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| All I can say is wow! Look here: you work your way threw this site, you will find the 14.5x114 pictured with a 50 BMG. Very impressive. |
| Posts: 1226 | Location: New England | Registered: 19 February 2009 | 
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| I know of some guys who use Russian PTRD but shooting is limted because ammo is scarce.
short and fat and hard to get at, hit like a hammer and never been hit back.
| Posts: 251 | Location: Just north of Salingrad. | Registered: 07 January 2006 | 
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| Denel in south africa offer a rifle chambered for it (also available in .50 and 20mm MG 151). Old russian anti tank rifles are fairly common in all third world dives and I am pretty sure you could get one direct from Russia...there are several firms offfering russian surpluss from Moscow. Seen both the single shot and the magazine fed versions around.
Accuracy...Well, good enough to hit a tank at 500 yards. I have only ever seen steel caes but belive brass ones are available.
Been shot at by a quad 14,5 once. Impressive seeing those great green fireballs floating past the aircraft. Three hit the plane but appart from making holes that needed some duct tape actually did no damage. |
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one of us
| quote: Originally posted by fourbore: All I can say is wow! Look here: you work your way threw this site, you will find the 14.5x114 pictured with a 50 BMG. Very impressive.
50BMG on the left, 14.5 Russian in the middle, 20mm Vulcan on the right |
| Posts: 2124 | Location: Whittemore, MI, USA | Registered: 07 March 2002 | 
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| Thanks for the responses. I'm still having difficulty pin pointing an ammo/component supplier. |
| Posts: 4 | Location: Gondwanaland | Registered: 06 February 2010 | 
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| The biggest issue with the 14.5 is powder. the surplus 20mm powder is still too fast for this round. Many surplus guns have been destroyed with reloads. Unfortunately there is nothing comparible in the country. I know several that have tried to find something that would work. Your only option is fctory original ammunition that can be had for 40plus per round.
Bob |
| Posts: 118 | Location: arizona | Registered: 24 March 2010 | 
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| sambarman, Did some research on this. Anzio can do custom guns, as well as a few others, but stick with Anzio. NTW-20 From South Africa is a fantastic gun...weighs 74lbs, but is very soft on recoil, really. Barrels are of good quality, but you can do much better. If you really want to put together an ultimate machine for long range, then go with a custom carbon barrel from Mike D at ABS. It will take 15-20 lbs off the rifle and he can put a 68-70% efficient muzzle brake or supressor on it for you, and they work great! As for ammo, you can convert US military surplus 20mm brass down. Custom dies are necessary, and Anzio can hook you up with those, but they are expensive...but at least brass will be easily attainable. If you are looking to save some cash I would go with Anzio's 20/50 kit. He's got the details worked out, can provide brass and bullets are easy. Custom powders are a bit of an issue, but I do know of a company that can get them, and I believe the powders are ADI from Austrailia. That company might also want to do some custom loading for you as they do make their own brass. It's a private firm and I cannot tell you too much about them, but I'll put in a call and see if they have any interest in doing so. Funny thing is you aren't the only one who has ventured down this road! Will see. -Extremist "Pain is weakness leaving the body" -Instructor Victory in life is dying for what you were born to do. "I hope you live forever" -300 "Never judge an enemy by his words, he might turn out to be a better shot then a writer" |
| Posts: 213 | Location: Auburn, IN | Registered: 16 April 2008 | 
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| Several dozen PTRD rifles were imported into Canada a few years ago. I believe they came out of Albania.
I own one of them, and have yet to fire it! As noted above, getting ammo is nearly impossible. The original AP round as used in the PTRD or PTRS (semi auto) is no longer made, it seems. Literally TONS of HE and incediary rounds exist for the KPV anti aircraft guns, but that cannot be imported into Canada.
I'm at the point wher I'm going to lathe turn a few cases out of steel bar stock. |
| Posts: 1 | Location: Langley BC Canada | Registered: 03 August 2010 | 
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| i like the single shot take down non bolt 20mm rifle but the paper work makes it to much to hassle .the 20mmx102mm aka 20mm vulcan makes a wicked crackle noise when shoot even with a suppresor .cant shoot animals with it though  |
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| I was in Kuwait from OCT 91 to JAN 92 (after the war). There was a brand new 14.5 MM barrel with grease still in it in with a bunch of unexploded stuff which was going to get exploded. The barrel still had grease packed in it. It weighed a lot, maybe 70 pounds. I think it was about 6 feet long. A "friend" who owed me a favor said he would get it cut into three pieces so I could send them back to the USA. I was going to get the shorter pieces turned down for barrels for some .585 caliber wildcat cartridge for big game hunting. What would a barrel like that cost? |
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| Anyway, the end of that story was that my "friend" who promised to cut the barrel into three so I could send it home never did. Some of us found a bunker with a bunch of exploded 14.5 MM ammo. I gathered up about 50 of the bullets and packed them up to take home to sell at gun shows. An Army officer heard about that and confiscated them, probably for himself. I did manage to keep one bullet I found on the road to Bagdad outside Kuwait City where all the Iraquis were killed. It is in the photo below with a loaded .243 Winchester cartridge. Big! |
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| This is from the Nightforce web site. On the right side you'll notice a testimonial by a "Kent A. Lomont" wrote it. I saw an identical testimonial as an ad in Gray's Sporting Journal, except that I remember it being attributed to a "Dr." someone. Anyway, if you're interested in the 14.5 Russian, you might try to contact this Kent Lomont. luck! friar
Our liberties we prize, and our rights we will maintain.
| Posts: 1222 | Location: A place once called heaven | Registered: 11 January 2005 | 
| I think I have a few boxes of ammo for this one - at least I think it is for this caliber. I will measure them tomorrow and you know. |
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| TooTall...look at a budget ticket to finland and take back a case load of empties with you puls your 5kg live ammo allowance. Saw plenty of AP...
also try someone like Mouse93...his part of the world has Looooots left over |
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