What bullets can withstand the velocity of the 243 ai for whitetail hunting, my main go to source says 95 gr ballistic tips but i seem to have second thoughts.
I use 95gr. Ballistic Tips (@3300fps) in my .243 Ackley Improved on pronghorn. Performance on small white-tails ought to be the same (very effective) if you can wait for the right shot presentation.
How big are your deer?
Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001
If you're worried the 95's and 100's won't do well, try the Barnes Originals at 115gr. If your rifle barrel's twist can handle it, this bullet is plenty medicine for whitetail in the 120-150 lb class.
use the Nosler 95 or 100gr partitions. Here's the reason, With BT bullet you're limited to broadside or chest shoots(not as much penitration), the partition is capible of quartering shots which makes it a lot more versitile. With partitions that .243AI will kill like a triple loaded double magnum.
Posts: 6315 | Location: Mississippi | Registered: 18 May 2002
George's 243 IMP has a 27" Stainless Shilen match grade. Shoots great! We shot antelope out here and he was using it, and it just tears up prairie dogs!!!!
Posts: 3865 | Location: Cheyenne, WYOMING, USA | Registered: 13 June 2000
I'll add that four pronghorns were shot between 300 and 350yds., and the Nosler 95gr. BTs penetrated completely, except for one which was found under the hide on the far side (~300yd. shot).
The same bullet turns p-dogs inside out (fascinating to watch through the riflescope).
Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001
Ive had reservations about some particular uses of BTs myself but cutting some open and some testimonials from a few trusted shooters is building up my position on them somewhat. I dont think they begin the self destructing problem until about the 3300-3400 fs window from what Ive been able to learn and even then its the exception. Nosler appears to have done a pretty good job designing them.
Still waiting to hear about the SSTs from end users!
Posts: 10197 | Location: Tooele, Ut | Registered: 27 September 2001
My main hunting partner uses the 95gr. BT in his 243 AI and has had great results with it on antelope. I know that prairie goats are not that hard to kill but the results should be about the same with a well placed lung shot. I have also had good luck with the 100gr. Hornady SP in 243's as well. Hope this helps! Elk Country
Posts: 180 | Location: Northern Colorado, USA | Registered: 26 March 2002
The Nosler Partition is the way to go in this class of round. I've used lots of them, and the Hornady 100 gr. bullet, in the .240 Weatherby. I've had the Hornady bullet blow right up on the surface - 300 yds. out. The Noslers rarely stay in the animal. I've had them shoot diagonally through - and exit - deer. E
Posts: 1022 | Location: Placerville,CA,USA | Registered: 28 May 2002
I expect you should be able to get 3100 or a little better with the 95 grain bullet. I used a 6mm-284 for a couple of years and I could baarely get 3300 out of 100 grain bullets with a 26 inch barrel. I used Hornady 100 grain spire points and 105 grain Speer spitzers on hogs and deer. About half the bullets exited but more importantly the rifle made a reputation for getting quick kills.
if all i can get out of it is 3100-3200 i will stick with the ballistic tip or the hornady sst although i have ordered a box 95 grain partitions maybe they wil shoot by the way it is a 24" pipe shilen #5 contour
Barnes XLC are reputed to work well at higher velocities. They make an 85gr .243 XLC that can probably be driven around 3400 fps, maybe a bit more, from your .243 AI.