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Anyone Planning to Skip Varmint Season this year?
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Picture of seafire2
Anyone thinking like me of skipping varmint season this year and just preserve all the components etc you have, just to see what Osama bin Obama is going to do?

I'm looking good for supplies right now, especially thinking of the potential of Obama and the Dumocrats ending firearm ownership as we have known it in this country....

so it has me concerned, to the tune of wondering if it is even worth going out and just wasting 22 LR ammo on shooting ground squirrels....

I may need stuff just to feed my family....much like my Granddad did back in the 1930s.. my mother speaks of living off of Squirrels and Rabbits.. both of which she still loves.. along with Venison....

My granddad fed 5 daughters and a wife on that kind of meat... a hog or a turkey was a treat...
chicken was a delicacy in the 1930s for them...

wondering if those days are going to return...
I have little trust for the dumocrats, and especially Obummer...

so I am thinking, maybe I shouldn't be wasting the components that I have stock piled...

Life Member: The American Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

Jan 20, 2009.. Prisoner in Dumocrat 'Occupied America', Partisan in the 'Save America' Underground

Beavis..... James Beavis..... Of Her Majesty's Secret Service..... Spell Check Division

"Posterity — you will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it."
John Quincy Adams

A reporter did a human-interest piece on the Texas Rangers. The reporter recognized the Colt Model 1911 the Ranger was carrying and asked him "Why do you carry a 45?" The Ranger responded, "Because they don't make a 46."

Duhboy....Nuttier than Squirrel Poop...

Posts: 9316 | Location: Between Confusion and Lunacy ( Portland OR & San Francisco CA) | Registered: 12 September 2007Reply With Quote
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I hunt in the east where varmints are a low volume shooting event for the most part. I'll do the reverse of your typical shooting and spend much less time shooting paper, and conserve components.

"Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you" G. ned ludd
Posts: 2374 | Location: Eastern North Carolina | Registered: 27 August 2003Reply With Quote
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No way. Cause I'm not THAT paranoid.
Posts: 4799 | Location: Lehigh county, PA | Registered: 17 October 2002Reply With Quote
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Have plenty. Gonna do more. Its a capitalist thang. Do my part to keep the money in circulation and the economy going.
Posts: 23752 | Location: Pearland, Tx,, USA | Registered: 10 September 2001Reply With Quote
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Most important thing is to contact your congress critters. Remind them of the lack of data to support the anti-gun crowd. There is no "blood running in the streets". Statistics by our Justice Dept show violent crime DOWN. Yet our country's population is UP. And the number of guns and gun owners is WAY UP.
Most importantly... the last time a democrat controlled congress passed ANY anti-gun legislation, they were voted out of "power". And it took over a decade for their party to regain control.
Sorry to hijack your thread seafire2 but WE gun owners must make our story known. The Grabbers have never seen a stat. or truth that would get in the way of their agenda. They whine long and loud. They appeal to emotions not logic. We Must Fight Back. And the Time Is Now
I will be shooting less this year for the same reasons as you seafire2.

Posts: 1052 | Location: Southern OHIO USA | Registered: 17 November 2001Reply With Quote
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Remember Muck...

you can't use logic with these dumocrats in Congress right now...

this is the same crowd that passed an 800 billion spending bill, without even reading the 1100 pages of the bill first...

onefunzr2and as for as being Paranoid, if you aren't concerned over Obama and the Congress we now have.... you either voted Dumocrat, or you have a lot more naievity than I care to have...

but if you can not be worried over the guy, those of us who are, wish we can sleep as easily as you are then...

Life Member: The American Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

Jan 20, 2009.. Prisoner in Dumocrat 'Occupied America', Partisan in the 'Save America' Underground

Beavis..... James Beavis..... Of Her Majesty's Secret Service..... Spell Check Division

"Posterity — you will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it."
John Quincy Adams

A reporter did a human-interest piece on the Texas Rangers. The reporter recognized the Colt Model 1911 the Ranger was carrying and asked him "Why do you carry a 45?" The Ranger responded, "Because they don't make a 46."

