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Moderators: T.Carr
Father and son hunt with CMS
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Charlton McCallum Safaris
Dates: 1st October – 7th October 2014
Areas: Dande Safari Area & Dande North
Camps: Pedza Pasi ( Mururu & Matombo camp visited for lunch during hunting )
PH: Rich Tabor
Trackers: Norest & Tedius
Driver: Dube ( the Poacher )
Scouts: Ronald & Nauswa
Rifles: Blaser R8 Kilombero 375 HH & Blaser R8 Professional 300 Win Mag
Ammo: 375 HH Rem Mag Safari factory loads 300 gr Swift & RWS factory loads 300 gr solids & 300 WM Rem Mag Safari factory loads 200 gr Swift.

Months of waiting and planning, finally the day for departure for Zimbabwe and Zambezi Valley was there. This was my first real safari in the bush after hunted in South Africa game ranch in March 2012 and July 2014. After checking references, communicating a lot with Buzz & Co and some contact with PH Rich, I was extremely excited on what kind of hunt this would be. Not only for myself, but also for my 16 year old son ( 17 next week ) ! We had been warned about the heat and I was concerned about our reaction from the heat. I have hunted in many countries around the world, but always in cooler/cold climate. We were also warned about the hard walker PH Rich and that 7 days is somewhat too little to expect a lot of plainsgame etc etc. My son ( Sander ) have joined me for some moose and deer hunts back home as a little kid 7-9 years old. Then the “ years of reconstruction “ took him until he accompanied me on the 2012 South Africa trip and on a 2013 roe buck hunt in Europe. He enjoyed it very much and I enjoyed very much having him with me. The little boy was growing up :-) Makes a father proud !

For the first time Sander was carrying a rifle on his own on a hunt and for the first time in his life he was allowed to aim and kill an animal. For the last 2-3 months we had done a lot of shooting and practising hunting/shooting situations. This proved to be useful :-)

Departure from Oslo on the 28th of September. Flying SAA all the way to Harare made me hope that they checked all luggage including rifles to Harare. Yes – that was ok when checking in, but at the gate in Frankfurt trouble started. New luggage tags necessary according to officials due to no European Airline company is allowed to bring rifles/arms to Zimbabwe. That is the rule and you have to clear rifles with customs in Joburg. I hoped to avoid that. Not that it is a big problem, but time consuming instead of being in transit. I had prepared a SAPS 520 for the purpose just in case. What happened in Joburg ? SA police did not have my rifles and no one could give any information. We had to take the chance that they were put on the SAA direct flight to Harare when arriving in Joburg. Arriving in Harare 3 hours later everything was there including rifles. Makes you wonder what all the fuzz then was about ? It is Africa I guess !?

Met by Kirsty from CMS at the airport and taken to Amanzi Lodge in Harare for our first sleep over. I had invited Richard Harland to join us for dinner. That gentleman arrived and had dinner with us just the same way as we had been friends for many years. Richard was full of stories, not only hunting, but every aspect of a long life. I must say that the start of our Zimbabwe adventure could not have been better. A dinner to remember !

Next morning Kirsty picked us up and we met Charlie, the CMS camp manager. Charlie was going to do the drive from Harare to Pedza Pasi. Sander took the high backseat - not many 16 year old boys from Europe have been on the road in Zimbabwe for 5-6 hours on a Landcruiser with his blond hair waiwing in the wind. Kids along the roads danced and screamed a lot with big eyes when we passed through villages etc. Another thing; we were stopped on almost every police check point. New experience and Charlie lost the betting :-) The ride was nice, uneventful and finally we hit camp in the afternoon.

We settled in and tested the rifles before dinner. Rifles ok. Delicious dinner with Charlie and his wife and a young man called Sarge. We had a drink by the fire having the bush babies picking pop corn. Everything looked good for the upcoming hunt next morning. PH Rich would arrive from another camp later in the evening and we were to meet him in the morning. Two tired Europeans went to bed at 21.00 and were sleeping like babies at 21.15 !

Day 1
Up at 04.30. We met Rich and we had a talk about what to expect, conduct of hunt and
our priorities. I was to hunt buffalo and Sander plainsgame including one of the big ones ( kudu, zebra, eland ). My goal was that Sander had a good hunt and my buffalo was not that important even though I of course wanted to bag an old ugly buff. I was more interested in the hunt itself than the trophy and that my son had his first clean kill and a good time. My concerns proved to be fully confounded.

