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What 3 items of equipment couldnt you do without?
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Picture of nightwalker uk
posted 01 May 2008 20:58
Right gentlemen and ladies, as the title states, what 3 items or ideas have "revolutionised" your hunting/shooting/outdoor life?

They can be bought items or home inventions...
Posts: 418 | Location: Derbyshire, England | Registered: 09 January 2005Reply With Quote
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posted 01 May 2008 21:56Hide Post
1. My Land Rover
2. A good comfortable pair of gortex boots
3. Sound Moderator
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Picture of Jon2
posted 01 May 2008 23:39Hide Post
The two essentials for me are:

1) Binos

2) Rangefinder

3) Welly gogs

These are in no especial order
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Picture of Jon2
posted 01 May 2008 23:40Hide Post
The two essentials for me are:

Meant to read 3 essentials ( it has been a long day) Big Grin
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posted 02 May 2008 00:13Hide Post
My Binos,

a good knife


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posted 02 May 2008 00:54Hide Post
1. a good wife!
2. a good buddy!
3. a good dog!

any other acquisitions are just the cream on the cake.

Posts: 1179 | Location: scotland | Registered: 28 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Claret_Dabbler
posted 02 May 2008 01:24Hide Post
Griff, you could possibly swap the wife and the dog in the pecking order!!


Just because you are paranoid, doesn't mean they are not out to get you....
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posted 02 May 2008 01:35Hide Post
i would say that the invention of gunpowder has revolutionized my hunting.

joke aside, i'm pretty easy to please.
just give me a gun, suitable clothes, good weather and a backpack with something good to eat.

that's all i need.
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posted 02 May 2008 03:43Hide Post
1. mobile phone, or rather the ability to receive pictures/texts on it from your mates, especially when they miss something so you can spend the rest of the evening laughing

2.waterproof/ breathable pants

3.a wife that says "its a lovely evening, why don't you take your rifle and go out for a bit"
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posted 02 May 2008 10:02Hide Post
Thinking back to when I started hunting, and what equipment I have then, the most "revolutionary" items from later years is:

- Good Goretex clothing
- Good Goretex lined boots
- Quality riflescope

As you can see, I´m a sissy that likes to stay dry and comfy Wink, and my aging eyes takes an increasing benefit from good optics.

Arild Iversen.

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posted 02 May 2008 11:14Hide Post
My BLaser R93, cheers Dave
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Picture of nightwalker uk
posted 02 May 2008 13:41Hide Post
Some good items here fellas, see Griff I never even thought of including the wife! (but on pondering you are right - which reminds me I promised the good lady I would stop in tonight!)

Alex.Y is easily pleased with a pair of waterproof pants, whats wrong with boxer shorts?? Big Grin

For me, it has to be...

1. An accurate rifle/scope/combination, putting the time in if failure happens I want it to be human error not mechanical!

2. Lightforce scope mounted lamp (although this might be made redundant if the night vision works!)

3. Having like minded friends who can share hunting experiences and can have a laugh with.
Posts: 418 | Location: Derbyshire, England | Registered: 09 January 2005Reply With Quote
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posted 02 May 2008 13:47Hide Post
Here is my choice, at the moment it could of course all change tomorrow,

1. Quality scope (well, the ability to afford one)
2. Decent gortex jacket
3. I can't decide between my wife and my quad for this one!


A clever man knows his strengths, a wise man knows his weaknesses
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Picture of peterdk
posted 02 May 2008 13:55Hide Post
to me it is:

1: a good dog
2: a good horse
3: dbl rifle

all three items makes my hunting expirence a lot better.

best regards

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Picture of Ghubert
posted 02 May 2008 16:01Hide Post
Ooh tough one bewildered

here goes:

1. Rick Whitely
2. Rick whitely's deer wood
3. Rick Whitely's rifle

life would have been rather difficult without the above thus far Big Grin
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posted 02 May 2008 17:39Hide Post

Send me a photo of the Dog!

Big Grin


Number 10
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Picture of b.martins
posted 02 May 2008 18:56Hide Post
You guys, you are all soo demanding: dogs, wives, goretex boots, goretex clothes, quads…

If you were real hunters you wouldn’t need anything but:
1) A rifle
2) A scope
3) A few bullets.

Big Grin


What every gun needs, apart from calibre, is a good shot and hunter behind it. - José Pardal
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posted 02 May 2008 18:58Hide Post
Sub 2lb trigger
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Picture of loud-n-boomer
posted 02 May 2008 21:14Hide Post
If you don't mind an answer from an American:

1) Quality lightweight waterproof binoculars.

