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Pistol in 50BMG
one of us
The first time I had the chance to shot with a 50BMG rifle. deeply impressed. Back home I tried to find more informations about 50BMG rifles. I found some and I found a pistoll!! in 50BMG.

Has anyone ever shot a pistol in this caliber?

Stay on the German page, click KATALOG and then WAFFEN then ALLE ARTIKEL.

Posts: 438 | Location: Germany | Registered: 15 June 2003Reply With Quote
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I saw one a while back was built on a 1911 frame.There was also a Maddi Griffin pistol at one time.

Cry 'Havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war;
That this foul deed shall smell above the earth
With carrion men, groaning for burial.
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Anyone actually shot one. That would be a good video.
Posts: 2153 | Location: Southern California | Registered: 23 October 2005Reply With Quote
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not a .50 BMG, but on NitroExpress (and maybe on here, I haven't searched) there is a video of someone shooting a .600 NE pistol.

Double Rifle Shooters Society
Francotte .470 Nitro Express

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Posts: 2789 | Location: Bucks County, Pennsylvania | Registered: 08 June 2005Reply With Quote
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A 50BMG pistol sounds like a trip to the hospital for a broken wrist to me. I fired a 500S&W once-- and only once. That was enough...
Posts: 2758 | Location: Fernley, NV-- the center of the shootin', four-wheelin', ATVin' and dirt-bikin' universe | Registered: 28 May 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of goneballistic
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A 50BMG pistol sounds like a trip to the hospital for a broken wrist to me. I fired a 500S&W once-- and only once. That was enough...

Actually, the huge amount of the extremely slow powder in a .50 BMG case just doesn't have time to burn in a short pistol barrel. Much of the powder burns outside the barrel, or not at all. Here is a video of an actual .50 BMG pistol being fired. It's registered as a short barreled rifle, (NFA), as it has a removable butstock. BMG Pistol AVI

Also, another use for those old AMAX boxes!

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Has anyone chronographed this combo and what kind of speed did it get?

It's a Mauser thing, you wouldn't understand.
Posts: 58 | Location: Colorado | Registered: 18 March 2004Reply With Quote
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baboon beat me to it. Maadi Griffin had one. In fact the one on the German website is a Maadi Griffin design. The old Maadi Griffin website used to have a picture of a young girl firing the pistol and they had a comment underneath that said "Recoil is described as manageable". In addition to the normal rifle and the pistol, they also made a carbine version that was pretty neat looking. The Maadi Griffin picture looked similar to the one below. (Taken from their website)
Posts: 852 | Location: Austin | Registered: 24 October 2003Reply With Quote
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One of the reasons that there isn't a .50 BMG pistol on the US market is that the ATF can make a finding that .50 BMG is pistol ammo, and since armor piercing or steel core pistol ammo is illegal, all that surplus and remanufactured .50 ammo is verboten as well. Not exactly something the FCSA wants to see happen.
Posts: 546 | Location: Oklahoma City, OK | Registered: 29 November 2002Reply With Quote
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The Maadi Griffin pistol of Bob Stewart could also be part of why the feds caught him with illegal class 2 stuff.This was not the smartest guy out there.

According to an FBI affidavit, Robert D. Stewart, 63, asked a fellow prisoner at the Federal Correctional Institution north of Phoenix to kill U.S. District Court Judge Roslyn O. Silver, setting off "a 'copy cat' string of murders of government officers . . . by the militia."

The affidavit, signed by FBI Agent Michael Gallante, says Stewart approached inmate August C. Weiss in August and asked, "Could you off someone for me?" When Weiss indicated he might, Stewart allegedly said, "Good, there's a federal judge and some prosecutors that I'd like offed."

Weiss notified federal agents and was given a polygraph test before he was wired with a recording device for another meeting with Stewart.

During the taped conversation, Weiss indicated that his brother would handle the hit. Stewart is suspected of having offered to pay more than $100,000 in machine guns and cash, then warned that Weiss and his brother needed to be wary of government surveillance. The affidavit says Stewart provided Weiss with a description of Silver and instructions on how to locate her.

U.S. Attorney Paul Charlton charged Stewart with one count of retaliating against a federal judge and two counts of lying to FBI agents after he was confronted about the plot. Stewart maintains he was "set up" by Weiss, and denied an active role. However, he agreed that "he wouldn't have any heartache if she (Silver) accidentally walked in front of a bus, either."

Three months earlier, Silver sentenced Stewart to five years in prison, a $20,000 fine and 500 hours of community service.

At a news conference Friday, Charlton lamented a "dramatic increase in the number of threats and acts of violence against members of the criminal justice system." He said the government will be dogged in pursuing those responsible, and added: "No investigation will ever be deterred . . . and no judge will ever by stopped" by murder plots or intimidation.

Stewart, a former high school history teacher, was unavailable for comment. He was convicted six years ago in Utah for illegal possession of a machine gun. In June 2000, federal agents raided his Mesa home and discovered machine guns, an automatic shotgun known as a "streetsweeper," a kit to build .50 caliber weapons, and other firearms.

Maadi Griffin Case

Robert Stewart, the manufacture of the Maadi Griffin .50 BMG rifle is being prosecuted by the federal government on several charges relating to his sale of a kit version of his rifle. The kit included all parts for the rifle, with the exception of the receiver. Rather than a receiver, the kit included a block of metal that the purchaser could mill into a receiver if he desired. Because the BATF defines a receiver as a firearm, but a collection of gun parts without a receiver as not a firearm, Mr. Stewart’s kit was not a firearm and therefore not subject to federal laws and BATF regulations relating to the manufacture and sale of firearms. The ATF contends that it was a firearm because it was readily convertable into a firearm.

Cry 'Havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war;
That this foul deed shall smell above the earth
With carrion men, groaning for burial.
Posts: 1107 | Location: Houston Texas | Registered: 06 March 2005Reply With Quote
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