Link to images This is lovely, Germanic styled, full custom rifle built on the G33-40 lightweight Mauser Action.
The rifle was put together and stockwork done by American Custom Gunmakers Guild (ACGG)member Chic Worthing. The barrel customizing was done by Maurice Ottmar and Cliff LaBounty.
Some of the features of note are the full length integral rib on the barrel, the Lyman site which swings with the bolt release, double set triggers and the remarkable stock work and checkering by Chic.
The weight is 7lbs, 4 oz. the LOP is 14.25" to the front trigger of the double set triggers.
I purchased this direct from Chic and I have never shot it.
Here is the 2007 copy about this gun from Chic's old website...
............................................................."Life Is Too Short To Hunt With An Ugly Gun" The following firearm is a German style open sight rifle built on a G33/40 action. It has an old commercial German take off barrel, that was rebored to .338 by Cliff Labounty of Maple Falls, Washington. Maurice Ottmar chambered the barrel in .338/06. The barrel is a half round/half octagon with a full length rib with an integral hold down on the barrel and an integral sling swivel stud. The stock is Bastogne Walnut from Don Cantwell, Chico CA. I shaped it with raised side panels that are more evident in the second picture. There is a metal escutcheon on the forearm with a captured wedge that holds the barrel. I rust blued the metal. One of the most interesting features is the Lyman 35 sight. They mount on the bolt stop and swing out with the stop. They are a marvel of the machinist's art. Lyman sold them in 1900 for $12, but to put that in perspective, the Winchester 1890 22 rimfire sold at that time for $16. These sights now sell for $350 and up............................
This is NOT C&R eligible as it is no longer in the original condition when the Mauser left the factory.
This will be shipped to your FFL in a hard case, fully insured, by USPS Registered Mail.
$3999 + Buyer to pay for actual S&I.