This crocodile was killed on Friday by one our clients at our concession in Mozambique. I don't have a lot of details as the location is very remote. I'll post more and update the picture with a larger one when I get it.
Posts: 131 | Location: London | Registered: 30 May 2012
In my view, taking a big crocodile is one of the most underrated hunts in Africa. I usually requires luck, stealth, patience, and a high degree of marksmanship.
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Posts: 105 | Location: Looking for the Southern Cross | Registered: 13 November 2003
i have taken a 14 ft and a 15 ft croc in 2 different areas of Moz- and i fully agree they are the most under-rated trophy in Africa. excellent eyesight, sense of smell, and hearing. plus a big croc will be 60 plus years old and knows every bush, tree, rock and plant in his habitat. absolute shot placement/ accuracy on a walnut sized target at distances out to 75-100 yards. their various senses will rival ANYTHING in Africa and they are never more than 2-3 yards from water.
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Posts: 13736 | Location: Georgia | Registered: 28 October 2006
Yes the Crock is the most under rated trophy in Africa and Mozambique is true old Africa beautiful country few paved roads. I got a 13.5 footer one that at Sena on the Zambezi in 2008. Congratulations
Posts: 920 | Location: Chico California | Registered: 02 May 2010