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Texas Heart Shots
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Picture of bartsche
nillyHead shots seems to have had a rebirth! What can we get going on Texas Heart shots? Stories***Photos? stirroger

Old age is a high price to pay for maturity!!! Some never pay and some pay and never reap the reward. Wisdom comes with age! Sometimes age comes alone..
Posts: 10226 | Location: Temple City CA | Registered: 29 April 2003Reply With Quote
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LOL bartsche, I hunt with a bunch of cullers who take nothing but head shots with .22-250s, damn good results too, and I am not about to show any photos of their shooting, too messy or my tastes, but they do lay down deer, which is the reason they are there in the first place.

Posts: 188 | Location: Texas, via US Navy & Raytheon | Registered: 17 August 2008Reply With Quote
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we were out hunting for a couple of meat animals, and we decided that we'd split up to cover more ground.

wouldnt have been more than an hour later and i hear a bang. kinda annoyed that he had gotten so lucky seeing as we hadnt been there long, several hours later after walking around through the bush and seeing nothing but a hind with a little fawn pass underneath me i eventually spotted about 4 or 5 hinds grazing on a steep shingle face, with the daylight against me and not being sure if I could even cross to gully to get to them i decided to call it quits. wasnt too worried about it really and atleast my mate had secured one. got out of the bush and was heading back for the hut when here are 2 hinds and a yearling out grazing in the open not more than 200yards away. backpack down and i had the 300WSM lined up on the yearling, shot at them and to my surprise they all come running towards me, unsatisfied with my efforts with not knocking it over on the spot i decided id shoot it again, shot it once more through the shoulders and down she went!
got over to the animal and gutted it, and investigated the front shoulders and what a mess, bones broken and meat damaged...shoulders ruined. by now it was getting pretty dark and thinking things couldnt get much worse i headed for camp, which was where i left my headlight, well what a nightmare walking back in the dark without a light after trying to walk off a few banks i made it back in one peice.

anyway its probably atleast an hour after dark by the time i manage to make it back to the hut and to my surprise no ones home. i made a start on tea and eventually he showed up. apparently he had been stalking through the bush and come across a deer standing directly away from him. he waited a bit then decided he couldnt wait any longer so he shot this thing up the ass. it took off at 100miles an hour and luckily a tree stopped it in its tracks. he got over there to find both back legs had big holes through them, who knows how that happened! he was so dissapointed he just left it in the bush. by now I was cracking up laughing at his expense. hadnt laughed so hard in such a long time. burnt my dinner and all! ahh id had a good afternoon afterall. haha over a year later and im still giving him stick
Posts: 735 | Location: New Zealand | Registered: 17 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Hey ... I took a texas heart shot at a feral goat. I should not have, in retrospect. I was using a hornet! But it did the job just fine. The 55gr bullet didn't quite make it to the heart but it did reach the boiler room - after smashing the hip joint and upper leg bone. I did think at the time, that the animal had already taken a hit from my companion so i was just trying to put it down but in fact he had missed!!??? Can happen. Maybe it moved as he sqeezed the trigger? I don't know.

Posts: 2518 | Location: New Zealand | Registered: 02 October 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by bartsche:
nillyHead shots seems to have had a rebirth! What can we get going on Texas Heart shots? Stories***Photos? stirroger

I've never taken one at anything ever. I think they aren't useful for anything but trophy hunters looking for shoulder mounts because they tend to ruin a LOT of meat. Some might say I find them "unethical." popcorn
Posts: 895 | Location: Republic of Texas | Registered: 02 October 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by bartsche:
...on Texas Heart shots? ...stirroger
We call them " Texas tom''' " shots where I come from. clap rotflmo clap
Posts: 9920 | Location: Carolinas, USA | Registered: 22 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Hot Core:
Originally posted by bartsche:
...on Texas Heart shots? ...stirroger
We call them " Texas tom''' " shots where I come from. clap rotflmo clap

Y'all are inaccurate, then. My shots tend to leave them bleeding from the head, ears, mouth etc, not their "hot core" aka "arsehole".

We call your posts "that mouthy dildo shot off his mouth" down here where I come from. If you need me, I'll be at the range practicing for the next head shot. Typing rubbish on the internet doesn't improve your shooting skills. Thousand + rounds a week does. You might give that some consideration and take it under advisement. Might even learn to take a proper head shot. But I doubt it. All keyboard commandawg and no brains.

Here's yer sign: diggin

China Express???

What's wrong with gory photos anyway?

Hunting is a blood sport, almost as much so as internet forums, perhaps? Big Grin
Posts: 895 | Location: Republic of Texas | Registered: 02 October 2007Reply With Quote
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FrownerAlmost hate to tell this one but it happened. Eeker Small mule deer buck looking away about 75yds. out. The terrain went up from my stand and stared down hill to where the deer was The rise in the middle hid most of the deer's legs. The animal was positioned so the head was just over his rear end. Holding at the neck head junction with the 25-06 IMP I let fly and the deer dropped ,like now. clap

When I got to it the deer was still alive trying to crawl away useing only his front legs.After dispatching him,I could find no wound what-so-ever. bewildered
It had been a perfect anal entry angleing up and breaking the spine half way up the length of his back. There was a lot of internal damage from the bullet coming apart. Not a great hunting bright spot and the taste of the meat from the adrenaline rush, wasn't so good either. That was about 40 years ago and was my last Texas heart shot. thumbdownroger

Old age is a high price to pay for maturity!!! Some never pay and some pay and never reap the reward. Wisdom comes with age! Sometimes age comes alone..
Posts: 10226 | Location: Temple City CA | Registered: 29 April 2003Reply With Quote
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I don't mind the Texas Heart Shot, but I don't hunt with all those high velocity bullets..I normally use a 30-06 with 180 or 200 gr. Noslers..The bullet goes into the heart lung are and into the neck or out..I clean the animal wash it out and I have no meat damage..I do the same on elk with a 300 gr. .338..

I don't particulary like to take a head shot because if your just a tad low you will break the jaw and it will run off and probably get away from you. The neck shot is also touchy in that respect...If conditions are perfect and I have a rest then I may or may not take a head or neck shot..but mostly I take a behind the shoulder shot and again a going away shot suits me it gets all the organs and kills quickly and if handled properly the meat will be untainted.

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
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Filer, Idaho, 83328
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I would take a headshot on deer but the animal must be looking away from me. That way it is dead or nothing. A little off on a profile shot could lead to an agonizing death and lost animal.
Posts: 9 | Registered: 05 September 2008Reply With Quote
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