only ones not worth messing with are the the 17HMR, the 22WRM, and .223 factory.

The 17M2 costs just as much to manufacture, but now that most of the 17HRM rifles have beens sold, the 17M2 ammo is being sold at a discount and the 17HMR ammo is being sold at a premium.

If you have a 17HMR and 10,000 rounds of ammo, go on shooting it.

But if one is starting out right now, avoid the 17HMR like the plague.
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We have the Savage HMR with thumbhole stock. Accuracy is phenomenal. Ammo is overpriced. We loaned it to a fellow trying to decide whether to buy that or a 22 mag. He was immensely impressed. He bought the exact same gun, but opted for the 22 mag, as it just seemed a better deal for real world hunting. If I were doing it again, I would by the Mach 2. Close on the ballistics at 100 yards, half the ammo price.
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With some of the new loads from the factories, using the same premium type bullets that are used on the 17 HMR.... the 22 Mag's accuracy has been taken to a whole new level...

I picked up several boxes of 22 Mag ammo, that were 30 grain bullets, and 33 grainers... they shot as well in my 22 Mags, as any groups that I have ever gotten out of 17HMRs....

For those that don't mind rimfire ammo at $11.50 to $12.00 a box.. the newer 22 Mag stuff is as good as 17 HMR ammo any day.. and prices are pretty much identical.. because both calibers are being made by the same manufacturers...

so you have a choice.. 17 gr bullet at 2550 fps or a 30 grain 22 cal bullet at 2250 fps...on windy plains, the 30 grain bullet, might just prove to be much more wind resistant...

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Beavis..... James Beavis..... Of Her Majesty's Secret Service..... Spell Check Division

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John Quincy Adams

A reporter did a human-interest piece on the Texas Rangers. The reporter recognized the Colt Model 1911 the Ranger was carrying and asked him "Why do you carry a 45?" The Ranger responded, "Because they don't make a 46."

Duhboy....Nuttier than Squirrel Poop...

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I have a 17 and a 22 mag. At first I was really taken by the 17 but as I objectively started comparing the 100 yd targets it became obvious to me that my 22 mag with the newer, lighter bullets outperformed the 17, especially if there was any breeze. I love shooting the 17, but really the 22 mag is the better gun. I shot a coyote the other day with the 22 mag at 65 yds. I shot him behind the front legs--the bullet went completely through and the yote was dead within 20 yds. Smiler

Red C.
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had a 17hmr, it shot well but it was impossible to keep the barrel clean so I moved it on..
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I don't have any experience with the .22 Mag., but I have killed a lot of PA ground hogs with the .17 HMR. It is one sweet little ground hog rifle, I have had no problem killing the hogs out to 150-175 yards with mine. I've come to love the light little rifle when I'm walking around and not expecting any really long shots. I even made one of my best shots with the rifle at a running hog at somewhere between 150 and 175 yards, swung the crosshairs right in front of his nose and squeezed, hit him right where the neck meets the shoulder, DRT. It doesn't do as much damage as my .22-250 (duh!), but it does kill ground hogs and is a MUCH lighter gun to carry. If you don't go for a shoulder or head shot sometimes they can make it back to the hole where they die, but if you aren't into ground hog competitions, that's not a problem. I'm sure you'll be fine with the .22 Mag., as well, but the .17 was my choice and I'm happy with it to no end.

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What about a 5mm Remington Rimfire Magnum? If you can find a Remington 591 or 592 in decent shape, you'll have a fun little rifle/caliber combo.

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Originally posted by Eric Mayer:
What about a 5mm Remington Rimfire Magnum? If you can find a Remington 591 or 592 in decent shape, you'll have a fun little rifle/caliber combo.



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Evidently someone is making ammo available for it once again... but it isn't Remington or one of the other majors like Winchester or even Black Hills...

Life Member: The American Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

Jan 20, 2009.. Prisoner in Dumocrat 'Occupied America', Partisan in the 'Save America' Underground

Beavis..... James Beavis..... Of Her Majesty's Secret Service..... Spell Check Division

"Posterity — you will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it."
John Quincy Adams

A reporter did a human-interest piece on the Texas Rangers. The reporter recognized the Colt Model 1911 the Ranger was carrying and asked him "Why do you carry a 45?" The Ranger responded, "Because they don't make a 46."

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The 17 HMR is superior in most respects. The most significant is the quality of ammunition. All 17 ammo is of pretty good quality and the accuracy you will get out of it will surpass all but the highest quality 22 Wm. As far as power goes I think the 22 has a little more, but seriously if you want more power you should go to a centerfire. THe HMR is a superior varmint round with a max range greater than the 22 mag.
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Originally posted by seafire2:
Evidently someone is making ammo available for it once again... but it isn't Remington or one of the other majors like Winchester or even Black Hills...

