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VarmintGuy Is Sick With Gunitis!
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I admit it!
I am so sick with VarmintGunItis!
Yesterday... I bought another Varmint Rifle!
I just bought a Varmint Rifle last Saturday (five days ago!).
I was not even partially sated by that Saturday purchase!
I used to get this craving for another new Varmint Rifle about once a year!
Now I can't stop it!
Anyway yesterday I went to town to check my local pawn/Gun shop!
Wouldn't you know it someone had traded in a mint condition Ruger 77 V/T in 223 Remington caliber. This Rifle is probably 3 - 4 years old and at first I was not interested in it at all. I asked to look at it anyway (as the whole shop only has about 30 Rifles in it total) and this one was newly placed out on the rack!
I looked it over for fit, finish, signs of modification and abuse. No detractions were observed. I tried the trigger and it was very pleasingly crisp with no creep what so ever! I cursed myself for leaving my Siebert Bore Inspection Tool at home. I peered down the chamber and the bore as best I could with my 58 year old eyes! Boy it was sure shiney was about all I could come up with! I then double checked the bolt face - no wear!!!
I looked at the Ruger integral rings - hadn't been lapped! I double checked for signs of bedding work or of a bedding job - none done!
I layed the ground work with the proprietor (my friend!) with this parting shot - "gee its sure in nice shape"! "To bad its a 223, I already have a couple of them" (I lied - I have 7 of them and my friend knows it!). I gave the ultra clean Ruger Varminter back to him and headed home - with the VarmintGunitis shakes!
I was heading home for my Siebert Bore Inspection Tool!
I waited at home a couple hours deciding on what tack to take in dealing with my friend and how I had better hurry and give this Rifle a final inspection of the bore and the throat! The hurry was - the VarmintWife would be home from work soon and I better have that Rifle in the vault before then.
If its bore passed muster and I decided I needed it.
I drove back to town with the tool hidden in my pocket, but ready for quick action!
I was hoping other customers would be in the store to mask my upcoming intensive inpection with the Siebert Tool!
Drats no one parked in the lot!
Should I wait for customers to arrive - no time - thats right the VarmintWife is due home in an hour!
I press forward - the Gunitis induced trembling is nearly under control!
Calm down you sick bastard, I tell myself!
I try breathing slower and deeper to mask this lone outward symptom. No time to fully calm myself - I press on.
As I eneter the store I am bouyed as a "walk - in" type customer is engaged with the owner!
I go to work!
The leades of the Rifling are crisp and distinct. No rounding. The rifling is also fresh and no copper fouling is evident.
I quickly check the barrel's crown with my tool - no troubles there either!
I hide the tool!
I won't boar you with my sniveling and hagling but for the second time in 5 days I dance out of a store with a new Rifle!
Happy dancing due to what I paid for them and for the pleasure of getting another gun.
Now usually when I buy a new Varmint Rifle or a Big Game Rifle I have a specific niche or bullet in mind for that Rifle. I saw and bought this Rifle so quickly that I had nothing in mind as a "particular need or use" for this Varminter!
Oh you sicko, you must be thinking! I already admitted how SICK I am - don't rub it in!
I took the Rifle home and gave it another cleaning (it didn't need it) and I applied the proper grease to the bolts lugs!
I worked on the Rifle all night and lapped the rings and mounted the only scope I had on hand - a Weaver KT-15 (straight 15 power target type scope).
The trigger sure was nice!
Once the Rifle was ship shape I began thinking about ammunition! I decided to use some of my hoarde of 223 Federal FMJ ammo for getting it on paper. Then I was going to use some handloaded ammo from another of my 223's to see if this one was going to be a keeper or going to the Billings Gunshow this weekend!
I had everything ready for a morning range test as I went to bed last night with a blissfully ignorant VarmintWife (ignorant of any new guns being in the house - and ignorant of how sick her husband is!).
I woke up this morning early with rain pattering on my roof! No wind though!
I raced to my range and set up as quickly as I could.
The nifty Ruger Varminter printed its first shot only 6 1/2" from my point of aim! Kudos to my new Leupold Magnetic type Boresighter!
I then ran off 6 shots with the Federal FMJ factory stuff. I made two 3 shot groups with this notoriously inaccurate FMJ machine gun fodder and I was happy that the 2 groups were apparently under 1.000" apiece! In fact the two 3 shot groups there at 100 yards measured 1.003" and .629" respectively once I got my calipers on them!
Believe it or not this is good grouping for this ammo - of which, I have a BUNCH of!
Next I was to try some handloads made with LaPua brass, Federal Match primers and BR quality 52 grain Berger MEF bullets! These were made for my XR-100 Rifle and I was not sure how they would shoot in this Rifle.
I waited to let the barrel cool (it was cool to the touch but heatwaves were coming from the barrel in the 34 degree morning air and causing a slight blurr in the calm air).
As I waited I had to have this talk with myself! Do I need another 223 Varminter? How well must it shoot for me to not sell it this weekend at the Gunshow? Is there a cure for this sickness I have - Gunitis?
Etc., etc. etc.!
I only answered one of the many questions I had for myself. It was the "how well must it shoot" question. I decided if it made a five shot group better than .750" with this 15 power scope and the ammo for another Rifle I would keep it. And do some serious load development trials with it.
I was going to give it two chances - two five shot 100 yard groups to make (earn) a new home for itself!
Dang Rugers anyway they aren't usually as accurate as my Remington's, Sakos and such!
Still that new Ruger 77 V/T I bought 21 months ago shot REALLY well (caliber 204 Ruger)!
We'll see, the barrel is ice cold again!
I set out five handloads and again try to induce my mind into making my body CALM for the testing.
Futile of course.
I like the Rugers fire control unit and take up the slack of the military style two stage trigger.
The shot surprises me and I call it OK from my end.
The next shot also surprises me and that bullet cuts the first - oooohhh... I think to myself.
Three more shots head down range, none of which surprised me or disappointed me either!
The group is strung vertically but is well inside the one inch square it happened to land inside. The .01" steel ruler showed the group to be right at .48" for the five shots (once back at home the Brown & Sharpe calipers make it official, an impressive .473" group).
Its a keeper I say to myself as I walk back to the shooting shack!
I am sick!
I don't even fire the other five rounds I pack up and head home to continue doing more handloading!
I am confident this Rifle will shoot pretty consistently in the fours - and that is saying something, after all it is a Ruger and it was used and the lack of scope power and on and on.
I do know this - even if I were to run across the deal of the century on a Varmint Rifle tomorrow, I couldn't afford it!
I need a cure for this disease, is what I need!
One of the main reasons for this posting though is to give credit to the Ruger folks. This is the second Ruger Varminter in a row I have bought and been very happy with.
Good for them!
If anyone can help me with a cure for VarmintGunitis please speak up.
Hold into the wind
Posts: 3067 | Location: South West Montana | Registered: 20 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Yep I'd say you've got it for sure, been known myself to come down with it from time to time also.

