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Uganda with Lake Albert Safaris
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I just returned from a wonderful hunt with Bruce Martin and Lake Albert Safaris. Aside from a rather slow start thanks to Delta and KLM, everything about this hunt can only be described as spectacular.

Day 1 - I had a 3 hr layover in Atlanta to catch my fight to Amsterdam and on to Entebbe. KLM plane took off about 30 min late and we flew for maybe 15 min when the pilot announced he had problems and we were returning to Atlanta. Of course, there are no flights until the following day and I know my luggage will end up LOST.

Day 2 - Fly to Houston, then Amsterdam and arrive Entebbe about 2230. I've lost a day and of course, I have NO LUGGAGE when I arrive. Bruce's manager met me at the airport and we filed a missing luggage report, then drove into Kampala where I stayed at a very nice Hotel in downtown Kampala.

Day 3 - Had breakfast at the hotel and Bruce arrived. We loaded up and headed to Kabwoya on Lake Albert. Arrived early afternoon and Bruce was kind enough to loan me a Ruger Mod 77 and ammo in 300 Win. We sighted it in and still had a couple of hours of daylight so . . . There are literally thousands of Ugandan Kob at Kabwoya and I was having the time of my life looking at all of them. Then, about an hour before dark, Bruce's 15 yr old daughter, Robin, saw a nice Bushbuck and shouted "Daddy, Daddy, there's a rather nice Bushbuck on the right." After a 5 min stalk, the Bushbuck hid his head in a bush and presented a perfect shot opportunity, one that I could not pass up. Bruce's 300 with 180gr Accubonds was up to the task and the TX Heart shot put him down. Pics and high 5's whereupon we returned to the lodge for a sundowner and the first of many scrumptious meals.

Nile Bushbuck

Day 4 - Time to get serious about a good Kob. We had a leisurely breakfast and headed out. Saw tons of Kob, Baboons, Waterbuck, another smaller Bushbuck and tons more Kob. We were keeping our eyes peeled for a Buffalo but none were spotted, unusual I'm told. Again, Robin spotted an unusual Kob from the truck and we glassed him for several minutes before Bruce announced, "that is your Kob Pancho." I needed no further prompting and we immediately launched an unsuccessful stalk, just too many others in the way. We returned to the truck and made an end around and approached from the other side. Another unsuccessful foot stalk followed. Back to the truck and we followed casually until the one we wanted kind of distanced himself from the masses whereupon we launched another stalk, successful this time. About a 100 yd shot off the sticks and another perfect result from the Accubond. (In case you don't know, the Accubond is probably my favorite bullet and I felt fortunate that Bruce had some since I still didn't have my rifles, clothes or Ammo.) Shot right behind the shoulder, he wobbled off about 50 yds and was down for the count. Since the area where he went down was burnt, we transported him to a bluff overlooking Lake Albert where this picture was taken.

Ugsanda Kob

That afternoon we toured around Kabwoya just enjoying the wildlife and looking for the buffalo, again none were spotted but we did find where they had watered the evening before in a small stream on the north side. At dinner that evening, Bruce's business manager called to say my luggage would arrive that evening and he would send it out in the morning. I breathed a sigh of relief as my pants were starting to get a little ripe. I had extra shirts and underwear in my carryon but didn't think to put a pair of pants or shorts in. Lesson learned for my next trip.

Day 5 - Up early for coffee and another outstanding breakfast. Then a leisurely departure to look for the buffalo and maybe an East African Bush Duiker. We did spot several duikers that day but none presented a shot opportunity and I wasn't really that keen on taking one since I already have several other species of bush duikers. We did find a Kob that had been snared and Bruce asked me to put it out of it's misery which I did. The meat of this Kob was taken to a nearby Catholic Church that was setting up for a wedding and they seemed very appreciative of the fresh meat. Lunch at the lodge but my luggage wasn't there yet so we did another game drive that afternoon and enjoyed the beautiful scenery around Lake Albert. When we returned to the lodge that evening, my rifle case was there but my clothes and ammo were not. More choice words for Delta baggage handlers in Atlanta. Bruce was ever the consummate host and the evening meal was wonderful which mollified my sorrow a bit. He did inform me that he had some 375 ammo that another hunter had left behind so perhaps I could use my rifle after all.

