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Picture of doc-and
Will more than likely be relocating from the west coast to the east coast next summer and was wondering about the situation in the Jacksonville, Fla area? Any Fla shooters here?

Posts: 87 | Location: Florida | Registered: 03 August 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by doc-and:
Will more than likely be relocating from the west coast to the east coast next summer and was wondering about the situation in the Jacksonville, Fla area? Any Fla shooters here?


Do you count alligators as "varmints"? LOL

Welcome to the East coast..sakofan..
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As far as I know; coyotes, crows, wild hogs and oldly enough ,rabbits, have no closed season in most of Florida.
Posts: 230 | Location: Alabama; USA | Registered: 18 May 2003Reply With Quote
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Are there many hogs in FL? If so, what part? Not the Gold Coast, I'm sure...

Central state? Panhandle?
Posts: 132 | Location: Idaho | Registered: 22 December 2002Reply With Quote
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I live in SW Fl about 8 miles from Charlotte harbor. Pigs are everywhere. With the water up, they're in campgrounds, parks, gardens, and of course, groves and pastures. Two of us killed around 26 or so earlier in the Spring out of a couple groves. The trappers are working overtime now.
Problem is not the number of hogs. Problem is getting a place to hunt them. Everything is leased up down here. They are regulated on state owned land and the season coincides with deer season.
Good luck. Fishing is great but hunting opps are so-so.
Posts: 177 | Location: Arcadia, Florida | Registered: 15 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Whats the prefered gator cartridge? [Big Grin] And is there any bag limit on those sketters and what gauge/#pellets do u use on them? Sure are big fellers, last time I was out there they tried to carry off my granddaughter. Had to club the sucker to death. Son-in-law is one of them thar liberals and got mad when he saw what I did to the bug. [Big Grin] [Wink] Not much interest in fishing these days. So it lookes like I have to be satisfied with hogs & deer. Could be worse i guess.
Posts: 87 | Location: Florida | Registered: 03 August 2003Reply With Quote
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The last gator I know was taken with a 22lr to the eye. I know some "casual trappers" that like the 22mag. The gator of which I speak was after a neighbors poodle in a residential area. He's a conservationist but Mama's dog takes precedence.
Hogs are everywhere. NASA has a terrible time with them at the Cape. Trapper used to work in ther all the time but lately security has shut that stuff down.
Posts: 1275 | Location: Fla | Registered: 16 March 2001Reply With Quote
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"Best varmits to hunt in Florida are vote stealing northeastern liberal types. I recommend you can find them inhabiting most areas that are paved versus wooded areas or glades....

just joking [Wink]
Posts: 692 | Location: Fairfax County Virginia | Registered: 07 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Ever notice how those bleeding heart liberals relocate than want to inflicked their ways on the area they relocated to? #1 reason for leaving Kalifornia, too many liberals here wanting to impart their views on us. And Tax the hell out of us, and take away our freedoms. Enough of the soapbox, less than a year to go!!

Looking forward to better times, where my neighbor won't be right on top of me!! New homes being built in my neighborhood have less than 10ft deep lots behind the house and only 6ft seperating them. Cost $500,000plus can you believe it and thats for a starter home!!! My house when new sold for about $25K (built in 1965) I bought it in 1976 for $60K, and will sell in 2004 for approxamatly $600K. I feel the need for SPACE and OPEN LAND!!!

[ 09-05-2003, 18:57: Message edited by: doc-and ]
Posts: 87 | Location: Florida | Registered: 03 August 2003Reply With Quote
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Don't they have a Nutria problem in eastern Florida? On the TV show "Insomniac" Dave Attell was riding along with animal control officers and they were shooting Nutria out of the canals with silenced (OK, suppressed) 22 rimfires. That seems to me to be good opportunity for some varmint hunting, unless they are totally nocturnal.

[ 09-05-2003, 21:16: Message edited by: Fjold ]
Posts: 12916 | Location: Kentucky, USA | Registered: 30 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Welcome to Jacksonville...big change for you. Have a house in St. Marys, Ga. just north of the border, exit 1, I-95. For Sale BTW.

'yotes, fox, bobcat, crow, armadillo, possum, racoon, hogs. A few other odds and ends perhaps. Hogs out the ass in Fla. and Ga. Serious pests as far as I'm concerned. Your problem in this region will be access to property. ALL land in Fla. is considered private, trespass is a felony in the sunshine state. There are a multitude of state hunting preserves throughout Fla but pressure is intense. Hunting on privately owned land requires written permission and/or membership in a hunting club that holds the lease on the property. Georgia is the same except that trespass is a misdemeanor.