Hey, if yoiu're gonna be in Boze Sat night our church is having a Sportsmans night and wild game feed.

A couple of speaker one good one from Townsend and then myself. I'll be doing a nice powerpoint presentation of bruins and bear hunting.

So cook up your fav wild game dish and road trip on over.

You got your bruin lic didn't you?

Mark D
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Originally posted by VarmintGuy:
If anyone can help me with a cure for VarmintGunitis please speak up.
Hold into the wind

You have to want to get better
Posts: 45 | Location: MN, USA | Registered: 16 January 2005Reply With Quote
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It's hard to pass up a Ruger VT if it's priced right, to me there good looking rifles also. I've had good luck with my VT's once I get the right load for them.

Not to many Varmint rifles getting traded in the shops around here this year? I had to break down and order a new Savage single shot in 204 a few weeks ago.
I've got a couple 204's now and have settled on a load so I'll put them to work in a few more weeks.
Posts: 86 | Registered: 16 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Mark Dobrenski: Thank you for the invite! The oldest VarmintSon is home this week for spring vacation and he is leaving Saturday back to college!
That would be such a cool event to attend! I will inquire what time o'day the VarmintSon is gonna travel and get back at you!

Bucktail_: You make a very valid observation there! I have to want to get better! I got to step three once in the Gunitis Get Clean 12 step program but fell off the wagon for a 22 Hornet Ruger #1-B!
I could be afflicted for a long time!

Lennyrx: Best of luck with your savage! The 204 is a wonderful cartridge!

Ooops - just got a phone call to go with the main Montana Native Head Honcho, Grand Poobah of Gopher Hunting! Will have a report in 6 or 8 hours must fly as this Grand Dragon of Gopher Hunting In SW Montana has all the "KEYS" to all the gates!

Hold into the wind
Posts: 3067 | Location: South West Montana | Registered: 20 August 2002Reply With Quote
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VG, I am afflicted with the same malady!!! And I live in the EAST where colony varminting does not exist!!! Did I need that 22-250(old model) VLS that the guy traded in at the local shop for two cheap ML'ers???? NO!! But it had 15 shots down the barrel and then it proceeded to "rag a hole" with 5 of the Winchester USA Wally World Special(40 for 15.00) when I took it out of the shop for a test run!!! Even using the Trashco 6-24 Varmint scope!!! It also likes 50 VMAXS and 55VMAXS ahead of Reloader 10X!! Not bedded(did float it and do the GHD trigger job to it!!) Just shoots!! I don't need it!!! I've got a 222MG 40X and a Savage VLP .204 that can do whatever I need to in the varmint fields! Not to mention the .260VLS or the 25-06 or the 300SAUM that can extend the range a bit!!! BUT IT WAS THERE AND I HAD THE JACK IN MY POCKET!!! It's a sickness brother!! Big Grin Big Grin clap clap beer gunsmile GHD

Groundhog Devastation(GHD)
Posts: 2495 | Location: SW. VA | Registered: 29 July 2002Reply With Quote
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remember VG once a rifle makes it into the safe, the varmint wife is powerless because all you have to say is I already had that one, that is if the question ever came up!!! I delebratly have my gun, shooting, hunting etc booty shipped to my po box so no questions are asked. If my wife actually knew what I spend a year on guns, scopes and hunting gear, I would be in major trouble!!

