Probably bury us in more bullshit. Like the current cost of fuel because Iraq oil supplies are being threatened by Moktada Al Sada's terrorists. Bugger me, 12 months ago who gave a s#it about Iraq's oil, it wasn't considered to have an effect on world prices because USA had embargo's on the bloody stuff so they couldn't sell it anyway.
Same with any other gun related stuff, the governments of these countries will find a way to price us out of the game!
Nosler BT's here are $AU41 while in USA are $US14 ($AU19) with $AU22/box freight. Bet they don't get any cheaper?
Posts: 1785 | Location: Kingaroy, Australia | Registered: 29 April 2002
You would have to be simple minded to think anything will get cheaper. Your govt ( and ours ) wont reduce a tax take for a minority such as hunters on imported goods , and the importers arent going to cut their prices , so I expect it will be business as usual for everyone.
Posts: 4473 | Location: Eltham , New Zealand | Registered: 13 May 2002
You won't have paid much actual duty. There are 3 basic components to the Customs charges:
1. Entry fee, if applicable [$48 for a 'manual informal entry'], which applies for all shipments with landed cost over AU$1k, and any over $250 that don't come in by post.
2. GST 3. Import duty, which is zero for scopes [Tariff Cat. 9013.10.00], and 5% for firearm parts[Cat. 9305.29.00], except for shotgun barrels [Cat. 9305.21.00], which are free .
If you owe Customs less than $50 total, they'll forget it. But if you cop that entry fee, you will surely have to pay.
So the FTA won't make much difference. BTW, complete sporting firearms [Cats. 9303.xx.00] are all free of duty now.
Cheers all, Doug
Posts: 337 | Location: Gippsland, Victoria, Australia | Registered: 02 May 2004
Bakes, Here in Canada we have had free trade with the US for several years. It has been a bloody mess for the ordinary person and for Canada. It seems like the American companies can do what they like while we can like it or lump it. Opting out is not an option. For the general public,nothing changes except the prices,and they continue to rise! derf
Posts: 3450 | Location: Aldergrove,BC,Canada | Registered: 22 February 2003
I have wondered about this myself when I saw the agreement signing in the news.
I started reading this forum as I was interested in hunting in OZ. I have kept reading it on and off for a different perspective and you guys seem to have as healthy a sense of humor as we do in the southern US
Some of the prices I have seen you guys quote have seems ridiculous, even considering the exchange rate and shipping half way across the world.
I wondered if it was my government, yours, or a combination of both that drive prices so much higher??
derf, I agree with your out look but it works both ways. I work in the auto industry. The Free Trade pact has the auto makers closeing shop at home and reopening them in countries with cheaper labor, help with health care, ect or lighter pollution standards. The price of the goods is still less when shipping back home is figured in and believe me it doesn`t reduce when they hit the sales lot. I predict China will join the American trade pact soon as American companies are closeing up in Mexico now and moving there for even cheaper labor and no pollution controls. ( They claim it`s because of the large opening asian market) It isn`t just manuactored goods you open up to. Here in southern Michigan we are importing more trash (garbage) from Ontario to our land fills then we produce on our own. The US computor industry is jumping ship for both manufacturing and tech assistance. I won`t even get into the Mexican side of the agreement. The free trade will allow jobs to move to the lower paying countries in the pact and their prices will go up as their wages or increased employment allows. Goods and mterials will be made cheaper then in the country of origin and taxes will drop on them at home but, the price won`t drop to the consumer. I have no beef with a company producing at the cheapest price they can and if the goverment can help reduce cost, more power to `em! I very much doubt though, as do you apparently, that the common man will ever see a dimes saveings from it..........Damn it feels good to vent a bit
Posts: 2535 | Location: Michigan | Registered: 20 January 2001
I know when Ive ordered parts and scopes and so on from U.S ,they were held up by customs until I paid the import duty. I am waiting for a Kreiger .458 barrel at the moment and am expecting for it to be held up until I pay the import duty. I dont think it will make any difference if the parts are for guns. Most import duties from U.S would be stopped, well ,thats what I,m hoping anyway.
I was thinking it would mean no import duties when we order bits through from U.S. Guns from U.S should also be cheaper. When Ive ordered a few parts and scopes in from U.S ,the import duty realy bumped the price up. Hopefully no more. Prices for goods from over there are already higher than what local manufacturers are charging (for instance ,barrel makers, custom bullet makers)so I dont think it will take too much buisness from locals.