One of Us
| kingfisher, I found one about four years ago (maybe longer) at a sports shop. They said it was the seller's fathers gun. Maybe this was your gun. Anyway I took it to Klaus and showed it to him. It was marked #2 he had the #1 at his shop in Waunakee. It had a fast twist barrel on it 1 in 9.5" twist, 30". This barrel is an obermyer barrel. So I took this rifle over to see Boot's Obermyer and he recalled making it for Klaus. I had an appointment with Klaus the day he was killed as it was Christmas week and I had off work. I have put a Kreiger barrel on it in 1 in 15" twist 36". The stock is a one piece walnut with a thumb hole I was out yesterday shooting ot. I was also up to see Larry Lyel and showed it to him after Klaus was killed. He said that was a real collectors piece. I think the rifle weighed 19#, I know that it is 23# now with the new barrel and scope mounted. When Klaus built a new model he kept the first one and sold the following rifles. It was fun to visit his shop and see all his prototyps and old guns he had made. They were all standing in a corner of his shop. He was a character and I still tell stories about my visits with him. I found-out he was killed on the internet, which explained why he was not calling to confirm our appt. I have toyed with the idea of selling it as I rarly shoot it, not sure what I want for it or what it's worth. Would you be interested? It is maked the month and year it was made, I would have to look that up. |
| Posts: 157 | Location: Kenosha, WI | Registered: 25 February 2005 | 
one of us
| Thanks for the info Johnny. Ours was #6.  I know that when Larry took over he said he still had enough parts to put together a lightweight, but that was some time ago now and the last email I sent him went unanswered. I guess I need to call up there. I wont go as far as saying that I'm interested in the one you've got, but do you have any idea what you'd want for it? I guess I need to also call the guy that bought ours and see if he's willing to part with it, but I think for him it was kind of a conversation piece, plus he was loaded and doesn't need the money so he wouldn't have any real reason to sell it back. Ugh. Hindsight. BTW, was the difference between the lightweight and say a "Shorty" model just the tapered barrel? Is that how Klaus was getting the weight down (i.e. was there anything else besides that)? If that's the case I guess I could just get the action and stock from Larry and have someone make me a barrel like that. Thoughts? |
| Posts: 852 | Location: Austin | Registered: 24 October 2003 | 
One of Us
| Kingfisher...I was thinking in the $3K range for my rifle, badger rings, Tasco 8-40x scope and whatever ammo I have maybe 100 rds.
I am not positive how Klaus got his weight down but would guess it was the barrel taper. I know that my action is a stainless steel, precipition hardening grade like 17-4 PH. Klaus said that it was an excellent action. With the strength of this material he may have been able to reduce weight by reducing the thickness.
I have not talked to Larry in about a year. I should give him a call or stop up and see what he's been up too. He was working on some long range rifles that were takedown versions. You would get on top of the mountain and then assemble it and hunt. It was not a 50, but a very large cal., very long bullets, going very fast. I think he was makeing the bullets too. That maybe what your looking for. |
| Posts: 157 | Location: Kenosha, WI | Registered: 25 February 2005 | 
one of us
| A fellow in PA has a State Arms rifle for sale over at AR-15.Com, dunno how close it comes to what you are looking for: AR-15.Com ad
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
| Posts: 588 | Location: Maryland | Registered: 08 April 2003 | 
one of us
| Thanks eshell, I'm sorry about about the delayed reply. I hadn't checked this thread in a while. I didn't see any pics of the gun on that other forum, but I'm pretty sure that I saw that same gun for sale on Gunbroker. If it's the same gun, he's just got the adjustable aluminum stock which is strictly for bench shooting. Not to mention that the Shorty is still heavier than what I was looking for. |
| Posts: 852 | Location: Austin | Registered: 24 October 2003 | 