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Moderators: T.Carr
Re: CZ Rifles
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A Cz rifle in those calibers are about 8-900$ here in Europe (Denmark and Germany) so Yes the price is right.
CZ builds their Magnum rifles on a Mauser 98 Magnum action, somewhat the same as H&H if it is polished it will be some of the best Africa actions you can get.
One feature that can show to be an advantage is "controlled feed", which comes in handy if you are running while rechambering. (it will feed a new round while upside down. Try it yourself)
Only downsides are poor stock, Ugly too and a poor trigger.

Have fun
Posts: 389 | Location: Denmark | Registered: 05 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Poor stock? Ugly? bad trigger?

You must be talking about a different gun. The CZ 375 that I have has a nice strong walnut stock that fits me wonderfully. The factory epoxy finnish is not the prettiest, but this is easy to rectify if one so wishes. The gun looks beautiful to me! I have mine hangin on the wall of my reloading room. I LOVE THE HOGBACK STOCK! It is also very accurate which in turn increases its attractiveness.
The trigger is much better to me than a ruger or Winchester trigger. It can easily be adjusted for weight, overtravel and creep. All you need is a set of metric ignition wrenches. The set trigger may not be needed or prefered by some, but I like it. If one does not like it all one has to do is disengage it or forget about it.

I guess everyone has their own opinion of these rifles, and all are entitled to their opinions.
If I were to badmouth this gun it would be because of the rough action. But then again even that can be fixed either by gunsmith or years of use.

I think I paid $690 for mine. I think the price will only get higher on these rifles. Get them while you can afford them.

Posts: 355 | Location: Baton Rouge, LA | Registered: 07 August 2003Reply With Quote
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The cz is a sub standard piece of crap,they have rough crappy actions,forget the ruger too.You get what you pay for.The cz will jam as quickly as a cheap auto pistol.Try a model 70,yes it cost more.
Posts: 590 | Location: Georgia pine country | Registered: 21 October 2003Reply With Quote
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My CZ 452 sub standard sack of crap in .22 mag shoots 5-shot groups consistently less than 1 MOA. What does the Winchester have to offer?
Posts: 93 | Location: Magnolia, TX | Registered: 04 November 2003Reply With Quote
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Wow ... that's a strong and uncommon opinion around here.

I have two CZ rifles ... a 550 Safari Magnum in .416 Rigby, and a 550 American in 9.3 x 62. The .416 has had a lot of work done to it ... the big caliber gun is a good starting point for a fine rifle. The 9.3 is stock and works beautifully as is.

I also have a nice pre64 M70 that has been worked heavily. Yup, I like it a lot. But there's no way you can do that much to one and not spend two to three times as much as you'd spend on a worked CZ.

Great if you can afford it ... but most of us can't have everything that would be fun!
Posts: 6199 | Location: Charleston, WV | Registered: 31 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Nitroman
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I wanted a ZKK-602 in .375 bad enough that I bought aqnd imported one from a fellow in Kamloops British Columbia! That was exciting.

I do not like the look or feel of the CZ-550 stock, it is bulky compared to the ZKK which is a thinner, more elegant stock.

