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Best Bore Solvent Ever (?)
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I have used Hoppes #9, Butch's bore shine, & Sweets 7.62. I had one rifle that particularly had a lot of copper fouling in the barrel. After using all 3 of the fore mentioned products I tried Wipe out in the barrel that I thought was clean. It looked like blue ink running out the end of the barrel. I am convinced that Wipe out is the better product compared to the 3 I mentioned.
Posts: 527 | Location: Tennessee U.S.A. | Registered: 14 April 2005Reply With Quote
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WipeOut cannot be beat for copper fowling. I think I have tried them all.
Posts: 900 | Registered: 25 February 2009Reply With Quote
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Unless the bore cleaning is verified w/ a're guessing.

Copper is easy to remove.

Carbon is the difficult substance to remove.

Each barrel shoot different.

Each barrel cleans different.

Keep'em in the X ring,
Posts: 430 | Location: Fairbanks,AK. | Registered: 30 October 2008Reply With Quote
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I've tried very many solvents over the years. I won't mention all of them, but will touch on some others have mentioned.

The results with Butches, even in "good" barrels, was very disappointing.

I think barrels that clean up really well and easily are no real test anyway and many different products will appear to work really well.

Boretech Eliminator and Patch Out (a Wipe Out for patching) work very well and are low odour. I give Patch Out with Accelerator a slight edge. I think Wipe Out works well, by everything that I hear, but is unavailable here - no doubt due to shipping challenges - so I have no personal experience. If it is as good as Patch Out with a foaming base it should be a great choice.

I've used Forrest Bore Foam which also works very well. This really relates to the manner in which the solvent is delivered to the bore and brought into contact with the barrel steel - which is a challenge when patching. I oil after using the Forrest but on one occasion clearly not well enough as I experienced slight rust. Be extremely vigilant with oiling with most of the products, sometimes despite what the instructions say. This seems to be less of an issue with the first two mentioned products.

I realise that cleaning to bare steel is critical to some - Cortina says it is the only way to have your barrel the same as it was "last time". In other words if it is slightly coppered how do you have a consistent slightly? Nevertheless in most of my rifles I've seen little measurable need to always get to bare steel, but do get very close.

I didn't see this product mentioned, but these days I use mostly a Shooters Choice aerosol. I was given this Extreme Clean which has been replaced by the MC7 Extra Strength aerosol which I expect to be at least as good. I've bought some of the newer product, but the Extreme Clean can seems to last far longer than expected. It is not a true foaming bore cleaner but I spray it until it "foams" into the chamber and then hold the rifle muzzle down for a bit before placing it with barrel sloping towards the muzzle with something beneath to catch what runs out. Two or three of this with dwell time of around 15-20 minutes and I call it good. I patch out between applications and oil lightly afterwards. This has been great as it is fairly quick and very convenient and results seem very good inspected with a bore scope.

I'm not sure of the newer MC7 version but the Extreme Clean doesn't smell great. The instructions include brushing which I virtually never do. I need to try the new product to also see if it sort of foams up like the Extreme Clean, as I do see there is now also a Foaming Bore Cleaner from Shooters Choice. The Extreme Clean currently takes care of 90% of my bore cleaning in rifles.

For copper removal I have found Robla Solo Mil to be very good.
Posts: 692 | Location: JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA | Registered: 17 January 2013Reply With Quote
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Picture of JamesStambough
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I’ve been using birch wood Casey foaming bore cleaner for a few years. I purchased a low number 03 Springfield that’s been sporterized and decided to clean the barrel. After several attempts with shooters choice copper remover I was still getting green/blue patches. I took the action and barrel out of the stock and stood it on a rag then filled the barrel and chamber with the foam and left it overnight. The rag the next morning was soaked in blue residue. I swabbed out the barrel and filled it again with the same results. Third attempt got very little color to show. I only recently acquired a bore scope but the barrel, considering it’s age,looks very good.
Posts: 33 | Location: Eastern Kentucky  | Registered: 11 February 2022Reply With Quote
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