Last time I was there he was selling the idea of Carbon Fiber Encore bbls.That was before the Nazi denied my access to the Pond.I liked the idea,but he deleted my posts and now when I try to "peek" at the Pond,most times I get an error message saying that I am not allowed to access the site.BTW,I was INFURIATED with the Nazi's actions and sent him an e-mail concerning First Amendment Rights and so forth.That yellowbelly didn't even respond to my e-mail.I could go on but won't.I am not trying to stir the pot here.
Do you know differently about VVDave?I hope he pisses him off too to be frank.
Buckweet, It has been one of those weekends. No computer for me. I have just returned to see what has traspired. Your 25 TCU Dies are here and the load work is being compleated on your barrel. As soon as I have it ready to ship I will notify you and send it UPS air. Dave
VV hurry,, im leaving here the 5th or 6th of this month,,, got a cuzin i gotta go see,,,shes got cancer,, will be gone bout a week,, just thought i'ed let you know,, thank you, tim...[aka] buckweet
Posts: 302 | Location: clinton mo. | Registered: 20 July 2002