Originally posted by Paul Truccolo: Great video and great shooting, thanks for posting and thanks for doing your bit for our environment.
What loads are you using there, are they steel or lead ? seem to have very good effect at what looks like some range on some of the foxes ?
Thanks again for posting.
I'm using Winchester Ranger 32gram #3 lead shot. The reason is because for the camera if I use 42gr magnum BB shots the recoil lifts the barrel too high and the shotkam points to the sky rather than on the target. Hence you won't see the tumbles of the quarry, rather a picture of the sky.
It generally starts a couple of weeks after duck opening, so around middle or late april and then goes until it gets too hot and the snakes are out which is by October.
Yes season for quail and ducks. If you are using pointing and retrieving dogs thats when you use them. Hounds later on as they need moist ground for scent.