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Yes , Folks - Its Steve the Wank Irwin Again

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17 June 2004, 21:34
Far Canel
Yes , Folks - Its Steve the Wank Irwin Again
Here ya go Sam,we got a million of them.

17 June 2004, 21:37
Yep....knew that one was comming
17 June 2004, 21:57
Shit mate , you're real lucky none of those photos were taken at the beach . Steve Irwin would have mistaken you for a stranded whale and rushed in to take advantage - oops , I mean render assistance - and gain valuable research data and publicity for his ego...
17 June 2004, 22:11
Well folks , there I was thinking that this thread had about caused as much controversey as it was worth , and look at all the nice new folk who have dived in and joined us . Thats what I call a real international discussion .
Course when things get boring we can always rely on pictures of Bakes corpulent butt to liven things a little , although I am genuinely concerned that it is always Shaun who produces these photos. I thought Queensland was the home of the homophobic , but goes to show , Shaun truly is a sensitive new-age guy with an unnatural liking for blokes with no clothes on .Still , it takes all types...
And that Samantha , isnt it great to see someone as enthusiastic as her gushing ( and I may well be using that term literally here ) over those porno shots of our fearless moderator . What a woman of the world .You really do need to get out more , babe...

I feel honoured to have started this thread , it isnt often we have this much input and enlightenment in such a short time.
17 June 2004, 22:12
That should be white whale! We were on Doxycycline and it makes you light sensitive. As a result we didn't go out in the sun much!


I am genuinely concerned that it is always Shaun who produces these photos.

Mate Your concerned!!

Thats what I like about this site, start a thread and anything can happen

Actually Steve was in Timor whilst I was there. He was rescuing some crocs (I did see one croc kept in real shit conditions). Good ole Steve made a show about his time in Timor, he said the army got him in as he's the only one that could do the job . That struck me as funny as there are proberly a dozen blokes in the NT that could have done the same job and with a lot less fuss as well.
17 June 2004, 23:05
Here are some more Pics from Timor. My Warrant Officer is writing a book about it and these are some of the pic's I sent him on request.

Savage East Timor Dog. Alot of them looked like dingo's.

The UN copped a bit of a hiding, lots of these vehicles about.

Down the beach, Sabre looks happy hey!

One for Muzza. 3SQN RNZAF.A top bunch of blokes who looked after us doggies.

Still got some hunting in!

Or I read about it.
18 June 2004, 00:20
Far Canel
It's all Bad Ass's< !--color--> fault he bought up naked Bakes.
18 June 2004, 14:15

You really do need to get out more , babe...

Tell me bout it

Entertaining site this.
18 June 2004, 17:39

Savage East Timor Dog. Alot of them looked like dingo's.

A new recruit?


Down the beach, Sabre looks happy hey!

Love in action


Oh no! Forget about the Iraq prison photos. Now we are going to have a national "controversary" about the evil deeds done in Timor.
18 June 2004, 23:28
Far Canel

Oh no! Forget about the Iraq prison photos. Now we are going to have a national "controversary" about the evil deeds done in Timor.

I can see the headlines now.
Cute rats tortured by Aussies in Timor after drug fueled sex orgy
19 June 2004, 02:44
Also tried to catch a dog in a trap I made.....almost caught a kid Had to stop trying to catch things then
20 June 2004, 01:34

There is not doubt, whatsoever, that the man is a total wanker and a tosser - and a fraud. Did any of you guys see the show he did on the Zambezi with a large number of crocodiles feeding on a hippo carcass. And Steve the Wanker was going on about how all the camera crew's lives were in his hands and that they all had to do exactly as he said or their lives would be in danger? I'd bet vital parts of my anatomy that there was an armed PH on site who was really responsible for the safety of the crew.... and not our 'hero'.

And in the same episode Steve, our hero, wanders off into the African bush at night armed with a Dolphin torch and, lo and behold, he finds a big male lion and has a 'close encounter' with this beast - pity the lion is filmed in a huge spotlight and not illuminated by a Dolphin torch. Makes one wonder if that scene was real at all!

And while we are in Africa, with out intrepid hero, there is the time he corners a large cobra in an acacia and then proceeds to torment the snake for an extended time and then remarks, as if it is a surprise, something to the effect "Crikey, this fellas reeeaaally angry!" Of course he was - you would be too if some tosser pestered the daylights out of you (come to think of it, I get reeeaaally angry everytime I see the twit on TV!). You notice that Steve never takes on really dangerous snakes like mambas or taipans. Instead he picks on cobras which are known to be slow striking snakes (which is why snake charmers use them!) and red-bellied blacks and the like.