The hunt started. On the way to an area Rich wanted to check waterholes we spotted 2 groups of female elephants and one single young bull. One group had a big tuskless. Tracking started and we scared off some Klippspringers, but no buffalo was found. The heat was noticeable – about 45 degrees celsius and we drank a lot of water during those hours. In the evening I could feel that the heat took power out of the body. However, the heat did not feel too bad at all as we had a good breeze and dry air. This surprised me ! Maybe the warmest day during the hunt. Another nice surprise was that the temperatures during night came down to a level which made it comfortable to sleep. The Auzzies and Americans warning me must be chickens I thought ;-) ;-)

We had lunch in camp and met Buzz Charlton that had stopped by for saying hello and having lunch on his way to other business. Nice to meet Buzz after all emails back and forth. I had tempted Buzz with some Bolivar cigars from Cuba and that worked :-) He IS a cigar lover that man :-)

Day 2
We found tracks from 4 dagga boys down by the villages and the buff had gone into the jess bush. Rich thought they were heading for the hills. We followed. Another warm day, but I enjoyed it. The young man got a little impatient, but suddenly we winded the buffalo. We got close again and they took off. Once again we winded them and after nearly 4 hours tracking there was time for a break.

After the break we followed. Just few minutes later there they were. Sticks up, but I was not able to aim. Sticks moved, but I did not have the time to aim before they took off. Junior somewhat frustrated on behalf of his father. I, however, thought that this is just what I want and I was convinced that this would end with a dead buff some day.

Rich decided to have lunch in Matombo camp which was not too far away. On the way we crossed a dry river bed with very high grass. Suddenly the scouts shouted Bushbuck and there one was standing 100 meters away on a higher level close to the bush.
Sander out of the car, grabbed the 300 Win Mag Blaser and went after Rich. Oh my god I was excited glassing the Bushbuck hoping for him to stand still. Sander put the rifle in the sticks and finally fired. The Bushbuck jumped straight into the air and started spinning and took off. Trackers and Rich sprinted after, I jumped off the truck and followed Sander. He turned and asked in a worried matter; do you think I hit him ? Yup son – I think you hit him good based on that reaction I said. We followed the trackers and Rich into the bush – and there the Bushbuck was lying stone dead.

I am not able to explain my feelings in this moment. It was a mix – quiet we were standing there, looking at the Bushbuck, nothing said for a moment. My throat made me not able to speak properly. Then the big relief and excitement that Sander had killed his first animal ever and with one clean perfect shot. BIG smiles and handshakes :-) Holy smoke – Sander did it just as the book says ! A really happy team went back to truck for some photos. Sander smiled all the way and had it not been for the ears.... BIG hugs and some small tears in my eyes. Sander was emotional seeing me like that. A very happy and proud father I must say ! The hunt was a success already ... The rest would be just bonuses !

After lunch we made a visit to another area called the Mozambique Pan. Sander and Rich
went after baboon and a nice impala a couple of times, but no luck. Some more tracking in the afternoon for zebra, but we did not connect. Happy dinner and some good drinks in camp sent us early to bed !

Day 3
Rich wanted to check out the hills where the dagga boys from yesterday were heading. The trackers found spoor near one of the waterholes and we started tracking. Up into the hills the trackers suddenly observed the dagga boys lying down in the tall grass on the next hillside. I have never experienced tracking before and the trackers had me already starting to ask how they were able to do this – the days to follow would surprise me even more. The eyesight of these guys is phenomenal – I was truly amazed by the tracking and spotting abilities of Norest and Tedius.

Closing in Rich asked me if I could see the buff lying down. I could not see a thing. We moved very slowly and I started to see something. But just a big black shadow ! Suddenly we heard a lot of hooves running on ground. What was happening ? Rich moved again and I followed crawling an all 4. In a split second the buff was standing 20 meters away. Rich sprinted and put up the sticks – moved again and again and again and said shoot him. Put the rifle in the sticks while the big black buff was standing there looking at me on 20-25 meters. And then he took off before I was able to aim.

5 seconds more was all I needed, but the buff did not give me that. Junior impatient and frustrated again on behalf of his father. Why did you not shoot ?? I thought we were getting closer and I enjoyed the hunt. Rich and the trackers were doing a great job – it is just a matter of some more seconds and a bit more luck I told my son. This is hunting...

We went back to camp for lunch. In the afternoon we checked another area looking for buff tracks, but also zebra as Rich said that there could be a possibility too.