Glad to hear that ruger is doing well. I was real down on ruger, I had one in the safe that was a safe queen, it would have been long gone if not for my dad buying it for me as a gift. got bored one day and decided to take it out, only this time I gave the action screws one hell of a crank. It then proceeded to produce sub moa 3 shot groups with 2 different factory fodder. next I make a load with 40.8grns of h380 and a 50vmax for a speed of 3820fps. It then proceedes to hammer a .25 one holer for 3 shots and then after I am doing my best to contain my excitment, I let the barrel cool a while, then I hammer another 3 shot group of a little under .6. load development is offically done for this rifle, easiest one I have done yet. Its sporter barrel, so I don't ring it out with 5 shot groups like I do with my CZ's. I am sure the next coyote that gets in the way will no know the difference, this load is also very flat shooting

in times when one needs a rifle, he tends to need it very badly.....PHC
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Watch it!!! I cought it too... I am buying a 17hmr Saturday...

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Picture of Skinner.
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And one day, in the not too distant future, a lawsuit filed by the Sierra Club and friends will be ruled on by a Federal court regarding the potential 'taking' of endangered species who are harmed by ingesting lead fragments from 'varmints' shot and left to lay.

The ruling will outlaw the use of any projectile containing lead in the contiguous U.S. for the taking of wildlife. Eeker

Don't laugh, it can happen.
Posts: 4516 | Registered: 14 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Skinner: Don't bum me out man - I was on a new Gun high here!
You are absolutely right though! The "antis" and the greens have now banned using lead fishing sinkers in both Yellowstone National Park (mostly in Wyoming) and in the Red Rocks National Wildlife Area here in Montana!

Froggy6583: Best of luck with your new rimfire magnum! I had mine out today in fact and put the whack on a whole bunch of Varmints! You are going to love it!

Cummins cowboy: Man thats some great shooting from a sporter barrel! Good for you and the Ruger!
I had never thought of having shipments made to a P.O. depot! Good thinking my man! I will look into that!
You devil!

Groundhog devastation: Anymore its just not safe for me to walk into a Gunshop with ANY monies in my pockets!
Good for you and the Remington shooting so well with the "bulk" ammo!
Yep many Remingtons are very good performers these days.
Harvest a Groundhog for me this weekend if you get out!

Hold into the wind
Posts: 3067 | Location: South West Montana | Registered: 20 August 2002Reply With Quote
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I was on a new Gun high here!

As long as you just keep the whole "Varmintguy" thing to rifles and handloading you're OK.

We just hope you haven't bought the Varmintwife a prairie dog costume for any kinky varmint role playing adventures.
Posts: 4516 | Registered: 14 January 2005Reply With Quote
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I continue to exhibit the symptoms of this same malady. In the last several weeks I came upon an absolutely exquisite c grade custom shop rem 700 chambered in 270 winchester. Absolutely beautiful wood and a trigger that breaks at two pounds from the factory. To make matters worse it was priced over $700 off msrp. Needless to say, my resistance was at a low ebb.
A couple of days later a heavy barreled Sako w/ an S491 action chambered in 222 rem ambushed me. Finally, last week I think almost became terminal as I was laid low by a 240 weatherby accumark w/ Bushnell Scope and 3 boxes of 240 weatherby brass and rcbs dies for $625.
I saw a signature on a post here that stated in effect " Im only one rifle away from being satisfied". I can relate. I may have to lock myself in my room and post and reload until the fever subsides.
Posts: 23752 | Location: Pearland, Tx,, USA | Registered: 10 September 2001Reply With Quote
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VG, I too suffer from the same affliction. a friend of mine told me about a 223 Rem varmint special for sale & I am having serious D.T.'s, not having the money at the moment. I don't think that you will ever fully recover, but you have taken the most difficult step. Admitting you have a problem. The hardest part now is going to be keeping it in check so that it does not get the wifes attention.
Congrads on the new Ruger, I have always thought that they were good looking rifles. I have never bought one because of all the negative things I had heard about Ruger bolt guns. I have read more good things about them lately & if a deal comes by next time I have the money I will have to give one a try.
Posts: 527 | Location: Tennessee U.S.A. | Registered: 14 April 2005Reply With Quote
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The cure involves a 12-step process.