I know I really love mine. I even have the funny looking set trigger on it too.
Posts: 1844 | Location: Southwest Alaska | Registered: 28 February 2001Reply With Quote
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I can accept someone's opinion even when it differs from my own if the individual qualifies his or her statements through extensive use and observation. What I find offensive is someone who comes out with a blanket statement because he has a third cousin, who had a college buddy, whose father knew a factory worker whose boss happened to be at the range one day and saw someone having probelms with a rifle, therefore, all rifles of that make are "crap." CZ rifles have gained a following on these boards and to be sure, there have to be some CZ rifles which are lemons, there are such cases in every make of rifles. I see a vast majority of folks who buy CZs singing praise rather than lamblasting them. The same cannot be said for Remington, Ruger and Winchesters. I own two CZs, one a 527 Lux in .223 and the other a CZ 550 American in 7x57mm. Both are exceptional shooters, the actions are smooth and the wood on them is far, far above what I see on the standard grades of the big three American arms makers. I just wish I had the money to buy more CZs. All this doesn't mean one damn thing. Just a few ramblings from someone who owns CZs, owns Savage, Remington, Winchester and for years and years bought Rugers. Notice I did not say the other rifle manufacturers turned out "crap." Notice that I did say that I just wish I had more money to buy CZs. Thanks for letting me ramble ... Tom Purdom
Posts: 499 | Location: Eudora, Ks. | Registered: 15 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Posts: 7857 | Registered: 16 August 2000Reply With Quote
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Hold the presses. Just talked to my bud in Atlanta, Phil Thompson of the Gun Shop/CZ Connection. He said he got in some of the 550 American Mags. The quality sucked and he returned them to CZ. Guess they on the market. There is a gun show at the Lawrenceville fair grounds this weekend, not too far from the SCI meeting. Phil will be there and can elaborate. Might be worthwhile. Bob
Posts: 371 | Location: Florida | Registered: 25 April 2003Reply With Quote
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7x57 I agree with you, I've got some of each CZ.,REM.,Win,Ruger,and others--some needed a little "attention",some did not;I like them all.I kill game with all of them.
Posts: 202 | Location: davenport, iowa | Registered: 31 January 2003Reply With Quote
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I have one of the "Ugly guns with the ugly trigger" and it shoots marvelously. It's kinda heavy but so what. I also have 7 or 8 other CZ's and I love 'em all. You know what? I also have a Winchester Model 70 in the same caliber, and a Remington. The Winchester made a trip to Africa with the previous owner. It's a decent rifle but the CZ goes with me. I like the ZKK stock and the Lux stock too. Differ'nt strokes!
Posts: 1275 | Location: Fla | Registered: 16 March 2001Reply With Quote
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The cz is a sub standard piece of crap,they have rough crappy actions,forget the ruger too.You get what you pay for.The cz will jam as quickly as a cheap auto pistol.Try a model 70,yes it cost more.

Couldnt be happier with my own CZ�s. One is a ZKK-601 in 308W that groups sub to 1.5 MOA depending on loads, the other one is a CZ-550 in 270W that groups 0.7 MOA on a good day.
Both guns have smooth actions and have good looking wood.

Posts: 392 | Location: Insula Thule | Registered: 03 January 2003Reply With Quote
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Dr.Duc; One of my favorites is a 9.3 x 62 with the Lux stock and a German made Doctor 3x9 scope, very cool looking. Killed an elk with it in November.
Posts: 202 | Location: davenport, iowa | Registered: 31 January 2003Reply With Quote
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I have a Lux in 9.3 also. I took it to Africa last year and generally impressed everybody around with the performance and accuracy ( I don't mean my shooting but the rifle's capability). MY PH (David Thomas) was very favorably impressed and said he'd take one against anything in Africa if the need arose. My Bwana Companion ( he's made 7 trips now) took a 9.3 and 338 Win also. After the first day the 338 stayed in the case. There are more finely finished rifles and quite honestly if I were using a CZ as a DGR I'd want a little fine tuning, but as an off the shelf-take it with you as is rifle, it has no equal.
I bought a ZKK from Nickudu in 458 Lott and love it. I have a ZKK in 450 Dakota that stays in the closet. It falls into Ray's "flinch quotient" zone. The 416 is a good shooter with an acceptable recoil. I did 20 rounds from the bench one afternoon with the Dakota and decided it was not what I wanted. (Before I discovered standing and shooting from sticks.
I bought my first CZ in 1989 and have been accumulating them since. I'm trying to justify a 9.3x64 I just saw for sale.
Posts: 1275 | Location: Fla | Registered: 16 March 2001Reply With Quote
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I second the opinion about the 9.3 cz lux I have on and it is great cz's are in my opinion the best value out there !!
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of JudgeG
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I have over and over bought the junky things. I have an inaccurate 527 FS in .223 that will only shoot 3/8th", another 527 in 7.62/39 (a 3/4" rifle) and a 9.3x62 FS that shoots 1.2" with 300 grain A-Frames at 2400fps.. Oh, yeah! I forgot my Lux .375 H&H that had such pretty wood that I had it re-shaped, re-checkered, etc... two buff in Africa with the piece of crap this past August.. And I have a .458 Lott American on order.