Not many minutes after leaving the car Norest stopped looking over some cliffs down below us. He urged Rich and Sander to move forward. Rich put up the sticks and Sander aimed and fired. On what I did not see ! It proved to be an old Klippspringer with two females. It took some time to locate the Klippspringer as he dived into some rocky caves. Finally the trackers were able to bring him out. Sander was smiling again and forgotten was the hours of tracking buff :-) The driver took care of the animal and we continued tracking. Lots of spoors, but no contact. Suddenly a female eland barked at us running away. Things happen quicly in the bush :-)

A happy team returned to camp for dinner and drinks. Being out all day hunting, this time of the day is something I enjoy very much. Around the fire, around the table or in the tent lying in sleeping bags summarizing the day, feel the muscles rest, enjoy something to eat and drink. Telling stories and jokes. Exchange previous hunting tales. My son was now a part of it and he really enjoyed it. He was starting to understand a little bit of his father’s passion for hunting.

Day 4
We searched an area for tracks that we had not been in before. We found a couple of big herds of buffalo. No big bulls – just young ones, but it was exciting to get close and glass and listen to the sounds from the herds.

No success on plains game either during this day. Junior getting more impatient about his father not getting the shot at an old bull.

Day 5
Rich wanted to go back to same area as day 2. The trackers found fresh tracks in the morning that headed for the jess bush again. Tracking started and in not many minutes Tedius spotted something and we made a big turn in the jess. After 10 minutes he pointed at something in the jess thick as hell even though all leaves were on the ground. We crawled on all 4 and Rich put up the sticks. I did not see a shit ! He is lying down Rich said. Ok, but I do not see anything. We moved a little bit and suddenly the buff stood up. I saw him but were not able to find a hole in the jess. Rich made me crawl on all 4 again, but when we stood up again the buff was gone. I did not hear him leave. It was 4 of them I was told. For sure ... ;-)

Started tracking again and connected. I saw them better this time and sticks up. Same shit – too many branches. Moved sticks, but they took off. Rich calmy explained the technique about hunting in the jess... For sure – me used to hunt in the mountains and shooting distances from 100 to 500 meters...

Tracking again and we winded them. More tracking and lost tracks. Found tracks of a herd. Made a big turn and found tracks again showing that the 4 dagga boys had joined the herd. We followed. Not long after Tedius pointed – the herd was spooked. We slowed a little bit down and followed slowly. Getting over a small hill and suddenly a big bull was standing there. Sticks up in a hurry and BANG. It happens so quickly so I am somewhat unsure about the shot. The bull took off and the herd in the opposite direction. Norest climbed in a hurry a three and spotted the bull running/walking to the left away from us. We sprinted after and sticks up again. No good. After again and sticks up again. Waited for him to pass a three and BANG again. This time a solid and heard it hit. The bull started running again and we followed. The bull slowed down and sticks up again. Third shot a solid and put him down for good. Took his neck spine. The death belly sound started. Thumbs up :-) We walked up to him and Rich requested a shot no 4 in the heart. The bull was mine !

All shots in the lounges, but first one 7-8 inches too high according to Rich. “ But you hit him hard on the first one and that made him leave the herd and slowed him enough for us to close the gap “

Junior came running excited like hell – eventually his old father did it :-) He was as happy as I was. Man... this was a real hunt. I could not ask for more. Everything was perfect ! Day 5 of 7 was perfect !

We enjoyed the next one and a half hour waiting for the guys cutting bush road and loading the bull on the back of the truck. Photos were taken. We were laughing and smiling a lot. A dream came through !

No more hunting that day. We headed back to camp for a celebrating drink, a nap and early dinner.

Day 6
This turned out to be Sanders big day.

We headed back in the morning to the hills for tracking zebra. Before the truck started climbing the hills we came across several groups of impala and kudu and some baboon in a dry riverbed below us. Rich and Sander left the car and after a while Sander made a 150 meter shot on an impala bringing him down with one neck shot. Maybe a lucky shot, but the lad was doing very well. Big smiles again :-)

Tracking zebra did not bring any success, but we were close. Sticks were up, but some branches and angle made it a difficult shot. Then the herd spooked and we followed. The trackers saw them, but we halted after 3 hours.

Back to camp for lunch. In the afternoon we were on the road again. After a while the trackers spotted some baboons also in a dry riverbed. Rich and Sander took off and Sander bagged a decent baboon.

After photos we carried on and started tracking in a new area. After a short while Tedius saw some “ stripes in the bush “ and there the zebras were. The stalk started and after several long minutes Sander were able to aim and shoot. A big herd of zebra took off, but one were limping. 2 more shots and it was down – a big stallion. Holy smoke – 3 PG in one day for a rookie is not bad. Big smiles and we all knew that the hunt was over. In the evening of day 6 ! Photos, bush road cutting and enjoying the sunset in the evening.

