Moderators: Canuck
"Blow Hard Repellent"!!!
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Have you ever been involved in a conversation on the site here and had a Blow Hard highjack the thread? They insult everyone, try to dominate the conversation, generally attempt to control everyones thoughts and opinions, sound familiar?. Basically they are so insecure that any differing opinion is a threat to their fragile ego so they attack the offending thinker.
This happened to me a while back and I was fortunate to have one of the members private message me and explain how the ignore function works. Great function here provided I'm sure specifically for this type of situation.
What you do is this:
Go to the blow Hards last post. Left click on his name and you end up in his profile. Go to the bottom right of the page and left click again on the "ignore" function. Like so much hot air the blow hard is gone.
You can continue your posts on topics and carry on conversations with guys that want to share ideas without having to fight and argue. What a gift.
Perhaps everyone here but me knew about this feature but in case there were others that didn't I wanted to share the gift. And to the member that sent it to me from reading my onesided conversation (couldn't read the other guys) my sincere Thanks. Merry Christmas to all. This is my little contribution to "Peace on Earth and Good Will Toward Men".
Posts: 1181 | Location: Bozeman Montana | Registered: 04 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of mike_elmer
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Yesserie!!! It does work well. Now wait.... can you read my post?....Am I on your blow hard list?....

Oh Well!!! Merry Christmas!!!!
Posts: 8421 | Location: adamstown, pa | Registered: 16 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Merry Christmas Mike!
Posts: 1181 | Location: Bozeman Montana | Registered: 04 April 2003Reply With Quote
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I'm going to have to correct you on this. And I will ALWAYS correct you when you are wrong (or at least I think you are wrong.)

In fact I will never let you continue to, what is the word, "spew" out such errors, ommissions and misstatements. Not as long as I am the AR correcting cop. Not as long as I am now an expert because of how many varmint rifles I own. Not as long as I now know everything because I live in [fill in the name of the state.] Not as long as I am alive. Ad nauseam.... You get the idea.

Now for the actual correction. You've got it all wrong. "Blow Hard" is factually incorrect. You know, a fact! "Arrogant prick" is much more correct, more exact.
Posts: 128 | Location: Rio Arriba County, NM | Registered: 27 April 2003Reply With Quote
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You know,The "Ingore" function on this site would not even be needed if some folks would RESPECT the OPINION of others as much as they do their own OPINIONS.Notice I said "opinions" ,not rock solid,verifiable "facts" brought down from the mountain on stone tablets by Moses himself...

Also I feel it takes a truly MATURE person to admit they are HUMAN and MAY have made a MISTAKE sometimes.Not in terms of their opinion itself but how they EXPRESS(rant?) their views here on AR.

Would it kill some folks here to REREAD some of their INANE, RAMBLING, and RUDE posts and say to themslves "you know,I came across as a REAL A--Hole in that post.Perhaps I should apologise for they way I said that".

Alao,what's with the name calling by some folks here just because someone disagrees with an OPINION??? I thought that was only reserved for the political forum here?

Some folks here should drink a QUART of heavily spiked Eggnog and go take a nap....

Merry Xmas dudes!!
Posts: 392 | Registered: 05 October 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Fjold
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I typically type 30 posts a day and actually only post a dozen or so. After reading what I type sometimes I just hit the "back" button and forget about it.
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I hear you on that! The more emotional one is about a subject,the more carefully they should ponder things they put into writing..

That old saying "Measure twice,cut once" applies to MORE things in life than just carpentry!

BTW,Ya' know, it FEELS like Christmas everytime I see that avitar of yours!!Love seein' those JINGLE BELLS ROCK!!
Posts: 392 | Registered: 05 October 2003Reply With Quote
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Careful there sharpsman, I have a crush on that avitar and I don't like it when guys talk about my girl!
I agree with all of you, everyone has to look to himself to chill out when he gets fired up. Here a few months back I got into it and lost my temper big time, bothered me enough I posted a public apology, didn't like having to do it but it needed to be done. Ain't gonna happen again!
When I get into it with someone and I let myself get upset enough about what they say to loose my temper, I've let that guy move into my head rent free! I'm pissed off festering on it ruining my day and he's off to the movies with his wife, who won that one? No ones gonna live in my head rent free! They only hang out there if I let em.
My tempers the worst, I hate it, gotten me in trouble all my life. Sure don't want to loose it doing something I enjoy as much as hanging around here talking guns with you fine fellows.
I hope all you guys have a great Christmas and the same for the new year!!!
Posts: 1181 | Location: Bozeman Montana | Registered: 04 April 2003Reply With Quote
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dull child: If, by you "know-it-alls" definition of respecting others opinions you include giving a free pass to erroneous and misleading information then no thats not appropriate!