The constant failure of the rifles is remarkable????
Posts: 7878 | Location: GA | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Ain't it amazing how such junk sells to people who should know better? Just shows how really gullible the American Sportsman is. Put a piece of steel out that resembles rifle and they'll buy it.
Posts: 1275 | Location: Fla | Registered: 16 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Donato, here is a picture of my CZ 375 along with a few boxes of solids that I got from a dealers clearance rack for $14 per box.

Posts: 355 | Location: Baton Rouge, LA | Registered: 07 August 2003Reply With Quote
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I also have a 9.3x62, has better wood than any comparable American gun, shoots less than one inch with the first load I worked up for it, is reasonaly smooth. Great caliber and rifle for the money. Don't poke fun at the Rugers either, they work as well.
Posts: 2788 | Location: gallatin, mo usa | Registered: 10 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Posts: 7857 | Registered: 16 August 2000Reply With Quote
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Picture of fla3006
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I think he's being facetious. I like this junk too, although I've sold off a few pieces lately as I approach retirement. I'm down to two ZKKs (601 in 223, 602 in 375), two 21-Hs (7x57 & 8x57) and thirteen ZG-47s. Only other factory rifles I like as well are Oberndorfs, FNs and a few other European commercial Mausers.
Posts: 9487 | Location: Texas Hill Country | Registered: 11 January 2002Reply With Quote
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Alf, read Dr. Duc's first post. These rifles are not junk by any definition.

Posts: 355 | Location: Baton Rouge, LA | Registered: 07 August 2003Reply With Quote
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I have owned and used a Brno-602 in .375, two 21-Hs in 7x57,four ZKKs in both 7x57 and .308, a 22-H "roundbolt" now re-chambered to .280 Rem. and two ZG-47s. The conditions are pretty tough on rifles here in B.C. and I will flatly state that the ZG-47s are the best rifles I have ever owned, period. For comparision, I have owned and used 32 Pre-64 Mod. 70s, a Dakota 76, minty Mannlicher-Schoenauers, FN Mausers and on and on....

I would not hesitate to buy any CZ rifle, although some production runs are better than others. As a working DGR, the CZ-550 with a little tweaking is about as good as it gets, IMO. I love fine custom rifles as much as anyone, but, when you are in and out of aircraft, boats and on and off hayburners constantly, a beeutiful stock is just a waste of money. In Grizzly country-and I have spent 40+ yrs. there-a six shot, CRF, reliable .375H&H rifle is superior to any pretty toy.

I must say that I am a bit jealous of anyone who owns thirteen ZG-47s, especially if he has one in 9.3x62!
Posts: 619 | Registered: 18 December 2003Reply With Quote
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"especially if he has one in 9.3x62"