Duhboy....Nuttier than Squirrel Poop...

Posts: 9316 | Location: Between Confusion and Lunacy ( Portland OR & San Francisco CA) | Registered: 12 September 2007Reply With Quote
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I plan staying in tune by firing a lot of .22 rimfire instead of the larger stuff.


Repeal the Hughes Amendment.
Posts: 1147 | Location: Ohio USA | Registered: 21 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by seafire2:

onefunzr2and as for as being Paranoid, if you aren't concerned over Obama and the Congress we now have.... you either voted Dumocrat, or you have a lot more naievity than I care to have...

but if you can not be worried over the guy, those of us who are, wish we can sleep as easily as you are then...

so it has me concerned, to the tune of wondering if it is even worth going out and just wasting 22 LR ammo on shooting ground squirrels....

Are the store shelves bare of .22 long rifle ammo? Not in my neck of the woods.

BTW, I sleep the sleep of babes.
Posts: 4799 | Location: Lehigh county, PA | Registered: 17 October 2002Reply With Quote
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me too, I wake up every three or four hours kicking and screaming. Ha
Posts: 23752 | Location: Pearland, Tx,, USA | Registered: 10 September 2001Reply With Quote
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Are the store shelves bare of .22 long rifle ammo? Not in my neck of the woods.

BTW, I sleep the sleep of babes.[/QUOTE]

Actually the shelves are pretty bear on 22 LR ammo, particularly in the bulk packs...

17 HMR seems to be highly uneffected tho...

Life Member: The American Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

Jan 20, 2009.. Prisoner in Dumocrat 'Occupied America', Partisan in the 'Save America' Underground

Beavis..... James Beavis..... Of Her Majesty's Secret Service..... Spell Check Division

"Posterity — you will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it."
John Quincy Adams

A reporter did a human-interest piece on the Texas Rangers. The reporter recognized the Colt Model 1911 the Ranger was carrying and asked him "Why do you carry a 45?" The Ranger responded, "Because they don't make a 46."

Duhboy....Nuttier than Squirrel Poop...

Posts: 9316 | Location: Between Confusion and Lunacy ( Portland OR & San Francisco CA) | Registered: 12 September 2007Reply With Quote
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Hey MUCK ! I live in North Carolina's 1st district for the US house of representatives. It is a gerrymandered district judicially defined so that the Minorities, can you say blacks, are in the majority. That provides for an eeo representative for the district. My vote means nothing !

A fellow named butterfield, a long time black democrat hack was appointed, now elected in the first cycle, to replace a black fellow named Ballance, who is serving time now for crimes of theft and corruption, who replaced black Eva Clayton, whose staff would not even talk to a white man. Where's my rights? Butterfield has pelosi's lines memorized, is always at the "community coming together" pork barrel acorn events touting more welfare and entitlements.

You are being had in Ohio too, you just don't know it. AND...........we have 750, 000 illegals in a state of 7, 000,000 citizens. and a new dem leadership that is going to spend us to solvency.

"Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you" G. ned ludd
Posts: 2374 | Location: Eastern North Carolina | Registered: 27 August 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of GrosVentreGeorge
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Originally posted by onefunzr2:
No way. Cause I'm not THAT paranoid.

"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." -- General George S. Patton
Posts: 427 | Location: The Big Sky aka Dodson, MT | Registered: 22 May 2007Reply With Quote
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I am not optimistic about Obama, but I think he has something bigger on his plate right now. If they passed a bill over night that tomorrow all private firearms were to be confiscated it would be Civil War 2 by Friday. There wouldn't be enough like minded individuals in the military or police to carry this out. They may be able to get the assault weapons ban re-instated but I think that may be it.

