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50BMG Reloading Die´s
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Ok, i´ve found out that RCBS and CH4D are making Die´s....
Who else ??
Who´s making the best ??

Posts: 140 | Location: GERMANY | Registered: 05 February 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of tiggertate
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Even Lee makes 50 BMG dies these days. They are the least expensive that I know of. I never used a set of Lee dies that big but their conventional dies work well for me. I have a set of RCBS 50 BMG dies that are very good but really high-dollar.

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Picture of Bob G
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The Lee dies have a different thread than RCBS and most of the others. The standard thread is
1 1/2X12. The Lee dies are 1 1/4 in. dia.

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i use hornady 50 bmg dies
Posts: 82 | Location: az | Registered: 26 April 2005Reply With Quote
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I use RCBS and a friend uses LEE. There is no difference in the loaded ammo but I payed a lot more for my dies than he did. (of course it was before lee built bmg dies)

Posts: 383 | Location: Oregon | Registered: 29 May 2009Reply With Quote
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I have the Lee press and dies as well as the RCBS press and works as well as the other however the RCBS set-up is much heavier but also far more expensive.
Here in Canada one could probably buy about four Lee Classic Cast presses and die sets for the price of one RCBS Ammomaster press and die set.
Aside from being heavier the RCBS press also has a much larger opening making it easier to work with.
As for durability, I've loaded lots of 50 on both without a problem....
Posts: 98 | Location: Fraser Valley B.C. | Registered: 07 December 2005Reply With Quote
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That is true, the RCBS is easier to get cases in and out of.

Posts: 383 | Location: Oregon | Registered: 29 May 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of Big Bore
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I have been using my CH-4D dies for about 10 years and could not be happier with them.

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I use CH4D and Hollywood. Dave at CH4D is a great guy and will always deliver what you want. As to seater I have found no better than my Hollywood micrometer inline seater.
Posts: 8 | Registered: 21 November 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Lissauer
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Dillon just came out with dies for the 50bmg
Posts: 28 | Location: Orange County, CA | Registered: 24 May 2008Reply With Quote
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Dies and a pretty nice press. Would like to see the comparison between it and the Corbin, Walnut hill, and Hollywood.
Posts: 8 | Registered: 21 November 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of PJS50
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I run a Hollywood SR. turret press with mostly CH dies...
I like the heft of the CH dies (especially the decapp-expander pin on the sizing die).

I also like the floating-column affect of the CH straight-line seating die... Even with very long, CNC machined, solid VLD projos, this seater works very well...

I do also use a Hornady seating die in the mix, but I have removed the seating stem form it and I just use that die's body for a crimping station...

Screw RCBS... I still won't buy ANY of their crap after how they treated me with their .454 Casull dies (long story)...

The new Dillion setup is encoraging, but I haven't seen one up close and personal just yet... If it works as well as my 550B, then they are sure to sell a bunch...
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Agree with you I also have the Hollywood inline seater and love it. I had Joe make mine for DTC so I can use it for my .50DTC and .50BMG. I like that you can take the decapper out of the CH4D die and just screw it into the Hollywood press so I can then just decap and neck size.
Posts: 8 | Registered: 21 November 2005Reply With Quote
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