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TN yote hunter.
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I have been hunting yotes in TN now for about 10 years.I average about 4 yotes a season,Jan to end of March.I was wondering if this is about the same as other SE hunters.I use Primos mouth calls.What kind of calls are yall using? We can not hunt at night,so I hunt the afternoon mostly.I only have one place to hunt{1100 acres},and was thinking my dogs are becoming callsmart.I no there still there because they will respond to my howling,but wont come to the call.I tried a morning hunt,and had one come in the back door on me,but I had no shot.Any advice?
Posts: 4 | Registered: 18 January 2008Reply With Quote
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There are some on this site who puportedly shoot 25 per night. Personally, I take 1-2 per outing or 15-25 per year. Lou

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What part of TN are you in?
Posts: 30 | Location: E.TN | Registered: 21 March 2007Reply With Quote
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I live north of Nashville and hunt in southern KY. About 3 years ago, I hunted about 15 set-ups and killed 8 dogs. Of those, 2 were killed at the same place about a week apart. All in February.

2 years ago I killed only one out of about 10 tries. Then I caught a trespasser who was sneaking in and playing a very loud rabbit squeeler for 30 minutes straight. Roll Eyes

So, I guess I have learned from history that the new places produce more and overcalling (too loud and too long) educates the dogs.

I've tried the howling thing but all they do is howl back at me. I'm going to try a coyote decoy this year. Confused
Posts: 109 | Location: Nashville, TN | Registered: 29 May 2002Reply With Quote
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rhyned,I live in SW mid.TN {Hickman Co.}.I no that the western hunters only stay on stand for 15 to 20 mins.I have killed more by staying 30 plus.It may be the cover I hunt{mature clear cut}.Have yall ever tried the fawn dist. when the fawns are dropping with success? I call more deer,never have killed a dog during this time.Keep howling{P.Steve} they will come.Thanks for info.
Posts: 4 | Registered: 18 January 2008Reply With Quote
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I went this past weekend in S.C. where I deer hunt. We tried four different spots and had success on two of them. Both times we had a response in under two minutes. I doubt these coyotes have ever been called. The first coyote we called in was on our second setup and it was pretty close to the first place we tried. I don't think the sound carries as far as I thought it would in that thick cover. I don't really know what I'm doing, so my best chance is hunting coyotes that haven't been called before.
Posts: 30 | Location: E.TN | Registered: 21 March 2007Reply With Quote
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Dang Steve, case those dudes out and bring me the hides to stretch, we'll see what KY fur will bring on the open market.

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Posts: 4276 | Location: TN USA | Registered: 17 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Are you guys finding more success in the thick stuff or open fields or thick cover at the edge of fields?
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Originally posted by rhyned:
I went this past weekend in S.C. where I deer hunt. We tried four different spots and had success on two of them. Both times we had a response in under two minutes. I doubt these coyotes have ever been called. The first coyote we called in was on our second setup and it was pretty close to the first place we tried. I don't think the sound carries as far as I thought it would in that thick cover. I don't really know what I'm doing, so my best chance is hunting coyotes that haven't been called before.

What sounds did you use? I made ten stands on Saturday on my 1800 acre deer lease and had no response that I was aware of. I'm a pretty experienced deer and turkey hunter, but I seem to be struggling with the predators.

I'm using a FoxPro FX5 caller with a Jack-in-the-box decoy. I tried cottontail distress, jackrabbit, grey fox pup distress, and various coyote challenges and invitations. The only thing I didn't try was the bird distress calls.
Posts: 100 | Location: Clover, SC | Registered: 25 January 2006Reply With Quote
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They both came in to the rabbit distress. We were in the woods when we called the first one. I didn't have a decoy out and he actually went by us on the top of the ridge. I hit the call again, and he turned and came back in. I did have a decoy out with the second one. I put it in a field beside an old apple orchard. When she came out of those apples, she was locked in on that decoy. Luckily, when I repositioned to get a shot, she stopped long enough for me to shoot her. I have a Western Rivers call. We were hunting around Greenville. There is a very good chance that our success was due to dumb luck, which didn't make it any less fun. Calling those coyotes in is the coolest thing I've done in a while.
Posts: 30 | Location: E.TN | Registered: 21 March 2007Reply With Quote
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Thanks for the info. I'll keep at it. Nobody except me hunts the predators on our lease, so they're definitely not call shy yet.

I'll just keep trying different tactics until it clicks into place. Sure is fun trying.

I'm hunting about an hour and a half east of Greenville. Nice area you're hunting there... be sure to stop in at Saskatoon and get some caribou, elk, or whatever other game they're serving when you stop in. We'll be eating there tomorrow night (I live about an hour from Gville).
Posts: 100 | Location: Clover, SC | Registered: 25 January 2006Reply With Quote
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we,ve killed 6 in w.v. since jan 1st. killed 2 sat. we use dogs to run them with. i have some buddys who went to ohio sat and they killed 5 in one day with their beagles. 3 inch no.4 buck does good!
Posts: 319 | Registered: 16 March 2006Reply With Quote
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This one came to a gobbler in distress sound after several howls. It was the first hunt of the year. .243 with 55 gr. BT at 260 yards.

I've gone two more times and only heard them howling at dark... maybe 500 yards away.

So, I'm one for 3 so far.

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Posts: 109 | Location: Nashville, TN | Registered: 29 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Where are you hunting in WV? I'm thinking about going there and doing some coyote hunting this summer, have one farm to hunt, a few other I'm going to ask, just curious as to what area of the state you're in.

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