I'm still looking for one. Mine are 270, 7x57, 30-06, & 8x57. The ZG is my all time favorite bolt action rifle too. Don't see them very often, most of mine came from Canada.
Posts: 9487 | Location: Texas Hill Country | Registered: 11 January 2002Reply With Quote
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Are you perchance, the chap who bought a full-stock 7x57 from my old friend, the late Austin Moorecroft, some years ago?
Posts: 619 | Registered: 18 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Unfortunately he did not offer that one to me. I did buy 2 other ZGs from Austin however, a 30-06 that came from one of his neighbors and another that had been rebarreled to 280 Ackley. He also had one with a factory carved stock I would like to have purchased. Austin was quite a wildcatter.
Posts: 9487 | Location: Texas Hill Country | Registered: 11 January 2002Reply With Quote
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Don't know about the 550 CZ's in the magnum calibers. But my 527 Varmint in 17 Rem just shot a .3" 5 shot at 100 off a waded up coat on the ground. I like the 25g bullet at 4080fps too So if you have any of those POS I'll take em off your hands, all you'll have to do is pay shipping and your problems will be over!
Posts: 439 | Location: USA | Registered: 01 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Ah yes Johan, A Blaser salesman must have run off with your wife. Open your eyes. I bought a CZ the other day. What a dissapointment. But I can be objective. The trigger is very nice and the accuracy is acceptable. The bolt on mine will not come to the rear far enough to eject the shell until the fourth or fifth try. The scope mounts that come with the gun are two high. The stock doesn't fit worth a damn. Overall I would rate it a substandard gun as it comes from the factory. Never had any of these problems with my Blasers.
Posts: 1557 | Location: Texas | Registered: 26 July 2003Reply With Quote
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For some unknown reason cz rifles are quite often the first and last things that are on my mind each day I am addicted to them I have 5 and I would like to own another 5
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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M16: Sorry that you seem to have gotten a lemon, not uncommon in american firearms either to be fair. The reason for the scope mounts being as high as they are is that if you will look when you open the bolt, the safey lug in the rear attached to the bolt handle just barely clears my scopes eye piece. I do not find this to be a make or break problem, all the bla, bla, bla of mounting your objective within an sixteenth of an inch of the barrel I find is coming from people who need an excuse for their poor shooting skills. My CZ's bolt was a little on the ruff side when new, but now that I have worked it a hundred times or so and have a couple hundred rnds down it, its smooth as can be. The accuracy is far from substandard, it out shoots every Remington I've ever owned except my PSS LTR in 223 which shoots with the CZ not better and I'm here to tell you right now that the PSS cost ALOT more. The wood finish on mine and everyother one I've seen is as good or most of the time better than the Win, Rem's. So you got a lemon, get rid of it, but I wouldn't write off the CZ's your opinion is by a landslide a minority.
Posts: 439 | Location: USA | Registered: 01 December 2003Reply With Quote

Ah yes Johan, A Blaser salesman must have run off with your wife. Open your eyes. Never had any of these problems with my Blasers.

I'm soo sorry that I insulted your IKEA concept rifle. I owned a blaser R-93, most likely before you knew what it was? It was a complete scandal and a piece of crap. Talk about a substandard piece of equipment A Brno will have better saftey and gas handleing than the blaser R-93.

Now regarding wifes. I'm not married, soo I'm the one that should be running off with the salesman's wife, or preferably his 18 year old daughter

I doubt that you ever have owned a Brno Zg-47, Brno model 21 or 22. I have heard mostly good things about the 550. But I'm sure that they made a few that wasn't perfect.

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I am the very happy owner of a CZ 550 in 375 H+H Magnum.

I have brought it to Botswana once, and to Sweden twice. It is very accurate with my handloads (never tried factory loads in it), the bolt woks very smooth and the trigger is acceptable when one gets used to it.

The only bad thing to say about this rifle is the stock! The stock is simply to weak, and it broke because of the recoil while I was in Botswana. Now it is replaced by a McMillan fiber stock, and actually this stock "feels better" on the rifle.
Posts: 44 | Location: Denmark | Registered: 28 July 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Michael Robinson
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CZ makes a fine rifle.

Here are the improvements needed:

1. Three position safety on the shroud (Wisner makes one).
2. Better trigger (Wisner also makes one of these).
3. Remove billboard on action side.
4. Straighten the bolt and fill the hole in the bolt handle.
5. Put two conventional cross bolts in the stock (one behind the action lug and another behind the magazine) and get rid of that weirdly placed one at the top rear of the action.
6. Put a classic stock on it.
7. Glass bed the action and barrel recoil lug.

Man, they would sell like hot cakes if only CZ would do these things. Not that they don't already sell pretty well.
Posts: 13993 | Location: New England | Registered: 06 June 2003Reply With Quote
Good list of modifications. I would like to ad a trigger unit that will be mauser 98 compatible. A genuine mauser 98 bolt release would be nice. I like "bill board" suitable name

Perhaps we shall send them a list?