2) Lightweight breathable water resistant/waterproof boots.

3) Synthetic wick-dry clothing that stays warm when damp or wet.

One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got into my pajamas I'll never know. - Groucho Marx
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posted 03 May 2008 00:12Hide Post
when the wife is looking over my shoulder asking "what you doing", that will always be the order in which I would choose,when the dog is looking over my shoulder the order is still the same, this lets the dog know who is boss!!

I'm sure there are pictures of the dog in some of the publications, she seems to get more coverage than I do..

Posts: 1179 | Location: scotland | Registered: 28 February 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 03 May 2008 02:34Hide Post
A rifle,
Roe sack,
tripod sticks.
good shooting
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Picture of nightwalker uk
posted 03 May 2008 10:03Hide Post

The coverage you got in sporting rifle was enough Griff - if I had realised you were such an internationally important star I would have dived for the autograph book when we were at Baldock rotflmo

Posts: 418 | Location: Derbyshire, England | Registered: 09 January 2005Reply With Quote
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posted 03 May 2008 14:04Hide Post
My choice would be

Waterproof 'attire': boots / clothing. If I could not have both, for the purposes of this survey, I would go with the boots and wear good, old fashioned 'stinky tweeds'.

Modern optics: binoculars & telescopic sight. I need both to find and shoot accurately as I am short sighted. I could live with 1950s technology though.

Modern rifle , post 1898 Smiler
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posted 05 May 2008 13:38Hide Post
#1. Rifle.
#2. Optics.
#3. Ammo.

Everything else is "nice to have"... Cool

Cheers, Dave.

Aut Inveniam Viam aut Faciam.
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posted 05 May 2008 13:52Hide Post
good for you! finally realising that the wife is thee "BOSS".

Autographs are £5.00 each and are limited to one each!! Wink

Will have to have a get together with JB and Tim
when we have a range day..

Posts: 1179 | Location: scotland | Registered: 28 February 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 11 May 2008 20:41Hide Post
First of all I need a good place to hunt in, for exampel my Farm! 2 . a good gun, my Tikka T3 battue ! 3. my sound moderator , save the littel left of my ears!

Posts: 147 | Location: Sweden | Registered: 23 March 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of Kamo Gari
posted 12 May 2008 11:08Hide Post
Originally posted by Claret_Dabbler:
Griff, you could possibly swap the wife and the dog in the pecking order!!


CD, I'll have you know that your quip just cost me a mouthful of Talisker, but was well worth it! Smiler



P.S. Rifle (ammo goes without saying), knife and a proper set of clothing, namely boots.


Hunting: I'd kill to participate.
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Picture of 900 SS
posted 17 May 2008 21:50Hide Post
A folding saw is the least obvious kit I want, if the gun is included I also want a knife and a rope before a scope or binoculars.
Posts: 408 | Location: Bardu, Norway | Registered: 25 August 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of billinthewild
posted 27 May 2008 10:32Hide Post
Two dogos, one good bowie knife, and friends in Argentina knife

"When you play, play hard; when you work, don't play at all."
Theodore Roosevelt
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Picture of Fallow Buck
posted 28 May 2008 06:18Hide Post
My Binos, my rifle and a mobile phone wo I can take pictures and send them and texts to Pete to gloat!!

(Not so relelvent since the last weekend of course!!)

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posted 12 June 2008 21:55Hide Post
Originally posted by nightwalker uk:
Right gentlemen and ladies, as the title states, what 3 items or ideas have "revolutionised" your hunting/shooting/outdoor life?

They can be bought items or home inventions...

The 3 things that have "revolutionised" my hunting/shooting/outdoor life are.

1.Gortex Lined clothing
2.Synthetic stocks
3.Stainless Steel rifles

Fat people are harder to kidnap.
Posts: 47 | Location: UK | Registered: 12 June 2008Reply With Quote
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posted 13 June 2008 07:18Hide Post
Originally posted by Sambar 9.3:
#1. Rifle.
#2. Optics.
#3. Ammo.

Everything else is "nice to have"... Cool

Please, think of the unlucky spectator who happens along while you're out nude in the woods with just your loaded and scoped rifle. Move one of the "gortex-lined clothing" items up from the "nice to have" onto the "must have" part of your list.

Or at least a fifth of scotch for the poor unfortunate to down between screams of "Oh, my eyes!"
Posts: 8938 | Location: Dallas TX | Registered: 11 October 2005Reply With Quote
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posted 13 June 2008 11:39Hide Post
Originally posted by China Fleet Sailor:
Originally posted by Sambar 9.3:
#1. Rifle.
#2. Optics.
#3. Ammo.

