Helping a woman select the proper handgun
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I spent over two hours with a Client (65 yoa female) the other day handling various hand guns. She made the mistake of buying a LCP because a freind had one it was small, lightweight and cute. She found out that she had a very hard time operating and shooting it due to its very small size.

After handleing 10 differtant handguns she decided that she really liked the Glock 23,S@W 3913LS,S@W model 10 2inch and a S@W 3 inch model 60. She had no trouble working the sildes on the 2 semi autos{just more to hang onto instead of the LCP} and stated that she like revolvers for the ease of loading and checking to see if they were loaded.

After a bit of coaching on the proper use of a double action trigger she had no trouble using the double action trigger.

She like the idea of more rounds in the semi autos but she also realize that in personal self defense 5 or six is more then enough most of the time.

We also went to the 2012 gun digest and looked at differant models and makers that would be appoximately the same as the models above.

We decussed pricing and where she might find a handgun that suited her more then the LCP. She is on a limited budget and we talked about new, used, free marget guns and buying from a dealer.

She decided that any of the models she handled and liked would work for her and she will start looking around for for a used handgun that meets those requirerments. Any of the major hand gun makers would do.

She is in the process of finding a suitable handgun and will be interisting on what she finds and decides on.

Guns she didn't workout for her 44 redhawk to big but she like the custom trigger job on it. 6 inch 586 to big but nice trigger.

Walther ppks she couldn't pull the silde back. The model 65 and security six 4 inch were ok but she wanted something a bit smaller. The ruger P90 was too big.

She liked the buckmark but couldn't pull the slide back when it was decocked.
Posts: 20027 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001Reply With Quote
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I went through this with my wife when she got her permit. Her Majesty is supremely fussy. She rejected several of the usual choices for various reasons, poor gun fit, won't clear her nails, she won't be seen with an ugly gun, can't rack the slide, too heavy etc etc etc. S&W single stack 9MM, All variations of XD's, She liked a 3" J-Frame but the triggerguard won't work with her fancy nails. She shot the Kel-Tec...once...she broke a nail and was insufferable for the rest of the day. You get the picture.

We went to the hills to plink, she shot my Bersa Thunder 380 and I haven't seen it since.
It clears her fancy nails, lightweight, fits in all her purses and she shoots the damn thing better than I do.

I suggest having your client pair the choices down to two or three, have a shootout at the range and see if she can pick a winner.
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We are working on it.
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+1 on the Glock 23. My wife loves hers. I'm mighty fond of it myself. She may want to check out the HK P2000. It has the adjustable backstraps that may help fit her hand better. The HK is my CC of choice, dang thing is the definition of reliability.
SOG had used G23's for good prices with night sights awhile back. May want to check there if she decides that is the route she wants to go.

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I always recommend a 2" or 3" S&W 38 Special in such cases.

I use one for a No2 even for myself.

Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
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I always recommend a 2" or 3" S&W 38 Special in such cases.

They are a very use gun
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I get asked a lot and,usually, nobody wants to hear what I say. I tell them that most people, male and female, are better served by a revolver for self defense. Many women cannot reliably work the slide on auto's, whether it is a strength issue or their nails interfere. Most people, male and female, are not willing to train with their semi-auto enough to even learn what to do when it malfuctions, and most auto's, even the best, will eventually malfunction, whether it is an ammo issue, a bad magazine, dirt or lack of lube, or the shooter limpwristing it. A revolver is so much more forgiving for occasional shooters and awfully hard to screw up, if it does not go bang, it is second nature, even for the untrained, to pull the trigger again. Every firearms instructor that I have ever talked to can tell you of hundreds if not thousands of instances where shooters in their class end up staring at a auto with a stovepipe jam or whatever, and lose valuable time trying to clear it, because they have not trained for it. Very few people, men or women, ever attend any kind of advanced handgun training other than the basic class that is required to get a CCL. But revolvers are not cool, nobody in the movies since Dirty Harry uses them. A good j frame is hard to beat.

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I agree with everything in your post... tu2

EXCEPT when you said revolvers aren't cool.
I still think they are pretty cool. Cool

I carried them for many years as work guns, and they served me well.

With speed loaders, moon clips and even speed strips they can be reloaded fairly rapidly.

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If she wants a semi auto try the Walther ppq in 9MM first. Second try the Glock model 19 in 9MM. Due to the size of the gun and caliber shooting it is a dream. Have her take professional shooting classes. A lot of pistol ranges have guns for rent have her try different types to see what she likes.
Posts: 1026 | Location: Brooksville, FL. | Registered: 01 August 2007Reply With Quote
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Have her take professional shooting classes. A lot of pistol ranges have guns for rent have her try different types to see what she likes.