No early hunt next day – we wanted to have a looong morning :-) Rich did not make any protests :-)

In the same area we came across some poachers. Mopane Flies Poachers and we arrested them with all their equipment. They were taken into custody by Ronald – the AK 47 guy. Further fate unknown at this date !

Day 7
During the night lots of buffalos was in camp. Exciting listening to the sounds from the herd. This was the third night we woke up to lots of buffalo tracks outside our chalet.

PH Alan Shearing came to camp on the evening on day 6. He waited for a Russian client hunting elephant and Buffalo. Sergej arrived early by charter and proved to be a nice guy speaking good English. I have previously hunted in several former Sovietunion states and as Norway have been bordering todays Russa since World War II we had no problem finding issues to talk about. Alan, as rest of the CMS team, contributes to a smiling camp. Alan is probably the CMS guide that has guided most Scandinavian clients.

Looked for some baboon in the afternoon, but I missed and hit a three instead. Bad shooting – my son was a bit cocky :-) We did some driving and looking, but no serious hunting. Came across some female elephants with babies.

Day 8
Up at 03.30 and off in the truck towards Harare at 04.15. Rich drove us back and we visited Buzz at his factory to say goodbye.

Time to summarize this safari adventure; I cannot say how satisfied I was with this hunt. The hunt itself, the people, the food and camp etc met every expectations I had before arriving. The people took very good care of Sander and me. Sander was a bit worried before leaving home about how he as a 16 year old would fit in a hunting camp like this. He told me on the way home that he never felt as an outsider and he was very pleased feeling that he was as important as a guest like his father.

The hunt was exactly as I wanted it to be. We coped with the heat and the pace, even though I am sure that Rich adjusted his pace to fit our abilities. Sander had the time of his life as a first time hunter. I am extremely pleased to observe that as a father. I am impressed how Rich and trackers worked and put us patiently into position for good shots. There is only one thing to do; plan the next hunt with Rich and his team !

My sincere thanks to the CMS team !


The more I know, the less I wonder !
Posts: 1145 | Location: Oslo area, Norway | Registered: 26 June 2013Reply With Quote
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Congratulations on your hunt! Very nice buff.Nice pic at the table with the river in the background.Nice bushbuck too.
Posts: 11651 | Location: Montreal | Registered: 07 November 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of fairgame
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Great hunt and report. The buff is a beauty and nice spread.

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Posts: 10096 | Location: Zambia | Registered: 10 April 2009Reply With Quote
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Congratulations to you and your son! Thank you for the great hunting report.
Posts: 238 | Registered: 19 August 2014Reply With Quote
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What a great report and terrific pics. Thanks for posting.
Posts: 477 | Location: Arizona | Registered: 21 July 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of Nakihunter
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Congratulations on a great hunt. Thanks for sharing.

"When the wind stops....start rowing. When the wind starts, get the sail up quick."
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Father/Son hunt can't be beat!!! tu2
Congratulations and all well-composed shots and wonderful report...Thanks for sharing!
Posts: 3430 | Registered: 24 February 2007Reply With Quote
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Morten and Sander and the CM crew,

What a great safari !!!!! Congratulations on a very busy and successful 7 days of hunting indeed.

I look forward to when I can do this same hunt with my son as well!!!(14 years and counting)

The experience would no doubt be priceless.

That buff of yours is fantastic Morten.

Now you are both hooked,I think Tuskless for dad with his double and a buff for Sander
In 2015!


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Picture of Fjold
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Great report! You can't beat a family hunt!


"I don't know what there is about buffalo that frightens me so.....He looks like he hates you personally. He looks like you owe him money."
- Robert Ruark, Horn of the Hunter, 1953

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Great report, photos, and trophies. Congrats.
Posts: 3720 | Registered: 03 March 2005Reply With Quote
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It is the hunt and it sounds like you had a great one. A special time with your son.

Some very nice trohies by the way.
Posts: 10750 | Location: Houston, Texas | Registered: 26 December 2005Reply With Quote
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congratulations great hunt outstanding report thanks for sharing
Posts: 920 | Location: Chico California | Registered: 02 May 2010Reply With Quote
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Picture of Torbjørn
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Great report and a fantastic buff! Congrats to both you and your son Morten.

Posts: 315 | Location: Norway | Registered: 17 April 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of Highlander7
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Congrats on a great father/son hunt! Thanks for sharing!

MSG, USA (Ret.) Armor
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i hope one day to have my son do something similar hell of a first pg game safari for him and you well done
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Picture of Charles_Helm
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Posts: 8773 | Location: Republic of Texas | Registered: 24 April 2004Reply With Quote
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Great report and thanks for sharing, nice trophies "in the salt".
Great that you did bring your son and he was very successful at the hunt, very important that the hunters fore the future are given a chance like this!