Everything else is "nice to have"... Cool

Please, think of the unlucky spectator who happens along while you're out nude in the woods with just your loaded and scoped rifle. Move one of the "gortex-lined clothing" items up from the "nice to have" onto the "must have" part of your list.

Or at least a fifth of scotch for the poor unfortunate to down between screams of "Oh, my eyes!"


I suppose that would be one way of making sure I get left alone during the hunt... Wink

Cheers, Dave.

Aut Inveniam Viam aut Faciam.
Posts: 6716 | Location: The Hunting State. | Registered: 08 March 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of nightwalker uk
posted 13 June 2008 14:06Hide Post
After my last 14 fox's in 3 weeks, I have now got to include my Foxpro Scorpion caller - once you know how to use it, it is a definate "must have" when I am out after the red boys!!

Posts: 418 | Location: Derbyshire, England | Registered: 09 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Fallow Buck
posted 13 June 2008 15:37Hide Post
I got one of the cass creek fox calls and it has stayed in the cupboard until last month when we had a problem with charlie taking lambs from the pen. The Keeper used his one and we got 7 foxes for 5 evenings. At one point he'd called 3 into the shooting area!!

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Picture of Steve Latham
posted 17 August 2008 12:07Hide Post
If I was allowed a single item of "Gucci gear", it would have to be my Satmap system, a small , light, blackberry sized unit, You pop a o.s. map chip in it, all in glorious colour, & away you go, I have trialled it on the last two Arran trips, & will not be taking a paper map this year! Cool
Posts: 683 | Location: Chester UK, Home city of the Green collars. | Registered: 14 February 2006Reply With Quote
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posted 17 August 2008 16:47Hide Post
I am sure you are aware Steve that it is a bit of a risk to rely on the electronics. My advice, and its worth what you paid for it, would be to take the map and compass along at all times. I use a Garmin satellite thing that has the OS maps in it and I agree with you that on the hill it is an absolute gift, especially in unfavourable conditions.

However I know maps can be a pain, especially in wind and rain and would recommend you take a look at these people:

These maps really do work well in bad conditions and they will do the full set of 1:25000 for Scotland. The 1:25 are worth having over the 1:50 when you are on foot. Another good point is that they will print you a full sized 1:25 map centred on your desired location. So, for example, if the area you stalk in Arran is over 2 or 3 maps you can get these people to print you one map that will cover the whole area.

The printed maps also help to give you a more general "overview" of the ground as I find a problem with the sat nav is that you can only get a small area on screen at any given time and if you zoom out then you lose a lot of detail. This is fine if you are walking short distances or short legs but for longer distances the paper map is still a requirement for me as often it reveals something, in the way of alternative routes for example, that you would never have seen on the small sat nav screen.
Posts: 442 | Registered: 14 May 2007Reply With Quote
posted 17 August 2008 16:51Hide Post

Is that the Active 10 unit I see being sold more and more?

The unit itself looks very good, but I do wonder how well the GPS locks onto the Sats when compared to a upper end Garmin or Magellen...

I bought myself a Garmin 60CSx but would have certainly looked hard at the Active 10 if I had known about them...
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posted 17 August 2008 17:48Hide Post

The printed maps also help to give you a more general "overview" of the ground as I find a problem with the sat nav is that you can only get a small area on screen at any given time and if you zoom out then you lose a lot of detail. This is fine if you are walking short distances or short legs but for longer distances the paper map is still a requirement for me as often it reveals something, in the way of alternative routes for example, that you would never have seen on the small sat nav screen.

Absolutely! Reliance upon electronic aids and gimmicky gadgetry is becoming ever more prevalent. Be they RF's or GPS's.

I suppose it saves those that tend to rely upon them from learning the skills, I often wonder how they would cope if the thing packed up at that crucial moment when you needed it most. As they always inevitably do sooner or later.

Theres yet to be a machine made that will not fail, just as there is yet to be a battery made that lasts for ever. banana
Posts: 128 | Location: Lost but I have a compass and know how to use it | Registered: 13 August 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of Steve Latham
posted 17 August 2008 18:54Hide Post
Yes it's the active 10, you really should try one, I should just qualify my earlier comment about the paper map, I will be taking it as usual, just leaving it in the digs, we're pretty well conversant with the beats now. wave
Posts: 683 | Location: Chester UK, Home city of the Green collars. | Registered: 14 February 2006Reply With Quote
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