I am a professional instructor with decades of instucting.

Read the frist post.
Posts: 20027 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by p dog shooter:
Have her take professional shooting classes. A lot of pistol ranges have guns for rent have her try different types to see what she likes.

I am a professional instructor with decades of instucting.

Read the frist post.

"frist post"?

Did she make up her mind yet?
Posts: 655 | Location: Oregon Monsoon Central | Registered: 06 March 2004Reply With Quote
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Said she really wants a Glock 19 or 23. But also a nice J or K frame 2 or 3 inch would do.

Now it is just a matter of findig her one at the right price.

Could be hard with this paying frenzy going on.
Posts: 20027 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Reread Lee440 post. Then add to it most people, especially new shooters can shoot a revolver more accurately. A person first gets a gun and handles it a little maybe even practices firing it. Then it goes in drawer or under bed or wherever and is pretty much forgotten about unless needed. Most people that buy a bicycle do about the same thing except they say you don't forget how to ride one.
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Same with boats They say the best two days for a boat owner is the day you buy it and the day you sell.

With a lot of gun owners you are correct they buy it stick it some place and hardly ever use it.
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Then it goes in drawer or under bed or wherever and is pretty much forgotten about unless needed. Most people that buy a bicycle do about the same thing except they say you don't forget how to ride one.

I always ask new shooters wanting to purchase a new " Firearms "..

1. What do you want it for..?
2. Do you really intend to practice with it on a regular basis, & keep it clean & oiled..?

" IF " they only want to learn how to point and shoot ( Basic Firearms Safety & Function Fire ) ..I always recommend a " Revolver "..period.

Lets face it guys, the " Semi-Auto Pistols " requires a bit more maintenance & nuances to overcome; i.e; fail to load ( Magazine not seated properly ) or eject, clearing jams (limp wrist issues with some semi-auto pistols).

I'm always amused with some of the individuals watching ( Shooting Range ), as I'm stripping down my guns & doing a moderate cleaning & oiling, after qualifying.

They normally ask:
" What you doing .. ? Don't you know Glocks don't need to be cleaned, or oiled, as often as most other guns ".


Planning on getting myself a " BOAT " in the future Big Grin
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I'm with NE45&2 Or a Colt Detective Special.
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for a novice nothing beats a 22 rimfire. Either a "kit gun" or a basic Ruger semi stoked with the new Winchester 3 segment ammo and equipped with a laser sight would be a fine choice. Most women are encouraged to buy guns that are too small, kick to much and have crappy sights. I own a Chief's Special Airweight and even with plain old 158 38 Specials it kicks (and I have shot many 1000 rounds of 22, 38 and 45 on military competition teams), no choice for a novice woman shooter. If Ruger would bring out the 22/45 Lite in 22 magnum the airweight would be retired.
A modern Savage "10 shots quick" with a much nastier sting.
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For a first time user, I would with out any resevation lead them to a small revolver. The J framed Smiths are perfect. One of the guns I own could be a possibility too. The Walther PK380. I have shot the living crap outa' this fine gun without any problem at all. It is accurate and dependable. Its slide is so smooth and simple that I think anyone would have no problem. I like the rotating safety bar, BUT, could someone think of that in a difficult situation. Forget to rotate the safety and "click-Click" That is why I will always recommend a revolver for first-timers.

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Another vote for Glock 19. If she likes what works, she will like it.

Cold Zero
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S&W Chief's Special or Model 60. You can't foul that up.
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I ran across a guy about 7 years ago selling a Model 24 in nickel with 3 inch barrel. Price was $400. I bought it and put some Stag grips on it and really liked it untill my wife saw it.
She stole it.
I never thought she would go for a N frame.

Cheers, John

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Originally posted by N E 450 No2:
I always recommend a 2" or 3" S&W 38 Special in such cases.

I use one for a No2 even for myself.

Saw this thread. I just recommended a Ladysmith in .38 today to a lady who knew I shoot.
Reason: No safeties , no slide,& goes bang every time you pull the trigger

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A Chief Airweight with custom full-length wood grips loaded with Super Vel 90gr jacketed HP bullets was my boot gun of choice in the 70's and early 80's. Very light weight plus the custom wood grips held the gun at the top of my boot without bulging the pant leg and allowed accurate timed shooting out to 25yds.

Jim coffee
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