I see just tonight he already has members of his own party stepping out of line. How long did it take for that to happen for Bush. I didn't vote for him myself but once he was elected I had hoped "MR. OBAMA WOULD SAVE US ALL!" but it looks like I was right in my opinion that he was just way too inexperienced and was just the current fad or celeb du jour.

I will not let him put a damper on my varmint season after I have been looking forward to it for several months now. I even have a new 220 swift to go out and vaporize some targets with. I think this current panic will subside in time and the shelves at sportsman's whorehouse will be replenished. I am too young to remember for sure, but what was it like when Clinton first took office? I have a slight memory of the same hysteria with my Grandfather and his friends. Just for your information they are all die-hard reloading varmint/big-game hunting guys.

"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." -- General George S. Patton
Posts: 427 | Location: The Big Sky aka Dodson, MT | Registered: 22 May 2007Reply With Quote
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I'll shoot all I want, I ain't letting the S.O.B.'s win! Mad (besides the last liberal administration scared me into stocking up, I been going at it for the last 15 years. I'm no longer a consumer Big Grin).
There's the beginning of storm clouds starting to rise for our big eared "True, lying Politician" from Illinois.
I think he's gonna have bigger fish to fry than us most rickey tick!

"If a man buys a rifle at a gun show and his wife doesn't know it"...Did he really buy a rifle?
Firearm Philosophy 101. montdoug
Posts: 1181 | Location: Bozeman Montana | Registered: 04 April 2003Reply With Quote
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I WAS thinking of skipping this years trips to let the towns maybe come back a little from the plague.

But with the USFWS reviewing the status of the pd, I think I better go one more time before it is all over.


Please be an ethical PD hunter, always practice shoot and release!!

Praying for all the brave souls standing in harms way.
Posts: 731 | Location: NoWis. | Registered: 04 May 2004Reply With Quote
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I'm from the UK where they introduced a blanket ban on all handguns in 1997. We are only allowed bolt action centrefire rifles and semi auto 22lr here now.
Did the ban do anything about gun crime, did it bollocks. It's worse now than ever.
Would a criminal give 2 shits if handguns are banned - don't think so
Did it destroy a popular sport - totally
Did it cost the gov't a shit load to reimburse us - oh yes!
Did it fill our collective breasts with patriotism - did it F**K
Our firearms laws are now so fucked up no 2 firearms enquiry teams (they grant your license in your particular area) will give you the same answer based on the same criteria.
We ummed and ahh'd and politely formed pressure groups but it was too late and we all got the shaft.
I've worked with many Americans over the years both here and over there and am fairly sure Osama Banana's trendy lefty BS will get the shaft instead, not to mention the 2nd amendment! Don't you get strung up for pissing about with your constitution?
Sorry about the many expletives in my post but it's a subject that gets my teeth grinding.
We let it happen here. Don't let it happen there...
Posts: 158 | Location: South East England | Registered: 16 October 2008Reply With Quote
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welcome to the forums and thanks for telling it like it is in your country...

most of us on here know that,

it is the lefties and liberals that just never get it...

for some reason they always think that criminals follow laws and rules... homer

lefties are never overly bright when it comes to common sense...

Life Member: The American Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

Jan 20, 2009.. Prisoner in Dumocrat 'Occupied America', Partisan in the 'Save America' Underground

Beavis..... James Beavis..... Of Her Majesty's Secret Service..... Spell Check Division

"Posterity — you will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it."
John Quincy Adams

A reporter did a human-interest piece on the Texas Rangers. The reporter recognized the Colt Model 1911 the Ranger was carrying and asked him "Why do you carry a 45?" The Ranger responded, "Because they don't make a 46."

Duhboy....Nuttier than Squirrel Poop...

Posts: 9316 | Location: Between Confusion and Lunacy ( Portland OR & San Francisco CA) | Registered: 12 September 2007Reply With Quote
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I guess long-term hoarding is popular among us Montanans. I've been squirreling away supplies since I can remember, but I think Holy O will have world class problems elsewhere to distract him. They'll likely muzzle Eric Holder soon enough, too.