However, you really have to take your hat off to him for his marketing and he is worth a lot more money than I every will be worth but, a conservationist and naturalist he is not! With him it is not about the animals it is about the dollars.

Damn must be hard to be an expert on the guy!!!

Funny thing is I actually know Steve. I met him through my job of the time and I formed the opinion that he is quite happy to put his money where his mouth is with regards conservation.
Significant amounts of the money he has made has gone into buying various properties to protect habitat like mulga areas etc.

Further he has contributed to research, for instance at his own cost he caught (with permit) some mangrove monitors in FNQ from which he undertook a captive breeding program. All progeny and the adults were released at his own cost. As far as having papers with his name to them....does any amateur herpitologist? Not of any real value they don't. Papers are done by zoologists who have scientific research backgrounds.

BTW I have been with him when he has worked with tapians. And I also have seen footage of him working a large black mamba inside a hut in Africa. Believe me he is an extremely experienced reptile handler and actually a very personable person to be around.

So basically you can have yoru opinions but try and base them on some fact before you start spruiking on as an expert eh
20 June 2004, 02:39

So just one question.

Is Steve Urwin anti-hunting and anti-gun?

After all this is a hunting and shooting forum.
20 June 2004, 20:50


So just one question.

Is Steve Urwin anti-hunting and anti-gun?

After all this is a hunting and shooting forum.

Not that he made me aware of. He has no problems with shooting ferals. He didn't much like my suggestions that they should licence cull mud gecko's (aka crocs). He has a real passion for those things (which I can't understand)
20 June 2004, 22:47
G'day Craig, Can you tell us more about Steve shooting ferals, if he is all for conservation and stuff why doesn't he show and promote firearms for feral animal control on his shows, why does he use the big mouth showman stuff which I really can't cop and everyone else I know can't stand the bullshit he puts over. Far as I'm concerned he is a cockhead and until he gets rid of all the Hollywood over acting crap we will still switch chanels when his head appears, I pity Toyota for using him in there adds, they must have lost heaps of sales...........
20 June 2004, 23:56
Irwin said he was constantly the target of death threats over his campaigns against any forms of international wildlife harvesting � from whaling and sealing to the killing of tigers and bears. Brisbane Courier Mail.

Besides this you can probably add heaps more to Irwins protection list,any form of wildlife hunting? Thank god the wheels are falling off his cart. It really gets me people who decide whats good for everybody. I'll tolerate his Zoo,just. I wonder how he'd react if protest groups tried to shut down his menagerie. I've seen nothing to change my opinion of him.
21 June 2004, 01:05
I think some of Steves shows are miss-understood because he tries to orientate it towards family's(kids),my kids just love them,personally I could live without them though.

His park is well worth the money & anyone who doesn't visit it just because they dont like him is missing out on a special treat.

I believe Steve has made some mistakes but he hasn't caused anyone or anything any harm & the media seems to love mistakes,can anyone here say they havn't made mistakes?

I've neve heard anything to suggest that Steve was an anti gun or hunting person has anyone else?

Personally I think some of the comments on here could do harm to shooters in this country!

If anyone here has kids,ask them about Steve,see what they think.
21 June 2004, 02:00

Thanks for the answer.

I guess the answer of why he doesn't feature firearms and/or hunting in his shows is that he wants to attract what he sees as the largest audience without attracting negative greenie comment ie he is going for the maximum return on his investment. And aiming squarely at the "plastic monkey" population.

I can live with someone who doesn't feature firearms and hunting as long as they do not negatively comment on it.

If he DOES have firearms present in his shows but purposely ensurs any images are edited out, that to my mind would be hypocritical and adding to the general ignorance of the urban "plastic monkey" population.

What are "plastic monkeys"? Plastic monkeys live in concrete jungles.
21 June 2004, 04:24

Sorry, but you haven't convinced me at all - the man is still a wanker and I have yet to see anything worthwhile on any of his shows except a great deal of irresponsible grandstanding.
21 June 2004, 09:09
Aspen Hill Adventures
Wow, I go off bear hunting and look what happens here!

Bakes, I think your butt is going to haunt you for a long, long time. BTW- I did see a spotty bear, for real. It was a little one and a kid shot it the day after I passed on it.

What is a tosser anyway? Y'all already defined a wanker for me some time back.

I do believe Steve's wife is an anti hunter. She looks terrified each time I have seen her in action with Stevo. She probably only goes along with the deal to boost ratings. I still can't believe she didn't clunk him over the head with an iron skillet for putting that baby near the croc.
21 June 2004, 09:43

Bakes, I think your butt is going to haunt you for a long, long time

A tosser is the same, Ann.
21 June 2004, 12:10
Sorry not buying it today here is a real legend defender of the enviroment and a darn nice guy just don't piss him off he'll knock your block off .
21 June 2004, 13:18
In the Sun Herald (June 20) there was a report about the Federal Government scrutinising the Irwin's Antarctic film to see if charges would be pressed.