For instance I often stand my ground when Leupold bashers bash the fine Leupold line!

As a case in point I stood my ground recently on this forum when three different Leupold bashers tried to berate the fine Leupold line in the following manner!

The bashers claimed a shooter/Hunter using Leupold variables is positively UNABLE to get and maintain a full field of view while changing powers and holding their head in one place on the stock of their Rifles!

I know better!

I corrected them and listed all the Leupold variables I have and how I mounted them correctly to begin with on my various Big Game, Varmint and Target Rifles. I also took the time and explained how I went and retrieved the Rifles with one of every Leupold variable model I own (most all of the variable models Leupold makes except some of the smaller ones) and RETESTED them for the parameters we were discussing. The re-tests turned out positively in my contentions favor (as I knew they would!).

So are you saying I should let these Leupold bashers get away with passing off untruths regarding the Leupolds? That those untruths be respected? Perhaps even retold? If your answer is yes to these questions then your contention is stupid, shortsided and defeats the purpose of standing up for the truth. I know the difference between differences of opinion and the telling or retelling of an untruth. I do not respect the telling of untruths - nor should you!

As far as I am concerned anyone chickenshit enough to try and deliberately mislead other innocent observers SHOULD use an ignore button! On themselves!

If you or anyone else is to cowardly to stand up and be counted in the face of some erroneous posting then that says a lot about your character! None of it good!

I won't use an ignore button I like to keep an eye on the known bashers and deceivers! And when I know I am right I will make it a point to correct said individuals!

And by the way dull boy I carefully and deliberately stay away from rude or insulting discourse with any individual UNTIL THEY stoop to it! Then I do not hesitate to return in kind!

There is an old saying "don't dish it out if you can't take it"!

It appears to me that there are some bashers around here that are chickenshit,cowardly and can't take it!

My advice to them is be a little more certain of your bashings before venturing forth with them and then if you do try and be MAN enough to admit your shortcomings and correct them.

Listening Doug? Just try and get away with some more unfounded Leupold bashing and your corrections by me will be posted and that way no unawares person will be swayed by your unrefuted bashings. Its the least I can do for an honest exchange of ideas forum! Your ignore button does not censor out the truth - does it Doug?

Long live Leupold!

Hold into the wind

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Mountdog: Before you blaze off again on another tangent of berating others maybe, mountdog, you should take the time to re-evaluate yourself!
You take the high and mighty (lordlike?) position of being aloof enough to analyze others OVER THE INTERNET and you send your opinion of others psychy across the web! Who made you cyberspace psychanalyst in chief! You intentionally begin berating others at the drop of a hat (an opposing view - with proof by the way!). And yet YOU refuse to accept opinions, evidence AND proof that you are relaying an untruth - and then YOU have the audacity to criticize YOUR corrector!
You my fin feathered friend are obviously the one most likely to have the delicate ego and hide behind "fight and argue" like statements when you have been corrected.
Aaahhh how delicate you are! That being said it does not, obviously, keep you from making an occassional mistake! And then refusing to take good advice in alleviating your mistake makes even less sense!
You go ahead and put your "ignore" button on! But be advised pal that when and if you begin again making postings and declarations that are unfounded - I will be correcting your posting whether you can read it or not! Your idea of a forum then is, doug is ALWAYS right and any proven discourse to "dougs way" is "fighting and arguing"! Aaaahhh I am sorry - I didn't mean to hurt your feelers doug!
If you are so touchy that a public correction has sent you off into sulk city and "I'll take my Marbles home" attitude then you aren't much of a man doug!
And I will admit that is a cybernet assumption on my part - but I have a lot of experience in dealing with cyberland types and then getting to know them in real life! I'll stick by my evaluation of you til proven otherwise!
By the way your immature and snotty little posting regarding your not knowing that by extending me a favor once and my question to you regarding it (where can I send the replacement bore brush) has STILL not been answered! Let alone some reasonable refutation or proof from you or ANYONE that I am wrong about the Leupold 8.5x25x40's!
I certainly want to get myself out from under that "obligation" to you doug!
Please provide an address where I can send the re-placement 20 caliber bore brush or at what store I can leave a credit for you.
Hold into the wind
Posts: 3067 | Location: South West Montana | Registered: 20 August 2002Reply With Quote
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"Luke, I sense a disturbance it the Force". "It's the presence of the Dark Side"! LOL LOL

This function works a beauty, I wonder if I could figure a way to have it work on my mother-in-law?

