I just got a M1 carbine shooting today. I barreled and chambered this one for 22/30. Shoots great! Dark 30 caught me, so I couldn't see 100yd targets! The load I tried today was 13grs of 4227& a 55gr bullet. Anybody shoot this caliber and have a real accurate load? Is there a small 700 action that would be suitable for this wildcat? I've built some 700s and am partial to the 700, but I've always used the long action. Are there other smaller actions that are suitable for this caliber?
Thanks Wild Bill
On the plains of hesitation lie the bleached bones of those who, when within the grasp of victory, sat and waited , and waited and died waiting.
Am having a model 700 rechambered to 22 spitfire - my gunsmith says I should have it in a couple weeks or so. The action is a little big for the cartridge, but I too like Model 700's so I went for it. Apparently the only problem is getting the rounds to feed correctly. I'll let you know how it turns out.