I love the 6x45, had one for 20 some odd years. A custom Sako L-461 with a mod. 70 safety that the late Tony Barnes made a bolt shroud and used a mod 70 safety lever. he made it out of a chunk of bull barrel. Its a 5.5 lb rifle with an 18 ich barrel. I stocked it in full fiddle back walnut that is blood red..
My favorite load for deer etc. is 26 grs. of H322 or H335 which is faster with the 75 gr. GS custom HP and I have a supply of old discontinued Barnes X 75 gr. bullets..Both are good killers on deer with full penetration every time on deer and antelope on broadside shots.
My varmint load is the 60 gr. Sierra HP and 25 grs. of H322, and I have 10 shot groups that go .265 and another that went .233 both framed. It shoots everything into under a half inch.
FWIW, I would save the TTSXs for cartridges with more MV. My sons all shot their first deer wth a 6x47 (very similar cartridge) using 85gr Speer BTs. Excellent performance at the velocities provided by the 6x47 or 6x45. No need for premium bullets.
And H335 was the best performing powder I found.
Posts: 1416 | Location: Texas | Registered: 02 May 2003
My mistake, I meant 55 gr. ballistic tips, the purple ones. As for the TTSX, it's the lead in food thing. I know it's probably argued on both sides, but my wife asked me to switch years ago when our kids starting eating venison.
Maybe something to it, maybe not. Fine by me. Barnes are good bullets..
Originally posted by 16Bore: My mistake, I meant 55 gr. ballistic tips, the purple ones. As for the TTSX, it's the lead in food thing. I know it's probably argued on both sides, but my wife asked me to switch years ago when our kids starting eating venison.
Maybe something to it, maybe not. Fine by me. Barnes are good bullets..
Those Ballistic Tip 55's are one-holers in my 6mm PPC, as they have been in all 6mm rifles I've tried them in.
The wife's insistence on "unleaded fuel" (whether based on erroneous information or not) is by far the best reason I've ever heard for using a monometal bullet. Keeping momma happy is paramount.
Posts: 13325 | Location: Henly, TX, USA | Registered: 04 April 2001
Originally posted by 16Bore: Putting one of these together with 80 TTSX and similar weigh Bergers in mind. Anyone got a favorite load? I'm thinking 1:9 will get it done.
My 6x45mm is 1:9.5", and I shoot 85 grain Partition bullets most of the time.
Our country, right or wrong. When right, to be kept right, when wrong to be put right.
Carl Schurz (1829 - 1906)
Posts: 15015 | Location: Moreno Valley CA USA | Registered: 20 November 2000
I don't have the 6X45 but the X47 and my rifle is twisted 1:12. Handles 70 grain bullets great at 3100 fps out of a 20" barrel. I'm working on the 80 grain Deep Curl next.