The article concluded with ....Irwin last week said he had done nothing wrong and suggested people were attacking him because he was a celebrity. "When you get to be the greatest wildlife warrior that's walking on earth, mate, you've got to take the good with the bad". he said.

Greatest wildlife warrior???? There are plenty of people out there doing REAL work for wildlife around the world in conditions that could best be described as primitive and they earn a mere pittance and get no publicity at all. And how many game scouts in Africa have had to shoot it out with poachers to save truly endangered animals and how many have been killed? I would suggest that it is people like these who are the real 'warriors' of conservation.

I have always had the greatest respect for the 'quiet achievers' and it has always been my belief, and observation, that in life those who blow their own trumpet the hardest are the ones doing the least real work and are experts at doing just enough of the high profile stuff to make it look like they are doing the work (just like MOST politicians).

'Wildlife warrior'?.......'The greatest on earth'?......spoken like a true wanker and I rest my case!
21 June 2004, 16:29
Bad Ass Wallace
The biggest threat from STW and his antics is that his exposure and wanker style when depicted overseas will tend to make visitors think that every Australian male is a wanker like Steve.

If the bugger (Bakes says we can't use noughty words no more)would only tone down his mannerisms to a realistic level then we would all feel more comfortable about saying that he is one of us.
21 June 2004, 16:39

If the bugger (Bakes says we can't use noughty words no more)would only tone down his mannerisms to a realistic level then we would all feel more comfortable about saying that he is one of us.

He is playing to the attitudes and culture of his primary market which is not Australia.
23 June 2004, 22:27
I like that bloke John Wamsley, any person that shoots cats is alright in my book.

I spoke to some US Marines the other day, they think he's a wanker as well



Greatest wildlife warrior???? There are plenty of people out there doing REAL work for wildlife around the world in conditions that could best be described as primitive and they earn a mere pittance and get no publicity at all. And how many game scouts in Africa have had to shoot it out with poachers to save truly endangered animals and how many have been killed? I would suggest that it is people like these who are the real 'warriors' of conservation.

I met a ex game scout at a seminar, nice bloke that deserves a medal IMO. Totally agree with you.
24 June 2004, 00:31


Sorry, but you haven't convinced me at all - the man is still a wanker and I have yet to see anything worthwhile on any of his shows except a great deal of irresponsible grandstanding.

Beauty of being a free country ain't it. You can form an opinion on someone without actually knowing them, you don't have to like everyone, and the remote control allows you to watch what you want.

Personally I think he is just trying to make non cute and cuddly animals interesting. I personally find it over the top but then I'm not really part of the target audience.

The $$ he has made probably indicate people like you aren't either.

I see little point to publicly slagging the guy thats all. In personal dealings he is a very likeable and friendly guy, not a big head at all.
24 June 2004, 02:44

I spoke to some US Marines the other day, they think he's a wanker as well

Go back to my earlier posts. Am I disagreeing!


What's a "wildlife warrior"?
24 June 2004, 03:16
Well, I have never met Steve, so I will not judge him - I think that any 'media person' will have a 'larger than life' persona. It's just the way the media (and we, as consumers of that media) do things.

My biggest objection to his self proclaimed 'champion of wildlife' title was in a TV show I saw a couple of years ago, in which one of his dogs caught a piglet, and Steve 'wrestled' with his dog, freed the piglet, and then released the bloody thing, saying "Go, piggy, Go!!"

If memory serves, there are some pretty stiff penalties for people who release a declared noxious pest back into the wild.

It may be different for us mere mortals, but as anyone who has seen the damage pigs do (yeah, I know - preaching to the converted!) he did the wrong thing. Morally, legally, and as a conservationist.

He might be a nice guy, but I lost all respect for him as a 'conservationist' as a result of that program.
24 June 2004, 03:27
Aspen Hill Adventures
I also saw him release the pig and was horrified.
25 June 2004, 05:46
Thanks Ann,

For a moment there, I wondered if I'd dreamt it!!
25 June 2004, 12:33
N. S. Sherlock
I was initially intrested in program or two featureing the fellow several years ago, as I have a particularly favorable impression of folks down under. Then I saw the show where he was pissing about leg hold traps and pitching it to very young children, and that caused me to rethink what I had seen. He is a skillful exhibitionist out for himself. Never watched another of his "exhibitions" again.
25 June 2004, 16:25
I saw the pig release video too, but there were many more interviews etc., I didn't like about him. One interview I read that was in scientific american really indicated to me how anti hunter he was.