Picture this, I have my fingers stuffed in both ears, my eyes are closed and in a loud voice I'm saying--La-La-La-La-La-La-La

"Ya gotta love it"!

Lets talk shooting. HA-Ha-Ha! "Merry Christmas"!
Posts: 1181 | Location: Bozeman Montana | Registered: 04 April 2003Reply With Quote
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I just thread this thread WITH VG's posts and then hit the Ignore button and viewed it WITHOUT.


I have noticed with the Ingore button on,VGs posts are MUCH more mature,coherent and polite...

For now(until VG resumes taking his meds)I will have to ignore button ON...
Posts: 392 | Registered: 05 October 2003Reply With Quote
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Local trial lawyer buys an ad every week in the local paper, to educate the uninformed on what they need to know regarding civil law, and the evils of corporations and the medical community.
Contrary to his desires, it provides free entertainment worth the price of the paper! I kinda look forward to the twisted viewpoints, the "out of context" quotes, and the arrogance of his writing....
Hence, I can't use the "Ignore" option on AR. Certain posters are just too "entertaining".
Posts: 639 | Location: Central Texas | Registered: 28 March 2002Reply With Quote
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I hear ya Mulerider, it would be comical if it weren't so pathetic. Guy's gotta be pretty miserable inside to lash out like that and need to control every aspect of everyones thoughts, I believe he honestly thinks this last go round was about Leupold scopes. Gotta love that ignore button!
I guess once a guy figures he knows it all there ain't much point in listening to any one elses viewpoint. Like I said, pretty pathetic. Hell, the more I've learned the more I realize I don't know anything. Still got a lot to learn, that's what keeps life interesting.
Oh well, in the great scheme of things it don't mean nuthin.
Merry Christmas to all.
Posts: 1181 | Location: Bozeman Montana | Registered: 04 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Some folks here should drink a QUART of heavily spiked Eggnog and go take a nap....

Not another peep! Maybe we drank TWO quarts of eggnog!

Merry Xmas....
Posts: 128 | Location: Rio Arriba County, NM | Registered: 27 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Man, you guys had me running scared for a little while.
I have just recently fond this site, and posted replies to a few posts about Swede rifles. I know these some.
I have a reputation for talking too much and first thought ya'll were talking about me.
I love this site. I moderate on a C&R forum, and post on a blackpowder forum and a Garand forum, but this is the only one I can read about hunting in Africa. Back in the '60s when I was a kid I read some books dad had about safaris, and had dreams of going there. The fact that my little Marlin .22 wasn't up to the game didn't bother me.
We have a troll problem on our board also, and I guess they get around. The know everything about everything blowhards are fun to bait. It's also fun to read and follow threads like this one. Makes me feel better that they don't just bother us.
Merry Christmas and good hunting,
Posts: 152 | Location: Fort Worth, Texas | Registered: 18 December 2004Reply With Quote
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Sad thing, that anyone would have to use the "ignore" feature, in the first place, but it sure is nice to have available. For the record, I have ignored the s%itbird in question for some time, and will continue to do so. I think he is the complete and only source of greenhouse gases that plague this little part of the cyberworld (OK, there's at least one more, we won't get into that)! Have a lovely day!
Posts: 116 | Location: KY | Registered: 20 April 2003Reply With Quote
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montdoug, sharpsman, and mulerider,

ROFLMAO!!! I thought I was the only one...


... please don't feed the trolls and closet liberals...
Posts: 2494 | Location: NW Florida Piney Woods | Registered: 28 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Perhaps pasting this on folks computer monitors
before posting:

Colossians 3: Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do. But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection.
Posts: 43 | Location: e.WA | Registered: 26 December 2004Reply With Quote
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AMEN, there 17rem, AMEN!!!
Posts: 192 | Location: Northwest North Dakota | Registered: 19 June 2004Reply With Quote
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