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Moderators: Paul H
6.5 x 55 Swedish Mauser
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Picture of seafire2
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Dose anyone have any recommendations to try for loads on a 140gr bullet.

Take your pick:

40 grains of
IMR 4895
IMR 4064
RL 15

Want to 'work up' to something fast:

47.5 grains of H 4350 with bullet seated to magazine length.. or IMR 4350 also..

however work up from 44 grains... the 47.5 grains was from an old Speer manual from the 60s I have hiding somewhere around the house..

I use Rem 140 grain Corelokts with that load and seat the bullet to the first cannelure

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John Quincy Adams

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Picture of 303Guy
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Its also about a 10 minut drive from my place.
Oh my! .... You're in heaven already! Big Grin I may have mentioned already how jealous I am! Wink Hoo Boy! beer I'll bet you'r looking forward to getting your rebarrelled Swede back! (One day I am going to have to aquire one!)

Naw, its called taking care of it...
Well, I was just envious, anyway! Wink

Actually, I am very happy with what I have - I just enjoy seeing what treasures other folks have! thumb


Posts: 2518 | Location: New Zealand | Registered: 02 October 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of James Kain
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Actually, I am very happy with what I have - I just enjoy seeing what treasures other folks have! thumb

Actually, I am very happy with what I have - I just enjoy seeing what treasures other folks have! thumb

I know what you mean! Some things people do are wicked nice! others you wonder what they were thinking!

seafire2, I beleave I have about 50rds of varget in 140's with low powder charge, and another 50 with 160RN's but I dont remember off the top of my head what powder charge. when I m in my shop again I will take a look.

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Picture of 333_OKH
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Originally posted by James Kain:
Originally posted by 333_OKH:
I think the little Swede should be shot with the bullet weights and velocities it was designed for. I finally got to the 300 yard range recently and shot this group. Turns out it is a 305 yard range.

The cat is for scale. DD is 16 pounds. LOL

Damn nice shots for 300yds! sense I left the military I have yet to see a range over 300. There are not a lot of chances to make a range of that size with out removing a lot of land in my state. Looks like you live in a great part of the country.

We have a private range with a 25 100 and 305 yard targets. We are looking for a 425-450 on the adjacent property we have access to. I will not hunt past that range and only on calm conditions past 300.
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