Here is the deal.........ALMOST EVERY company that is in any way involved in the political arena will be giving moneies to the ANTI gun people. Should be of NO susprise to anyone.
The idea is to DISARM america like it or not.
I would think that thier is MORE people afraid of and agianst guns in America that for them.
Our shooting sport is in danger and we can only help ourselves by VOTING our hearts for gun rights and teaching KIDS the joys and resonsibilties of guns. If we get the KIDS of america enjoying guns and using them RESPONSIBLY the war against them will turn for us. Fighting the big dollars of the politions that are ON THE TAKE and pushing laws to get the Liberals Excited in voting for them is a Battle that cannot be WON.
Teach your kids and your neighbors kids the joys of shooting and hunting and they will grow up to be POLITITIoNs for gun rights.
Pepsi....I am sure is giving monies to people of ANTI gun rights to get rewards for theri OWN agendas.
The NRA should stop using Charles as a poster boy and spend the money on KIDS and guns.
My feeling is the NRA is padding their own pockets and not doing much for us other than spending money!