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Bolt Action 223 Rifle Choice???
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I have decided to buy a new rifle chambered in 223 for shooting gophers on up to coyote's out to about 350 yards.

I would perfer a bolt action with a 4 to 5 round capacity for when I have to take more than one shot because I missed. Wink

Other than that does anyone here have any suggestions for which rifle they would recommend?
Posts: 451 | Location: B.C. Canada | Registered: 20 November 2003Reply With Quote
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waveI can attest to the Savage and Ruger stainless Varminters. If a lighter steel rifle is adequate the Stevens is an affordable, accurate walk about rifle. Although the CZ 527 is a pretty thing and a fair walk about, it is edged out by the Stevens Mod. 200. Some fellows might just have reversed experience on these two but the Stevens was a really pleasant surprise. beerroger

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moki: I am a diehard CZ fan and would recommend one in an instant. However, you might let us know how much money you are willing to spend on a rifle. Ifr you are on a tight budget the the Stevens 200 makes all the sense in the world. If you can afford $480 or so, then I'd highly recommend the CZ. It is a true mini-mauser action, although some do not like the hang-down magazine. Your best bet would be to get on the internet can calll up Go to the smallbore centerfire rifles and take a look at them. They are fantastic. Tom Purdom
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IPSC-FAT -argentine shooting federation cred number2-
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Moki: I suggest you go with a heavy barrel Rifle as this will help you spot your own shots on the Gophers, heat up slower, provide you with a more steady sight picture in the field and almost certainly give you better accuracy as well.
I like the Remingtons over the CZ's for estehetic reasons (looks) and for the 26" heavy barrels of the Remington Varminters! Free velocity here in the 2" longer barrels than the CZ's have.
The CZ's have a well deserved reputation for accuracy but I find it only comparable to my Remington 700's!
The dufus looking hang down clip is simply the last straw for me CZ wise. Until that abhorant looking (and in the way all the time) clip obtrusion is remedied I will never own one of the CZ's.
The various Remington 700 models offer 5 rounds in the magazine and 1 in the chamber which makes for a 6 round capacity!
I think the CZ's may match that. At least until you drop the magazine in the snow and loose it of forget it back at home or in the truck - then you have a single shot.
Best of luck with whichever you choose!
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I have an 11flv savage with a 4.5 x 14 burris. What a shooter. Load 25 gr of vaget in MIXED cases behind 55 gr v-max. It will shoot 1/2 minute of squirrel all day. I have about $800-$825 in it.
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I went with a Sako, but, that's because in the middle of fur season it shot out and had to be put back into business ASAP.

Had it just rebarreled, but, changed from .222R/mag, to .223 as I was tired of not having enough brass when prairie doggin.

There's lot's of guys swear by the CZ527's lately. My cost would be around $530 is why I haven't gotten one yet. Have it on the list though.

The .223 rebarreling turned out sweet. Had my load decided long before. At the time I had a partner that had more varieties of bullets than most stores stock. He gave me 25 of each he had on hand. Which provided 19 different bullets less than 55gr.

Ended up the 40gr V Max was the tightest shooting of all. TEN shots @ 100yds in .260".

I also put a new 6-18x Simmons on it. I sure like to watch the whiskers twitching now. For cheap scopes, this turned out to be real good.

This will make the 6th year, but, haven't shot much in the last three yrs. Have less than 1000 put thru it since rebarreling, new stock, and new scope.


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George L. Dwight
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I've become a Savage fan the last year. That would be a hard choice to beat. But having said that a little over a month ago at a local store here in Washington Kesselring’s I took a very close look at a Tikka T3. An extremely nice little rifle at just a hair over 6 and a quarter pounds I've not seen very many factory rifles in this price range that has had the craftsmanship and quality of this fine rifle.
Posts: 1679 | Location: Renton, WA. | Registered: 16 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Moki, I prefer the Remington 700's. I have several varmint models & they are all shooters. I would probably look at the VLS. It is a laminated stock 26" heavy barrel model.
Posts: 527 | Location: Tennessee U.S.A. | Registered: 14 April 2005Reply With Quote
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I dont care for the remington because the bolt doesnt lock when it is on safe and your carrying it thru the woods. I lost alof or ammo that way. I like the savage myself. i have the 112 in 223 with a 26 inch fluted stainless match barrell. Its a Great shooter.

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Posts: 265 | Location: Oklahoma City, OK | Registered: 31 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Another vote for a Savage 12.
Great shooting gun! Not the prettiest, but very accurate.

Just shot my best group with my 12FV Sunday. Three 4 shot groups measuring .5". After that I went home rather than tempt fate!
Posts: 727 | Location: Eastern Iowa (NUTS!) | Registered: 29 March 2003Reply With Quote
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I have to agree with the guys that suggest the Savage or Stevens....

I added a 223 to my group recently with a Rem 700 ADL in 233 for a price of $299.00 brand new in the box... our local Wally World had some not long ago that they cleared out for $150.00! Was I sorry I missed that sale.... not only in 223, but they had some in 22.250 and also sold some Ruger 77s in 220 Swift for like $175.00.....