Varminting is about the only thing left I can afford, being primarily a snooty match competitor. Match ammo, barrels, gear, etc is EXPENSIVE.


"Greatness without Grace is mere Vanity" - Hank the Cowdog
Posts: 1121 | Location: Florence, MT USA | Registered: 30 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Haggis:
I'm from the UK where they introduced a blanket ban on all handguns in 1997. We are only allowed bolt action centrefire rifles and semi auto 22lr here now.
Did the ban do anything about gun crime, did it bollocks. It's worse now than ever.
Would a criminal give 2 shits if handguns are banned - don't think so
Did it destroy a popular sport - totally
Did it cost the gov't a shit load to reimburse us - oh yes!
Did it fill our collective breasts with patriotism - did it F**K
Our firearms laws are now so fucked up no 2 firearms enquiry teams (they grant your license in your particular area) will give you the same answer based on the same criteria.
We ummed and ahh'd and politely formed pressure groups but it was too late and we all got the shaft.
I've worked with many Americans over the years both here and over there and am fairly sure Osama Banana's trendy lefty BS will get the shaft instead, not to mention the 2nd amendment! Don't you get strung up for pissing about with your constitution?
Sorry about the many expletives in my post but it's a subject that gets my teeth grinding.
We let it happen here. Don't let it happen there...

I hear ya Haggis, we have a whacko mayor (Miller) and an even nuttier Premier (McGuinty) that are trying to ban hand guns in Canada. They feel that by doing, so it will turn the tide on gangs and drugs and so on...I say bollocks as well! If they want to turn the tide on crime, they have to toughen the sentances and get rid of the liberal "hug a thug" program. My idea to follow say, China's, or even Cuba's legal system would rightly smarten up any gun toting whacko's that are such big problems in cities like Toronto and Vancouver. You're also totally correct regarding the fact that both the US and Canada, musn't let it happen in our coutries yankees and Go CANADA clap

P.S. I can't wait till the gophers and ground squirrels come out of their winter's still a couple months off up here, but when it's time there's gonna be lots of little grease stains on the prairie! jumping
Posts: 504 | Location: Manitoba, Canada | Registered: 03 December 2007Reply With Quote
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The idea that banning things,"anything" stops crime it totally absurd! Drugs have been "banned" in the Sates forever and that's sure worked nicely huh? animal

"If a man buys a rifle at a gun show and his wife doesn't know it"...Did he really buy a rifle?
Firearm Philosophy 101. montdoug
Posts: 1181 | Location: Bozeman Montana | Registered: 04 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Not planning on skipping this year, next year, next year.........

Its part of my economic stimulus package to keep going. I am trying to keep the folks at Hornady in jobs...this is my way of helping.
Posts: 901 | Location: Denver, CO USA | Registered: 01 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Wouldn't think of skipping varmint season. Was just going to up the ante so to speak on the species involved. We seem to have more whitetailed deer than prairie dogs around here. The sheriff's report in the local paper each week has about a dozen car benders with the local deer population. I'm already in conspiracy mode and I think it's between the Kans. Fish and Game dept. and the independent body shops. Talk about job security in a down market!!!!

I call the local Walmart once or twice a week to see if they have gotten any of the Federal bulk .22 LR in and they say it's gone by 8:00 a.m. every time a case comes in. We must be REAL paranoid to keep Walmart out of 22 ammo.

I'll second mountdog's post. I've already stocked up to the point that I can't die happy. I won't be able to shoot up all the ammo I've got; that's what 14 year old sons are for.

As for politics; we're sending our govenor up to the big time. We all wish her luck and hope she has four (only) good years in D.C.

A good friend advised me that if I voted for Bush and not for Obama that there would be no change. Well I did and I still got change. SHORT CHANGED, that is!!