Go to the next gun show. Take 12-steps down any aisle. If you haven't picked up anything or been tempted to, you're....


Didn't make it to the twelfth step.
Posts: 1003 | Registered: 01 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Skinner: I had never thought of a Prairie Dog costume for the VarmintWife! I did buy her some bunny rabbit decorated PJ's a few years back! Maybe I am sicker than I thought!

Geedubya: I have only owned one Rifle in 240 Weatherby Magnum caliber! I still own it and hope you will be as happy with yours as I am with mine!
Wonderful caliber!
I have always wanted a higher grade Remington 700 like you describe!
I see them only rarely and yes they are always beautiful Rifles!
That Sako in 222 should be a sweetheart! I have an L-46 Sako in 222 Remington and another in 222 Remington Magnum!
Love them!

Hvy barrel: Hold an impromptu garage sale! Get that 223!
How about this - many years ago I borrowed money from my mother to buy a Varmint Rifle!
Thats how sick I am!
How about selling one of your semi-auto pistols (they are about useless anyway!) and using that money for your Varmint Rifle!
Its spring, how about you offering to paint the little old neighbor ladies house for some mad money!
I sold a Honda Trail 90 a couple years ago that I was not using anymore. With the money from that sale I bought two Rifles!
Good luck in getting some bucks together!

Hammer: I have faith that eventually I will not be so much cured as I will get the trembles and the dizziness and the weak knees and my weak will somewhat under control!

Hold into the wind
Posts: 3067 | Location: South West Montana | Registered: 20 August 2002Reply With Quote
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I think, many of us have way too many rifles....

But that doesn't seem to interfere with another one or two following us home from time to time....

Posts: 16144 | Location: Southern Oregon USA | Registered: 04 January 2005Reply With Quote
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I may be in denial but unless the ATF shows up on your front steps and has your house surrounded you don’t own to many guns.
Posts: 1679 | Location: Renton, WA. | Registered: 16 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Yep it is bad to have Varmintgunitis. but does he real have it.
For some who buys and owns more varmint rifles then one needs Roll Eyes

He can't even have one ready when he has to shoot a yote. Wink

I guess I have to question his diagnosis. A real case of VarmintgunItis would have had a rifle ready to wack a yote.

Now if he would have brought two at once I might belive it. clap
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Jay Johnson: I love your definition of "not yet having to many guns"!
And, I agree!

P dog shooter: You are absolutely right!
The only half assed excuse for not having my Rifle along that day is that I am from the west coast and when going to Guns shows it is somewhat risky to leave Guns in your vehicle. We spent several hours at the Bozeman Gunshow that day and that is why I did not bring along any arms that I did not want to carry with me and sell!
Yep it bit me in the butt that time!
There are so many meth freaks in Butte that when I go to that "big city" anymore I actually carry a knife for protection!
I have a kind of a U.S wide CCW thingy but I don't like to carry pistols as a general rule!
I feel secure enough with my knife along, to do all the pawn shops in Butte!
Bozeman has a smaller percentage (per capita) of meth freak type sickos than Butte but I still don't leave guns in my vehicles unattended there either.

By the way the 3" of snow we got last night (Saturday night) here is almost gone already!
Funny spring weather we are having!
Varmints are confused! Up one day - down the next!

Don't hesitate to ride my ass there p dog shooter, I have been burned by lack of a Varmint Rifle on many occassions due to my "worries" over loosing a gun to the dark side!
Hold into the wind
Posts: 3067 | Location: South West Montana | Registered: 20 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Yea I know what you mean about vehicle break ins. I have often thought about installing a in the trk vault for a few guns. One that fits behind the seat or in the bed. They also make a real nice one for suv's

Iam only giveing you crap because here we have to have are guns cased and unloaded in a vehicle. Most of the time by the time we uncase load up the varmint is long gone.

It is nice to have one of those US wide CCW thingy. There are still a few states I wouldn't feel safe getting caught carrying. ILL. NJ, CA, ect.( I would be legal but it could be a major hasel) But I just read ILL. is lighting up on retires carrying.

Take care and be glad you live in a state that allows you more freedom.
Posts: 19569 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001Reply With Quote
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VG beleive me I am trying to find a way. I have a Jeep & some other stuff for sale. I am still waiting on my tax return also.
Posts: 527 | Location: Tennessee U.S.A. | Registered: 14 April 2005Reply With Quote
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Hate to say it, but, there is a sure cure for 'that problem'. I've been cured for somewhat over 20 yrs now.

Just being on my budget is the cure!
Sure is hard to handle all those lovelies and not be able to take any home. Goes for girls and guns both, no special order.

Just having that cure, is enough to make a man sick!

Hope it's just me that catch's this cure, sure wouldn't want it to spread.


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