A couple of pictures of Lake Albert Safari Lodge

Day 6 - An early start on our drive to Karinga Wildlife Reserve just south of Kidepo National Park. I had specifically asked to drive between hunting areas as I really enjoy seeing the countryside even though I lose some hunting time. Seeing the country is worth the pain of a long drive. We arrived in Karinga with enough time to sight my 375 in and then enjoy sundowners around the campfire before dinner. Using Bruce's ammo, 300 gr Barnes X, my rifle was perfect and no adjustment necessary.

Day 7 - Were out at daylight looking for buffalo. About 1/4 mi out of camp, we had a little go round with some elephant on the road but they were avoided. Bruce had told me they had several groups of bachelor bulls they wanted to look at and avoid the herds. Right away, we are into buffalo. Singles and small groups of 4 or 5. I'm used to buffalo living in thick brush and was pleased to learn that in Karinga the country is open and you can see for quite a ways. About 0830 we glassed a bull that I really liked. Deep corrugations in his boss and he looked pretty wide as well. However, Bruce didn't think he looked enough like a Nile Buffalo as his curls were a little deep. We discussed him and decided we could come back to him if we didn't find anything to our liking. Approximately an hour later, Charles the tracker spotted one from about a mile away. I looked with my binos and wondered how he could see it with out aid but I guess he lives there and knows what to look for. He did have amazing eyes though. We drove to within about a 1000 yds for a closer look and all agreed he was worth a stalk. We left the truck and approached to within about 500 yds where he came in the clear and we got a good look. Bruce liked him, I liked him, and Bruce said "I think that's your buffalo." We got some brush between us and him and approached easily within 100 yds without him or his buddies being aware of us. I selected a nice fork in a tree and used that for a rest and when the shot was clear, I shot him on the point of the shoulder and immediately followed that with another shot to the shoulder. When I came out of recoil from the 2nd shot, he was down. We approached carefully and when he kicked a bit, I paid the insurance and a beautiful bull was mine.

Nile Buffalo

We were back in camp by noon, ate lunch and then organized a game drive in Kidepo Park for the afternoon. I borrowed a pair of Bruce's shorts for the game drive so the staff could wash my pants. They were too small but I made do and had clean pants for the next day. Still no clothes - thank you Delta. I am glad we did this. Truly an amazing sight with game everywhere. Elephant, Zebra, Eland, Kob, Buffalo, and Hartebeast were sighted. The Sudanese Mainless Zebra was a new one for me.

Mainless Zebra

However, the most amazing sight was an entire valley filled with thousands of Buffalo grazing peacefully with Elephant mixed in.

Kidepo National Park

Day 8 - Off before daylight to drive to an area on the Kenya border purported to have lots of Geunthers Dik Dik. This was an animal I really wanted to hunt. I changed to solids for my 375 and it worked perfectly. About 9 am a nice male made the mistake of stopping for a second too long and my shot was true. What a beautiful little animal.

Geunther's Dik Dik

I couldn't help but kid Bruce a little by asking for a refund since it seemed all I was getting were 1/2 day hunts. Life don't get any better. That evening Bruce suggested we drive to Sesse Island and spend a few days looking for Sitatunga.

Day 9 - Drive from Karinga to Kampala where I again stayed in the Mediterranean Hotel and enjoyed a wonderful meal.

Day 10 thru 14 - We hunted on Sesse Island. The modus operandi is to position the hunter on a shooting lane and the beaters go into the swamps and attempt to drive them out for a shot opportunity. We hunted hard usually making at least 6 "pushes" per day. I was fortunate to see two different females but never saw a male Sitatunga. I've got to go back someday. Here's Bruce's camp on Sesse Island.

Sesse Island

The ferry boat to Sesse.

Lunch café at the equator

Sunset from my beach looking out over Lake Victoria.