The only thing that could change this economy and this foul mood would be a damned good 3 inch rain

JSK: from the desert of S.W. Kansas; Lord is it dry around here!!
Posts: 217 | Location: SW of Dodge City | Registered: 18 September 2005Reply With Quote
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Well I don't know if I have stocked up enough for the rest of my shooting life, for sure I have in center fire stuff, but I'm not sure how long 50,000 rounds of rimfire will last, maybe I better get some more.

Seafire if you don't shoot this spring, are you going to take up flyfishing, I love to fish, but I love to shoot much more. FS
Posts: 698 | Location: Edmonton Alberta | Registered: 18 January 2005Reply With Quote
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I have a "baseline" ammo supply for everything. So, I always have enough on hand for current and near future needs because I have "excess" over my baseline. Before I go I always "replace" my supply.

This year I'll do only one PD trip combined with turkey season. (I realize that statement is going to be WAY confusing to anyone not from Montana.) I will however do numerous gopher trips, one in combination with spring bear and the rest pure weekend gopher hunts. I don't end up shooting that much 223 since several of my best gopher spots limit shooters to 22LR. The only thing I wish is that my CZ rimfire had a set trigger like my CZ 223. Whacking gophers at 100 yds plus on windy days with a 22LR is the most challenging shooting I've ever done, fantastic fun!

Being a contractor I'm more concerned about having any income than how I spend it right now!
Posts: 763 | Location: Montana | Registered: 28 November 2004Reply With Quote
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HunterMontana, Heading east huh? Wink
I take it your talking a 452 CZ .22 LR. Here's a link for Brookies trigger kit that works a beauty! About $15.00. The first one you install will take ya about 1/2 hour and if you do more the subsequent ones will be in the 15 minute range. Each kit will do two rifles. Really makes a nice trigger out of it. My rat smackin buddy and I have done about 5 of em. Way easy!
Brookies trigger kits.

Lot's of good CZ 452 info here.
We be neighbors wave and you do indeed have wind Big Grin .

"If a man buys a rifle at a gun show and his wife doesn't know it"...Did he really buy a rifle?
Firearm Philosophy 101. montdoug
Posts: 1181 | Location: Bozeman Montana | Registered: 04 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Good place for my first post:
Will be meeting John and Drew at WCO again this year, Doug (Draggin my brother along, too). Always have way more ammo than I can shoot, so some of it HAS to come back home with me....for contingencies, ya know.


When everything else has failed, blow a BIG Honkin' Hole in it!!
Posts: 8 | Location: State of Misery | Registered: 09 January 2007Reply With Quote
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The ground squirrels been out for about 2 weeks. I shot one earlier todayjust messing around with a 22. A few guys are already shooting em where I was at today. Tere was alot of eagles and hawks around there also. Guess they know an easy meal when they see one.
Posts: 528 | Location: S.E. Oregon | Registered: 27 January 2009Reply With Quote
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No way I'm skipping. I just spent all winter loading 2,500 rounds of 40 grain NBTs in my .223 just for prairie dogs.

Got 50K 55 grainers for the ARs for bigger varmints.

My dad told me once that if you're gonna kill a rattler with a chainsaw, use the top of the bar.
Posts: 165 | Location: Seymour, Mo | Registered: 15 January 2008Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Skypilotbc:
Good place for my first post:
Will be meeting John and Drew at WCO again this year, Doug (Draggin my brother along, too). Always have way more ammo than I can shoot, so some of it HAS to come back home with me....for contingencies, ya know.


Howdy Bob.
You fellas be sure and leave a few for seed. See ya over on the other site.

"If a man buys a rifle at a gun show and his wife doesn't know it"...Did he really buy a rifle?
Firearm Philosophy 101. montdoug
Posts: 1181 | Location: Bozeman Montana | Registered: 04 April 2003Reply With Quote
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