Forget your 'out west' calling techniques for 'yotes. Buy a squeaker, some cammo, a shotgun, and treat them a bit like deer. Heavy cover, close quarters. A bit of scouting will go a long way if you're judicious about it. You'll get to learn all about bugs that suck blood BTW. Enjoy. [Wink] Anytime you call with a squeeker in heavy cover you are subject to a visit by ANY kind of wildlife, including owls and hawks. A typical rabbit in distress call works just dandy for calling crows here in the south.
Posts: 9647 | Location: Yankeetown, FL | Registered: 31 August 2002Reply With Quote
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It sounds like I'll need to purchase a sizable piece of real estate there in Jacksonville to beable to enjoy myself. Sounds like the pressure is on there also to elimate all hunting? During the last 25years I've belonged to several private gun clubs and shoot at several public ranges. All of them have been closed and housing tracks have been built on them. One of the nicest private ranges was down in Irvine, during any given weekend we could spot deer, yotes, foxes watching us (couldn't shoot them as it was private property) but it was nice to see them. Disney bought the property closed down our range and built two golf courses and homes on the property.

Hunting in S. Cal is poor at best. More restrictions on firearm ownership and anti-ownership mentallity in the capital (soon to be ex-Gov Gumby Davis), plus the B@#ch Diane Frankenstine (hee hee). Their rediculous drop test, now they are pushing for laws about the designs, with mag disconnect, loaded chamber indicators (I was taught that all guns were loaded)and who knows what else they can come up with (oh yea the ban on over .50 caliber). Got to get out of here!!!

Keep the Liberals out of you government and send them all packing.
Posts: 87 | Location: Florida | Registered: 03 August 2003Reply With Quote
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Find out the real deal for yourself at Get the FL hunting regs. Gators are not varmit(should be). A special license is required and there is a limit of two during a brief season IIRC. Bobcats are a game animal not varmit. Each management area may have some differences in limits and what is game or not. For private lands there is no closed season on rabbit, raccoon, opossum, skunk, nutria, beaver, and coyote. Usually these are OK for taking on management lands but you need to check each area for their regs. No hunting of native or migratory bird species unless allowed under game rules. Crows are native birds. And unless your the landowner taking out pests and nusiances, you might find yourself in trouble. Foxes aren't varmits but game and your not allowed to shoot them. You may only chase them with dogs. No harvesting of the foxes. Grey squirrels are game. Fox squirrels are not. I could have made some mistakes in my message or forgot something that may be important. There are plenty of laws here. Don't get on the wrong side of them and you'll be OK. Best-o-Luck
Posts: 267 | Location: Tampa | Registered: 01 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Thanks for the imput, Whats the regulations on buying & selling firearms in Fla?
Posts: 87 | Location: Florida | Registered: 03 August 2003Reply With Quote
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But ya better look out fer the Suthern Swamp Booger.



[ 09-06-2003, 01:34: Message edited by: wingnut ]
Posts: 683 | Location: L A | Registered: 23 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Hi, Daryl. I talked to one fellow from Florida whose idea for varmint hunting was Armadillos. He use a 75gr hollow point in a .243, said it blew them up nicely.
Posts: 281 | Location: Between Death Valley & the Atomic Test Site | Registered: 22 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Anyone have a good receipt for those Suthern Swamp Boogers? Thinks I'd prefer them BBQed! [Wink] [Big Grin]
Posts: 87 | Location: Florida | Registered: 03 August 2003Reply With Quote
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Hey wingnut...Where did you get those pics of my X-wife??
Yeah, she's ugly...but she shore could cook!!LOL..sakofan.
Posts: 1379 | Location: North Carolina | Registered: 11 March 2003Reply With Quote
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A friend once bought a 460 Weatherby on a whim and took it out to see if he could find a hog to try it on. Well he walked for an hour or so and happened to run up on a luckless amadillo. He says he remembers it launching about 20 ft and shedding parts as it went. all he had left was two halves of a beat up shell.
Posts: 1275 | Location: Fla | Registered: 16 March 2001Reply With Quote
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I thought most varmints that you would love to shoot in Fla, is against the law.

Even though they are out raping, and robbing, there is no legal season on them.

Of course most states have the same stupid laws.
Means job security for the police depts, etc, and justifies the need for more government jobs.
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