The ammo is being made by Agulia and will be distributed by a company called Centurion, it will run around $16.00 a box of 50 as I understand it. If you really want a chuckle go over to gun and look at what some of the gougers are trying to get out of it from guys that don't realize it's being produced. In fact I'll add a link, everyone needs a good laugh now and again.
5MM Mag

The only new rifles are actually a run of contender barrels TC is running unless someone else gets involved and produces firearms (I'd be surprised). I bought most of my HMR ammo at $7.42 a box. At $16.00+ freight my old first run 592 will remain a fond memory for me.
I can load .17 Ackley Hornet for considerably less than that with significantly more performance.

"If a man buys a rifle at a gun show and his wife doesn't know it"...Did he really buy a rifle?
Firearm Philosophy 101. montdoug
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I sell a lot of both here in KY, and the general opinion is that the 17 is a great gun, but we're still not sure what its good for other than plinking, and ground hogs. I've had a marlin, a savage, and also a pistol by Anschutz. They were all fun but I tired of the wind sensitivity. Also they arent big enough for coyote past 100yds, and tear up squirrels to bad. With the new loads out my next rimfire will be another 22 mag.

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$17.00 to $20.00 a box for the new Centurion 5mm Remington Rimfire Magnum. I've got an HMR, but it does not come close to what the 5mm can do. I'll be testing the new ammo out this Friday, adding some predator and rabbit hunting to the mix, so we will see then.

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Funny, I hear lots of slams about the wind sensitivity of the .17 HMR but I've used mine all day long on praire dogs out to 225 yds and in Wyoming of all places. I never had an issue with wind sensitivity.

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"The 17HMR will relegate the 22WMR to obsolete!!" Those were the sayings we heard 5 years ago! .............and guess what?? May be right!! I have owned/put together for friends, 32 17HMR's and from Remington(even their 597's with light barrels) NEF's, Savage, Marlin, Ruger, CZ,............makes no difference!! THE 17HMR is here to stay and accurracy is the name of the game! When the 17 came out, there were no "PREMIER 22WRM" loads(the 33VMAXS) available!! If they had been there all along, the 17 may never have come about!! But alas!! The guys had to catch up!! No catching up!!! The 17HMR is the most amazing little ditty to come down the pike since the advent of the PPC's!!(22 and 6mmPPC in case you are new here!!)My longest, witnessed, first shot kill on a groundhog is 236 yards...................and I'm here to tell you that I DO NOT RECOMMEND this round for over 150 yards........even if it does do the deal!! The abilities of some so called "riflemen" come into play here!! The 17 is a "head and neck shot cartridge!!" ............Same as all varmint cartridges!! DO NOT SHOOT A BULL IN THE ASS WITH A BB-GUN AND EXPECT HIM TO FALL!!! I've seen HORRRENDOUS crawl-offs with the likes of 243WIN, .308, 300Savage(guess who!!!) 30-06 when shooting at "center of mass" instead of head shots!!(Exceptions to the rule are the 22-250 and the ((GODS CHOSEN CALIBER.......25-06..........those two are BAD NEWS TO VERMIN!!!!) The 17 is capable and inherrently accurate enough when topped with GOOD GLASS(my favorite is NIKON 4.5-14 A.O.......or SF if that's the case!)Wind is a no brainer comparing the 22 to the 17! The 17HRM is so far ahead of the 22WRM, it denies discussion!! All comes down to accurracy!! The 17 has something that defies reasoning!! ...............another thing about defying reasoning............put a suppressor on it and shoot factory loadings!! 2550fps is definitly not sub-sonic!! Try it folks!! No reasonable explanation!!
And to some of the posts here.................I don't like to pick up brass!! And tom ga hunter..........didn't you read in your Marlin owner manual............"you may never need to clean the bore of this rifle"????................ No copper fouling detected after 8000 rounds!!! Same as a 22RF!!DON'T CLEAN IT!! Clean it an screw it up!! What is it not to like about the 17?????????????? More fun than eatin beans!! GHD

Groundhog Devastation(GHD)
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I can load .17 Ackley Hornet for considerably less than that with significantly more performance.

doug, some one else has gotten me going on that round..

I was looking at rechambering a single shot 17 HMR to the 17 Ackley Hornet or the 17 Ackley Bee.. I am familar with a few that have done it...

what is the cost per round to reload it. and what kinda MV are you getting?...

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Beavis..... James Beavis..... Of Her Majesty's Secret Service..... Spell Check Division

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John Quincy Adams

A reporter did a human-interest piece on the Texas Rangers. The reporter recognized the Colt Model 1911 the Ranger was carrying and asked him "Why do you carry a 45?" The Ranger responded, "Because they don't make a 46."

