i talked to a guy who built a remote caller using an mp 3 player and a wireless mic from radio shack said he got about $50 in the setup and it will work at 75+ yards away he wouldn't divuldge any info on how to rig it up, is there any electronics guru's that have any ideas how to rig this? he wouldn't tell me how aquire the sonds either.
Don't have your answer, but will relay a couple of incidents this week that will make you pursue your goal with ernest. On New Year's eve I set up a Foxpro caller about 35 yards away, set back in a fence row and turned it one. In less than 5 SECONDS a coyote came out of the brush, charged the caller, leaped over it, and did a 180 in time to meet a 50 grain Hornady. I was so surprised I almost didn't get the shot off. If that caller had been on my lap, I would be picking fur from my teeth! Two nights ago I set up on the same farm. After about 10 minutes a coyote came from behind me, passed at 10 yards and charged to about a yard from the caller before I shot it. These exciting close encounters make me glad I have a remote!
I ordered caller from www.wildlifetech.com that has a remote and good quality sounds. I have had better response with it than any caller I have ever used.
I recorded some calls onto a microcassette and place the player under some grass or, better yet, behind a few rocks to shelter it from stray bullets. You can lead the tape with 5 or 10 minutes of blank tape to allow you time to place it and find cover before the calling begins. You can also build in some blanks in the middle if you choose. May not be a remote, but it is cheap.