Moderators: Pete E
Looking for a little help in the UK
posted 11 February 2004 12:10

I have been hankering after a medium bore for sometime and now look as if I will have a use for one. I would also like to use the rifle on boar and red deer at a later date, probably in Europe.

I have narrowed my choice to the 9.3x62 and the .375H&H, probably in a CZ550 American.

Before I buy, I would like to shoot both calibers to get an idea of the felt recoil as I confess to being a bit recoil shy..

Is there anybody with a rifle in either of these calibers who could let me try them out if I pay for a box of ammo and perhaps a pub lunch??

I don't mind traveling to do this...


Posts: 5684 | Location: North Wales UK | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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posted 11 February 2004 18:57Hide Post

I have on hand a 9.3x62 and a box of 232, 270 and 286gr ammunition.

My suggestion would be to try to get Ian F or some one else with a 375H&H to meet up at the same time at short siberia (Bisley) for a couple of hours so you can try them side by side and we can go for a pint after.
Posts: 2258 | Location: Bristol, England | Registered: 24 April 2001Reply With Quote
posted 11 February 2004 21:30Hide Post

Thanks for that, its much appriciated. I am currently investigating the possibility of getting of either of the two cailbers in CZ 550 American; it seems that they are not brought ionto the UK as standard and would only be available as a special order via Edgar Brothers. From my past dealings with Edgar Brothers they seem more interested in "bulk orders" than helping the individual. I hope i am wrong, but I am not holding my breath!


Posts: 5684 | Location: North Wales UK | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Manfred
posted 11 February 2004 22:28Hide Post

I have bought a 550 chambered in 9.3x62 and it is efficient and comfortable to shoot.
I tried the 375 , it is really not necessary for european games and unnecessarily recoil heavy.


Posts: 159 | Location: EU | Registered: 11 February 2004Reply With Quote
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posted 12 February 2004 03:56Hide Post

As per 1894's suggestion.

No problems from this end - my time is my own. I have a .375hh with 270 and 300gn ammo. Give me a yell and we can get over to Bisley - or any other range that is suitable.

PS - the felt recoil on the CZ is managed to the point where Im guessing you will be impressed!

Rgds Ian
Posts: 1308 | Location: Devon, UK | Registered: 21 August 2001Reply With Quote
posted 12 February 2004 04:15Hide Post

Again thanks for that...what model/stock style .375H&H do you have?


Posts: 5684 | Location: North Wales UK | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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posted 12 February 2004 04:59Hide Post

Ive got a ZKK 602. The stock is straight and looks similar to the current 'American' Model in my eyes. Ive fitted a Pachmayr 'Decelerator' pad, brought the trigger to a crisp 2.5lb - and a gifted friend filed up a new safety catch.

This because the early CZs had a unit that pulled back to 'fire' and forward for 'safe'. Excuse me - but that was the opposite of every other rifle in the cabinet. I was struck by the vision of instinctively thumbing the catch forward - as something large, hairy and unhappy scampers in my direction!

Warne QD mounts and a 1.25 to 4x safari scope top it off. I also have a 3-9 x40 with ranging reticule which slots on should average ranges make it worthwhile. Recoil is light enough that I am happy to fire it prone - long benching sessions though are NOT good!

regards Ian
Posts: 1308 | Location: Devon, UK | Registered: 21 August 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 12 February 2004 20:47Hide Post
Nothing to do with me, I'm still on 243 and 308... but as West Countrymen cannot you find a more regional venue? I just looked at Guntrader and minsterly ranges have something in both calibres s/h.
Pete I would suspect that David Ryan would be a good bet to source a new BRNO in an exotic calibre, has certainly got s/h 9.3 brno and a s/h tikka in 375- looks a good bet to me. Must be nearer than Bisley for all 3 of you.
Apologies for butting in!!!
Posts: 337 | Location: Devon UK | Registered: 21 March 2002Reply With Quote
posted 12 February 2004 21:16Hide Post

No problems with that at all..I actually called Minsterly before I posted and they said they had a S/H Tikka Battue (sp?) in 9.3x62 ..I would prefer a CZ 550 American if i can get it in that caliber.

Once I have the correct variation on my ticket I will take a look at where is convienent for Ian and 1894 unless Dave lets me try one first.


Posts: 5684 | Location: North Wales UK | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
posted 12 February 2004 23:45
Pete E

David Ryan in the bog should be able to help you. I know a company in Sweden who has them, if it's not to much trouble importing...

I would replace the bolt shrould on the CZ with a three position safety

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Picture of Deerdogs
posted 13 February 2004 01:02Hide Post
On the basis that you are all good chaps and I get to have a go, you are most welcome to try these out in my quarry (home made 90 metre range)near J19 on the M5 as I think it may be central to you all.
Posts: 1978 | Location: UK and UAE | Registered: 19 March 2001Reply With Quote
posted 13 February 2004 01:19Hide Post
Now, if somebody brings a BBQ, do we have the makings of an UK AR day at the ranges?
Posts: 5684 | Location: North Wales UK | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Fallow Buck
posted 13 February 2004 06:18Hide Post

Oh Dear!!

Memories come flooding back of my last day a short siberia. I was testing 3 brands of .243 win with a couple of friends.

If you ever see the film
"Three friends, six rifles and a bucket of ammunition"
you will know it is the story of that day!!
One guy fired 6 rounds in all the time we were there...

A lot of fun, and I'd say a day on S/Siberia would be a good place to meet on a sunday morning for an AR Jolly....

Any takers?

Posts: 4096 | Location: London | Registered: 03 April 2003Reply With Quote
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posted 13 February 2004 10:25Hide Post

On the basis that you are all good chaps and I get to have a go, you are most welcome to try these out in my quarry (home made 90 metre range)near J19 on the M5 as I think it may be central to you all.

Would be perfect for me on a weekend.
Posts: 2258 | Location: Bristol, England | Registered: 24 April 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 13 February 2004 11:51Hide Post
Anytime, looking forward to the opportunity to get together!

Rgds Ian
Posts: 1308 | Location: Devon, UK | Registered: 21 August 2001Reply With Quote
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