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I Marine friend of mine fed himself and his college roomates on deer and noodles with a .22 LR and a homemade silencer.
Originally posted by montdoug:
Funny how so many guys can shoot the same two rounds and have such different opinions. It's as it should be! We are all different.
Years ago when the .17HMR first came out I bought a CZ 452 Varmint and put Eric Brooks trigger kit in it and a 6X20X40 Weaver Grand Slam on it. After a summer of shooting it etc I had it at the range one morning when the conditions were real decent. That morning I fired 9 consecutive 5 shot groups at 100 yards with the Hornady 17 grain HMR ammo, the aggregate of those nine groups was a .72. As memory serves the smallest group was in the .4's and the largest was a 1.20ish. That's with a rim fire rifle I paid as memory serves $369.00 for, phenomenal in my opinion.
I've probably had a dozen or more .22 Mags over the years and in fact had a Ruger M77-.22Mag Varmint Laminate at the time with a $350.00 Lilga barrel on it, none of them have ever given me the consistent long range accuracy that cheap HMR has. I have since sold the Ruger .22 mag by the way.
I agree that for some situations the heavier bullet in the .22 Mag is certainly gonna do a better job at reasonable ranges on bigger critters. (Well there was that one badger I killed with one shot from that HMR at 175 yards, long story and certainly not my weapon of choice but it's all I had and badgers holes are a scourge in pastures).
My rim fire shooting however is primarily what we call gophers (Richardsons ground squirrels actually) we shoot them in large numbers and they aren't very big. For that purpose with shots ranging from 75ish (closer is .22 handgun work) to near 200 yards and probably a few over that a titch. For that particular purpose the .17HMR is the flat out winner in the rim fire group IMO, that's why I sold my .22 Mag.
Both are great rounds but I and several friends prefer the HMR on gophers by a wide margin.
At the risk of portraying myself as a slob hunter which I'm not and boring you all to tears which I will. I gotta say that in about 1970 there were 5 of us young vets going to college on the $230.00 a month GI Bill. We shared an old farmhouse quite a ways out of Spearfish SD were the college was. $230.00 a month didn't go far what with having to cover beer, food, beer, books, beer, tuition, beer, chasing women, beer, rent, beer, a few other necessities, beer etc. etc.
I had developed a pretty fair knack for sneaky footing around the woods. I provided the meat for all of us courtesy of a Marlin .22 Mag with Winchester solid points and the deer, antelope, wild turkeys etc. provided by the South Dakota Game Fish and Parks (SORRY!). At 50 yards if a white tail doe looks directly at ya and you plant one right between her running lights she drops in her tracks. (I am absolutely not recommending poaching but at the time it seemed a good idea, we ate everything I killed). About that time Remington introduced the 5MM Mag which was close to the .17HMR actually and IMO way ahead of it's time. I connived a 592 tubular model thinking it would be better than the ole Marlin...WRONG! Not for the purpose I was using it for, it got sold quickly and the ole Marlin kept us fed.
Sorry for rambling.
Before somebody rightfully lambastes me. I'd like to add that I been a hunter safety instructor for over 15 years and have never violated "any" game or fish laws since, still trying to get back into a positive Karma flow on the poaching deal CRYBABY .
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This thread started in 2008, wonder if he has decided yet?
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I have both also but my favorite is the Russian Toggle Action Biathlon Basic in 22 mag. Tack drivers & almost as fast as a semi auto with the advantages of a bolt action. I bought several when they closed them out & glad I did. I've sold a few & everyone has been amazed at the accuracy & how easy & fast you can shoot. A squirrel hunters dream!

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Originally posted by bill23:
Hey guy thanks for the replys, im thinkin i might get the 22 mag,ammo is also cheaper.

Do you reload? I shoot handload hornet for less than rimfire. Even 22lr these days.

Rimfire used to be the affordable way to shoot, but not from where I can buy ammo. If you don't reload, you might look at 223 ammo prices. I've seen 223 for $0.22 per round, while 17HMR is around $0.28. It doesn't make sense, but I just confirmed those ballpark prices ( I'd wager a cheap 55fmj from a 223 will out-do any fancy rimfire bullet, for roughly the same price.

Good and cheap 223 rifles are also available now. Check out the Howa Mini, the Rugers and Savages too. Good luck!
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I reload, so a centerfire would be my choice and my guess is that a .204 Ruger would be the best of both between a .22 and a .17. I also cast bullets so the .204 could be shot much cheaper. Even with jacketed probably cheaper.
Posts: 3811 | Location: san angelo tx | Registered: 18 November 2009Reply With Quote
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I tinkered with the 17 early on..found out I had to buy new cleaning rods, patches, brushes etc,..Found the fast ones fouled horribly and a breeze would move it off target big time...I have to say there was nothing I liked about them..Went back to the .222 class of rifle..

In your scenario, and having never shot this particular 17 it would "appear" to me it will not kill as well or shoot as far as a 22 mag., but wouldn't swear to it..Still wouldn't buy one.

Ray Atkinson
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