Terje Kvestad
Posts: 59 | Location: Kongsberg ,Norway | Registered: 05 November 2006Reply With Quote
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Well Done.

Rich and crew are the real deal!
Posts: 1858 | Location: Sinton, Texas | Registered: 08 November 2006Reply With Quote
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Morten and Sander.

Congratulations on some fine trophies taken and a fine written report that easily tell of a hunt to be remembered.

Kind regards
Posts: 215 | Location: Denmark | Registered: 13 December 2010Reply With Quote
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Congratulations on your fine trophies, but more so on your experience. Your son's smiles say it all! I had a head of hair like that, once, a looong time ago...
Posts: 1981 | Location: South Dakota | Registered: 22 August 2004Reply With Quote
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Thanks all for your nice comments. To you that plan or hope to do something like this with your son or daughter; I certainly hope you find the time and the money to do it. It is worth every penny.

The only " problem " is that the young ones want to come back. Doubles the bill Wink However, my son has promised Rich that he will be back paying for his father Big Grin In the mean time some plans are made.....


The more I know, the less I wonder !
Posts: 1145 | Location: Oslo area, Norway | Registered: 26 June 2013Reply With Quote
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Nice hunt! Thanks for sharing!
Posts: 637 | Location: Moscow, Russia | Registered: 13 March 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of MJines
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Congratulations Morten. I am glad that your hunt turned out to be every bit of the experience that you wanted it to be. Well done.

Posts: 22245 | Registered: 03 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Grattis Morten Smiler

Really happy that your hunt turned out as a great adventure !!
Posts: 1092 | Location: Norway | Registered: 08 June 2012Reply With Quote
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Picture of Thierry Labat
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Well done. Glad the trip lived up to your expectations. Rich is not a man of many words, but he is as good a PH as any out there.
Posts: 644 | Location: Zimbabwe | Registered: 10 August 2012Reply With Quote
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In fact Rich talks a lot when it is " talking-time". He is quiet when it is " quiet-time". We really enjoyed that !


The more I know, the less I wonder !
Posts: 1145 | Location: Oslo area, Norway | Registered: 26 June 2013Reply With Quote
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Picture of Charlie64
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Father and son or in fact any family hunt is always something very special. Congrats and thanks for sharing !


"Up the ladders and down the snakes!"
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IPSC-FAT -argentine shooting federation cred number2-
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Picture of eagle27
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Thanks for a great report and photos, love to do that one day with one of my sons that does hunt.

Just curious, I've noticed in some safari photos that outfitter branded shirts and hats are worn by clients, do the outfitters provide clothing or is it available for purchase?
Posts: 3980 | Location: Rolleston, Christchurch, New Zealand | Registered: 03 August 2009Reply With Quote
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Congratulations!!! I really enjoyed your adventure. Thank you for sharing.
Posts: 199 | Location: Douglas, Wyoming | Registered: 14 August 2006Reply With Quote
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CMS and Bwana Tabor are the best.

Posts: 2859 | Location: FL | Registered: 18 September 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by eagle27:
Thanks for a great report and photos, love to do that one day with one of my sons that does hunt.

Just curious, I've noticed in some safari photos that outfitter branded shirts and hats are worn by clients, do the outfitters provide clothing or is it available for purchase?

Provided by CMS :-)

The more I know, the less I wonder !
Posts: 1145 | Location: Oslo area, Norway | Registered: 26 June 2013Reply With Quote
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Would be hard to beat a father son hunt and happy you were fortunate enough to experience!

Great job
Posts: 628 | Location: Manitoba, Canada | Registered: 10 September 2013Reply With Quote
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Congratulations on a great adventure with your son.


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Congratulations on a great hunt with Sander, Rich and his team, and thanks for the fantastic report. Reading it almost put me there!


Free 500grains
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Originally posted by JPK:

Congratulations on a great hunt with Sander, Rich and his team, and thanks for the fantastic report. Reading it almost put me there!



you and your son are next Wink


The more I know, the less I wonder !
Posts: 1145 | Location: Oslo area, Norway | Registered: 26 June 2013Reply With Quote
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Gratulerer med fine dyr og en flott tur Smiler

Rauma Hunting and Fishing Safaris
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Great report, Morten! thanks for sharing. jorge

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A fabulous and obviously heart felt report - well done.
Now get back and do it again !
Posts: 559 | Location: UK | Registered: 17 November 2006Reply With Quote
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Gratulerer med en fin tur og flott böffel... Smiler

Noe nytt om VCn...??

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