Wouldn't you know they would have the sale the one day I didn't seem to have to drop into WalMart for something!

After adjusting the trigger on the ADL it is a very very good tack driver....

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Gunz, can you tell us just how many times you've lost ammo?? I've been hunting for 60 years more often than not in thick cover and am waiting for it to happen the first time.
I think its a urban myth along with short stroking if you don't have a crf and flinching if you shoot a magnum.
Buy whatever rifle you want but give me a break.
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One more vote for the Savage.

If you lived in the states I would tell you to stop by a Bass Pro, as they have the Bull Barrel Black on Blued on sale for $419 through April 8-9th. It is available in .22-250, .223, and .204. A heck of a deal.
Posts: 153 | Location: Tennessee | Registered: 12 January 2005Reply With Quote
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I would go with a Savage for several reasons.

As most have said the accuracy is excellent.

The Savage Accutrigger is incredible. I have set up 5 Savages in the last year and none of the 5 had to have anything done with the triggers.

If for some reason down the road you want to go with a 204 you have the action already. All you have to do is swap barrels. It is something you can do yourself. Putting on a replacement 223 barrel is just as easy.


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Iwzbeeman: I have the same question of Gunz! The only thing I can think of is he carries his Rifle over his left shoulder and the bolt may then "rub" open, somehow, on his torso???
I have been using a large arsenal of Remingtons for many decades now and have never had a bolt open on me, let alone munitions falling out?
I have a close friend who had killed an Elk in heavy cover MANY years ago and he unloaded his Rifle (pre-64 Winchester Model 70) and left the bolt open. He then proceeded to drag his Elk out of the thick cover and when he got to his truck he noticed his "bolt" was now gone! He never found it.
The locking and unlocking bolt of the Remington 700's over the years has never troubled me.
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I'd vote for the CZ varmint weight , because I find them to be the perfect weight and balance for an all around varminter. I find most of the other factory heavy barrel models to be way more iron and bulk than desirable when walking around , and by the same token , most of the light sporters are TOO light and whippy to suit me , the CZ seems to be a perfect compromize in size , weight , and bulk and the protruding magazine does not bother me in the least . The petite CZ action makes for a shorter overall length , even with a 24 inch barrel . Also , the single set trigger on the CZ is hard to beat and adjustable to any reasonable degree .

To add icing to the cake , you can select from walnut , laminate, or synthetic stocking , whatever suits your taste .
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Savage has accutrigger, it is adjustable by he shooter as well.

Most people are link slinkies, Basically useless but fun to push down the stairs.
Posts: 265 | Location: Oklahoma City, OK | Registered: 31 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Is there anyone here than can explain the difference between the Sako/Tikka, and a regular Sako?



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George L. Dwight
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I understand that the main difference is that a Tikka has a Tikka action and a Sako barrel.
Posts: 451 | Location: B.C. Canada | Registered: 20 November 2003Reply With Quote
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I just bought a Tikka T-3 varmit w/stainless bull barrel yesterday. Getting a scope on it tonight and go shooting tomorrow. Trigger feels great at factory setting and it has some adjustment to it so I can lighten it if needed.
Has anyone shot one of these?
Posts: 344 | Location: Pocatello, Idaho | Registered: 26 August 2005Reply With Quote
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I have 5 223,s My favorite is a Remington 700 LTR and every one who shoots it love it.They are hard to find at a decent price but for me the best ever truck gun,20 inch heavy fluted barrel,H.S precison stock.I can put that baby on the mirror of my super duty and guarante I am going to put something on the ground.w/regards
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Have a CZ Varmint in blonde walnut. Shoots fantastic, and looks super. Best $550 (slightly used with 6X18 Swift Premier scope) I ever spent.

Would buy another in a heartbeat.
Posts: 1700 | Location: Lurking somewhere around SpringTucky Oregon | Registered: 18 January 2005Reply With Quote
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I recently bought a Savage 12FVSS in 223 with the accu-trigger. It's a real shooter for a out of box rifle. It has a 1 in 9" twist which according to Shilen is good for bullets up to 70gr.

SA Stainless Savages,Swift Premier Scopes and SSS Triggers.
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Originally posted by cjp45:
It has a 1 in 9" twist which according to Shilen is good for bullets up to 70gr.

That is VERY important and little understood. For some reason many .223 bolt guns are 1-12 which will not always stabilize heavier bullets (60+g). CZ Varmints are 1 in 9.

1 in 9 gives you many more choices in loaded ammo and bullets for reloading.
Posts: 1700 | Location: Lurking somewhere around SpringTucky Oregon | Registered: 18 January 2005Reply With Quote
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my best factory 223 shooters have been a pair of cheap 20" Savage heavy barrel single shots pre accu trigger. 2-Ruger VT's very good, and good luck with a Howa Varmint after getting rid of the factory stock. 1 month old Steven's 223 not bad with a few sub 1" groups with 52 A Max, 50 VMax.

My worst a Winchester Coyote, closely followed by a Rem. ADL.
Posts: 86 | Registered: 16 January 2006Reply With Quote
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