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Picture of baboon
Whats with this scumbag show?I never watch it ,but again last night when surfing the channels they had .50 BMG on.How many times are thet going to run this?The only good thing on there was Ronnie Barret.

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That this foul deed shall smell above the earth
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Posts: 1107 | Location: Houston Texas | Registered: 06 March 2005Reply With Quote
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They're committed to telling their side of the story mostly fearmongering and rumormongering to fulfill whatever agenda they've decided upon.

It all goes back to trying to make people think that if you take all the guns away from all the law-abiding citizens that suddenly there won't be any bad people in the world anymore and you won't have to worry about wandering down alleyways or whether or not your plane will be shot down ...

They don't mention that most owners of 50 BMGs are generally former military with an affection for the round, or else just high-end shooting affecianados that are extremely aware and alert to what they're shooting at and what's behind the target.

You're not going to find 12 year old Timmy out in the back yard playing with daddy's 50 BMG ... it just doesn't happen - and never has. The size and weight alone is prohibitive enough, and folks that own one - treat it as a $5,000 investment and take a lot of care not to get it scratched up, let alone leave it somewhere negligent.

Folks that can afford a 50, can afford a nice safe to keep it in... but none of that ever gets media attention.

Cleachdadh mi fo m' féileadh dé tha an m' osan.
Posts: 2172 | Location: Highlands of South Alabama, USA | Registered: 28 October 2004Reply With Quote
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Most folks in Hollywood have no clue.

Wanna have some fun? Show 'em a 50 BMG round that they're all up in arms about - then once they're in a tizzy, show 'em a 600 NE round right beside it and tell them that 600 NEs are totally unchecked in today's society.

Cleachdadh mi fo m' féileadh dé tha an m' osan.
Posts: 2172 | Location: Highlands of South Alabama, USA | Registered: 28 October 2004Reply With Quote
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It's funny really what they have done in California. I don't think they have really thought this thing through and the economic consequences it entails.

I wonder what they think will happen when all of the rich business and factory owners, who own these guns and are pissed off about the law, leave California and take all of their jobs and economic support with them.

Smart people are leaving California, and eventually it will turn into one big welfare state.

Posts: 1319 | Registered: 11 July 2003Reply With Quote
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Yeah, and they're all moving to NW Florida panhandle and driving the property rates up where I was planning to retire to ....

Now they're forcing my hand and I've got to buy property and sit on it for 10 - 15 years or else the price will be through the roof before I can get down there.

Cleachdadh mi fo m' féileadh dé tha an m' osan.
Posts: 2172 | Location: Highlands of South Alabama, USA | Registered: 28 October 2004Reply With Quote
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Don't worry about having to sit on your proprty for 10-15 years, Ben. Some developer will have swayed the local government into condemning your land before that time is elapsed, beachfront condos will have been built on it and you'll be living in a two-bedroom, third-floor walkup fronting a trailer park. Hey, the Supreme Court said it's legal...
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eventually it will turn into one big welfare state.

It isn't turning its already there. I work in California over 1/2 the year, but my home is Idaho. California is hosed up boohoo

It isn't going to get any better, in the next 10 years, only worse. And it isn't just the gun laws, take a lot at the budget, the teachers and state employee unions, the stand on illegal immigration, even the unemployment system there has no controls. The residents were shocked a couple of weeks ago when the CHP handed out 2000 tickets in one day, my thoughts were it was 10 years overdue and they needed to up that number by a factor of 10.

Kalifornia, is basically a lost cause. The good news is the property values here are really killing the golden goose, that coupled with energy and insurance costs, companies are moving to Nevada and Arizona, and the trend isn't stopable, anything the state legislature does now is simply too little too late. Even Hollywood is in trouble, check out the Canadian film industry, they are taking big chunks of traditional Hollywood work and filming in Vancouver now.

Somewhere in the future, after the property value bubble bursts, California is going to have a big bust, then when it is in terrible shape, there will be an economic redevelopment plan. Just a matter of time on its present course, the city of San Diego is on the verge of bankrupcy right now and their bonds aren't worth the paper they are wriiten on.

There are some dark clouds ahead for the Sunshine state.
Posts: 1486 | Location: Idaho | Registered: 28 May 2004Reply With Quote
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??? I thought Florida was "The Sunshine State" ...

Maybe they both are, I dunno.

I'm curious as to when we'll see the bubble burst in California. I just can't see the population being able to keep up with it for long, and traditional jobs like just general labor can't pay enough for people to afford any decent quality of life.

That's starting to happen in the NW Florida panhandle now. The job market isn't going up as fast as all the real-estate speculators are coming in and buying up property, and it's pricing homes right out of folks ability to live.

And yes, I'm scared to death about the supreme court decision on eminent domain. That's just totally whacked to me. I have no idea how they can EVER believe that's fair. I understand the "spirit" of the law was for inner-city slums, and urban redevelopment, but at the same time, it opens the door for beachfront developers to steal folks land out from under them.

Cleachdadh mi fo m' féileadh dé tha an m' osan.
Posts: 2172 | Location: Highlands of South Alabama, USA | Registered: 28 October 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Jim White
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Ben589:
Yeah, and they're all moving to NW Florida panhandle and driving the property rates up where I was planning to retire to ....

The vast majority of the liberal bastards are stopping here in Arizona. You think you got a problem in Florida?

99% of the democrats give the rest a bad name.

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You think you got a problem in Florida?

You think you have a problem in Arizona!
Up here they act like they have lived here the whole time but they brought their
attitudes along!

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I was a little surprised that Barrett even granted them an interview knowing their track record.

Bob Shaffer
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Originally posted by sonofagun:
I was a little surprised that Barrett even granted them an interview knowing their track record.

Unfortunatly it's a lose-lose situation.

If you show up for the interview they twist it to their purpose.
If you don't, you MUST have something to hide...right?
And that's what they'll report.

Makes sense they teach journalism at a LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGE...


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I cannot stomach watching them spew their clap-trap liberal BS any more. My BP can't take it. You know what they are going to say before they say it, right out of the same play book they have been using since the MG ban of 34 and the GCA of 68. Same song, different verse. The day any of those so-called "news" reporters gives us a fair shake is the day I guess you can throw dirt in my face.

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