Day 15 - Return to Entebbe, get a hot shower, a great meal, and off to the airport for the return home. The trip was too short. Uganda and Bruce Martin were wonderful. Delta airlines, not so much. I did finally receive my clothes and ammo on day 11. The return trip was uneventful and I was pleased that customs in Atlanta seemed much better organized and on the ball than on my previous trips.

I highly recommend Bruce Martin and Lake Albert Safaris. He is superbly well organized, has excellent facilities and hunting and has lived in Uganda for many years. I think he knows nearly everyone and everyone knows him. He maintains anti-poaching operations in his hunting areas and the game count and quality certainly show that his efforts are paying dividends. I've never experienced the numbers and quality of animals that I did on his concessions anywhere else in Africa.


"Participating in a gun buy-back program because you think that criminals have too many guns is like having yourself castrated because you think your neighbors have too many kids." Clint Eastwood

Give me Liberty or give me Corona.
Posts: 937 | Location: Roswell, NM | Registered: 02 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Great report, Pancho and great attitude I might add. Africa, where one always has to "make a plan".
Posts: 2749 | Registered: 10 March 2006Reply With Quote
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Great hunt and great report. Gotta put Uganda on the ol bucket list


Posts: 592 | Registered: 18 April 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of Fjold
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Great report, fascinating place.


"I don't know what there is about buffalo that frightens me so.....He looks like he hates you personally. He looks like you owe him money."
- Robert Ruark, Horn of the Hunter, 1953

NRA Life, SAF Life, CRPA Life, DRSS lite

Posts: 12690 | Location: Kentucky, USA | Registered: 30 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of bwanamrm
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Great report and some nice trophies! Travel today has become a real hassle. Glad you were able to make the best of it. I leave for Uganda in 10 days with a good hunting buddy. What were the temperatures while you were hunting? Thanks.

On the plains of hesitation lie the bleached bones of ten thousand, who on the dawn of victory lay down their weary heads resting, and there resting, died.

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Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch...
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Posts: 7557 | Location: Victoria, Texas | Registered: 30 March 2003Reply With Quote
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Thank you for the report. Great trophies!

Nice to see a report from Uganda.
Posts: 2624 | Location: Colorado | Registered: 26 May 2010Reply With Quote
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Picture of BaxterB
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Excellent. I just finished reading Brian Herne's Uganda Safaris and really enjoyed the contrast with Kenya/Tanzania/Zim. Glad to hear the hunting was good, they did a hell of a lot of hard work in the early days to get it going.
Posts: 7814 | Registered: 31 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Looks like a great trip despite Delta, glad the rifles finally showed back up. I have been there done that
Posts: 707 | Registered: 30 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Congrats on a great hunt! Some of your pics remind me of Maasailand. bwanamrm and I leave for Uganda on the 15th. Thanks for posting.
Posts: 1815 | Location: Sinton, Texas | Registered: 08 November 2006Reply With Quote
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Temps never above 90, never below 60. Only wore jacket in early mornings on Lake Vic.


"Participating in a gun buy-back program because you think that criminals have too many guns is like having yourself castrated because you think your neighbors have too many kids." Clint Eastwood

Give me Liberty or give me Corona.
Posts: 937 | Location: Roswell, NM | Registered: 02 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Very nice. Congratulations.
Beautiful trophies that old buffalo bull.
Posts: 744 | Location: Australia  | Registered: 31 October 2012Reply With Quote
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Great report, and pictures, thanks for taking the time. You took some fine animals! Congrats Pancho.
Posts: 563 | Location: texas | Registered: 29 March 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of fairgame
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Really good stuff and some nice trophies you took there. The Kob is a beast and the buff a beauty.

Thanks for posting that.

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Posts: 9948 | Location: Zambia | Registered: 10 April 2009Reply With Quote
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"The pearl of Africa." Fantastic!
Posts: 1981 | Location: South Dakota | Registered: 22 August 2004Reply With Quote
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great report. I love Uganda

Posts: 1421 | Location: northern italy | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Excellent report and nice trophies. Definitely a safari on my bucket list.


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