Anyone had any experience with a Charles Daly chambered in .22 Hornet. I have heard mixed reviews about their scatterguns, but nothing about their centerfires. The price is right, but I am hesitant to invest without a little more info. Thanks in advance.
Reviews have the gun decidedly on the weak side. Too bad, because I'd like to try one, too, at the attractive price. If anyone has had a really positive experience, I'd like to hear from them.
Posts: 13337 | Location: Henly, TX, USA | Registered: 04 April 2001
quote:Originally posted by crowrifle: Anyone had any experience with a Charles Daly chambered in .22 Hornet. I have heard mixed reviews about their scatterguns, but nothing about their centerfires. The price is right, but I am hesitant to invest without a little more info. Thanks in advance.
I have no idea why you would even consider this an option when you have no purchase approval from your superior. You do not have authority to make these purchases let alone inquire about them. If your authoritive figure (your wife) knew about your doings here, Bandaid would not be able to supply enough bandaids to cover all the scuff marks on your wig head.
I looked at one at a gun show. It did not impress me. I have a C.Z. 527 in hornet that is just fantastic as far as accuracy. It groups any bullet under 55 grains into sub 1/2 minute. If you want a low dollar hornet I would try that little Brno s.s. break action they have for about $200
If there rifles are like there shotguns I wouldn't recomend buying it. The autoloader I have is junk and less then a year old. It broke, I sent it back and it is still broke.
I have never seen a .22 Hornet that shot well. I am not disputing Chuck on his "sub. 1/2 minute groups and I would like more details.
Most cartridges will shoot reasonable groups. The .22 Hornet has not been one of them. In particular handloads do not do well. I always felt that it had to do with the very thin wall necks.
Perhaps it's the reloading dies? That's a cartridge to avoid.
I have to agree with Chuck from Arkansas, My results have been good.CZ 527,LiL Gun, 3/4 moa the norm The Lee collet neck die is really wonderful with the thin necks on the Hornet. I am up to 8 or so loadings on my brass, and have not had to discard any yet. Take Care JessMan
I think this is a cartridge that you either love or hate, not much middle ground. I guess I have been lucky in that my Contender shoots so well that when I tell people they tend to roll their eyes and laugh. My only concern is that it loves WW680 and since it was discontinued it is getting difficult to find. I am down to my last two cans, but as miserly as those little cases are that should keep me going for a couple of years. I have always kept my loads well below max and as a result my brass seems to last forever. It will do anything my triple duece will do on the short side of 200 yards, but with half the noise and recoil. It is really fun to watch in the scope as those 40 grain Nosler BT's hit home, usually dismembering the crow I was aiming at. Find what your Hornet likes and I'll bet it becomes a favorite. My .22-250 and .222 seldom leave the safe these days.