Well I have been afflicted with the High Standard bug and thanks to me so has Jeff. If anyone has high standard pistols and/or parts that they would like to trade for Encore/Contender Barrels or Stocks I think our pain would be lessened. If you have or know anyone who has something to trade please contact me.
Dave, Jeff...you guys are really gonna start somethin! Now I don't have any High Standard stuff but MY BROTHER HAS! MAybe he'll go on a vacation or sumthin and I can break in there and take'm! OOOO! this Contender addiction is baaaad!
Seriously,I wish I could help you out But alas I have none.
Posts: 41 | Location: Oxford, Al. USA | Registered: 14 March 2002
V.V.Dave or Jeff, what flavor of High Standard pistol are you looking for? Victor?, Trophy? - I assume you mean the target models. I have seen a few lately on the used market around here that could be used for tradebait.
I personally have a model 106 Supermatic Citation Military 7-1/4" with stabilizer and weights that I have owned for the last 20 years. It is in 95-98% condition, but it is also the only gun I have owned for that long. Just love it too much to trade it off.
Would look into getting one of the others as trade if you are interested. Depends on your preferences.
High Standads are one of my hobbies.. not collecting them, or even so much shooting them much anymore. But rather going to stores or looking online and fighting with myself... "No... no.... you don't need it! Noo...."
Posts: 723 | Location: Ny | Registered: 17 March 2002
Jeff/Dave... Let's just see how serious you 2 are. I will part with either/or but not both. 1/H.S. Supermatic Citation Hamden mfg. target model in PRISTINE condition...or... 2/ H.S. Victor Hamden mfg with 4 1/2 in bbls. One altered with a muzzle brake for rapid fire and a new in the wrapper replacement bbl. Reply directly or call Ohio in the evening at 330 874 4552................................ Let's see what happens... Regards... Gary