Some more classic calibers would be nice. 404, 500 Jeffery and 450 Rigby rimless
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I have to agree, I have found the CZ rifles to be superb and the Blaser 93 is an insult to the great German tradition of rifle making. I own, as I have said, 2 ZG-47s, a 21-H and a 22-H; these are better rifles than my Dakota 76 and are the best regular production rifles I have ever used or seen. I have more than 30 fine rifles now, but, I will always buy any ZG-47 that comes up for sale, nothing but nothing is a sound a working, hunting rifle as these.
Posts: 619 | Registered: 18 December 2003Reply With Quote
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M-16 Sorry you had bad vibes from your CZ. Ya musta tried to pull that bolt straght back like your arsenal of Blasers. I just returned from SCI in Reno where I met Jim Brockmam. Jim is going to build me a .375 H&H CZ with in one of his laminated stocks. I am really loking froward to getting it and learning a little more about bigger bore rifles. If you want to unload that CZ cheap let me know. Wonder if our friend in Idaho still tickles Ole Leon? By the way I think that a Blaser in .375 with a 7MM switch bbl would make a real interesting Africa combo. Take care, Art
Posts: 188 | Location: Northern, Tennesse | Registered: 19 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Hello Art! I heard Ray had an operation. I hope he is doing well. That custom CZ you are having built sounds like a real winner. I think with a little valve grinding compound mine will be okay. I just finished up the deer season here and am at my place on the coast trying to transition to fishing. I hope everything is going well for you.
Posts: 1557 | Location: Texas | Registered: 26 July 2003Reply With Quote
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My son and I went to RSA in 2002. Before going we went to the range with a Ruger 77 in 338 Win Mag and a Husky 9.3 x 62.
The Ruger and the Husky both have the same stock deminsions and weigh within one ounce of each other. The 338 with factory Federal even as low as 210 grns. beat the hell out of us as compared to the 286 grn. Norma factory stuff and the 338 would not group as well. We left the 338 and took the 9.3. It worked like a charm teamed with our 30/06.
The downside was upon our return I had to buy a CZ in 9.3 x 62 so I could get my son's hot hands off my Husky! The CZ has yet to go on a hunt but it shoots great right out of the box. It had a minor burr on the underside at the rear of the receiver and once I filed that off with a small file the action is nice and smooth. I think we have a good bang for our buck spent. I would like the stock forearm to be a bit rounder and slimmer but that is just personal taste.
I also have 6 of the old Brno ZKW 465 Hornets dating from 1949 to 1962. All I know about them is that someone is always wanting to buy those great little pcs. of "junk". Needless to say, I am not a willing seller.
I like the CZ and the Brno's as much as I like my beloved Pre 1972 Sakos and my two Huskys in 9.3 and 30/06, and that is saying a lot.
I can not go along with the CZ being a POS as one poster claims. Oh, I like Ford over Chevy and I am driving a Chevy Suburban...guess that is what makes horse racing huh?
Posts: 1529 | Location: Texas | Registered: 15 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Your pictures bring back memories of a time when you could get a gun licence at 16 years of age in India and could any number of guns!

My first rifle was a .22 Walther KK and the Madras Rifle club had just bought the Brno No 2s to train new shooters to shoot off sandbags at their range in Egmore. For some reason, I remember the Brnos as the Model 3 but my memory is probably bad. I remember turning up with my fancier finished and shorter barreled walther to find that the crude finished Brnos outshot it completely. I don't know whether it was the longer barrel that made it somewhat steadier to hold (though off a sandbag, prone, it would have made very little difference) or whether there was some kind of "magic" but every one of the No 2s that I shot grouped smaller than the Walther and I never tok my rifle to the club thereafter, but shot one or another of the Brnos for relaxing target practice on Sunday mornings.

Yes, they are grand old gns but I think my memories are probably outdated now since they are more than 30 odd years old.

Good hunting!
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