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Steyr 30 BMG
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Picture of tiggertate
Edmond, can you review this model? Anyone else have first hand knowledge?

Damn pudgy fingers & laptop ketboard; that's 50 BMG

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Tiggertate,Collins has one,he would be the one to ask.I looked it over at the N.R.A. convention.I was not impressed,but then again its a Steyr and I know its going to shoot!

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Here are some pics...

Both parts
Both Bolt and Comp
Compensator, yes, HUGH

See "Off your pins and needles" thread for videos

Weight, Barrel 16.5 lbs, Lower, 10 lbs.
Lower machined AL or alloy.

This seems to be a very well made cheap gun. (now this'll be hard to explain...) Nothing about this gun is complex. the receiver is machined AL, and an AL tube to hold the bolt. The trigger is two stage and breaks nicely after a smooth first stage. If you watch the "SUPER slo-mo" video you'll be able to tell the compensator really does divert 70% or so of the recoil so that's a bonus. $4100??? I wouldn't if I couldn't write it off as an R&D expence. I'm shooting it at Quantico in August at a 1000 yd event. (My first competitive shoot, I plan on being a sponge for knowledge) I'll report after that. Any other questions? just ask.

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Picture of tiggertate
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Thanks, Collins and I'll be looking forward to your report. A well made cheap gun makes perfect sense to me; that pretty much sums up Steyr's design philosophy and I was hoping it carried over to the 50.

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Cheap was the wrong word... Simple would be a much better description. a 5mm alen wrench and you can take the whole thing to bits. I'm shooting armor at 25 yards and boy is it accurate lol I'll do more longer range work soon, but, for now, its a shop tool. The recoil is straight back and not as bad as my Vanguard in 300 WSM. The gun is NOT an off hand rifle and the manual even says so. I cannot hold the gun up for more than a part of a second and certainly not long enough to get a sight picture and squeeze the trigger. I'll say again, the trigger is very nice. The pistol grip is off an M-16 / AR-15 and I've put a Pachmyer on it and it feels much better. Now I'm going to replace the (real) ugly plastic with wood and go from there. The manual also says it cannot be shot left handed but I'm not having a problem. More reports as event warrant...

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My Styer is a pussy cat to shoot. My 25-06 kicks way more than this rifle. I've also got a Nightforce 5.5-22 x 56 on it and I have no fear of getting caught by the scope at full power. Accurate as hell too! So far only out to 500 yards but still sub MOA.
Only thing about it is there is a lot of back blast from the muzzel brake. Don't ever shoot this one on gravel or your face and hair will be full of it ( personal experence Smiler ).

The best part of it is this is one of the few Non restricted 50's in Canada's arcane gun control system.

Collins, I think the reason they say that it cannot be shot left handed is because of the bolt design directing gasses out the right side of the bolt if a primer is blown. Kinda hurt the left side of your face if it were thereFrowner


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