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Re: 55 grain ballistic tip for deer
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I have used the 55gn ballistic tips for roe deer quite a lot, in 6PPC. I have found it to be just perfect for roe, which are a very small deer, I use it for pigs too, most of the time heads shots, but the occasional body shot as well as well as a few fallow.
To date, I have not lost an animal with this bullet, but shot placement is paramount, the bullet is far from ideal, except for roe, and I have the luxury of being able to take only the best shots possible.

I'll hazard a guess and say that I've used 55gn b-tips on 2 dozen or more animals and will continue to use them till they run out. Then I'll go back to the 70gn which are a little more suitable.
Posts: 2286 | Location: Aussie in Italy | Registered: 20 March 2002Reply With Quote
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To be honest I've only got out to shoot it twice, but its showing some real potential. The loads that are looking good so far are the Win white box (no big shocker there), black hills 52 grain match, and ultramax 55 grain softpoints. Its going to take a bit more testing to determine with is the most accurate and exactly what that level of accuraccy is. I need get some 55 grain b tips loaded up and try them as like you I think they are an excellent yote bullet.
Add to that I need to make a spacer to extend the buttstock, work on the trigger a bit, and am also thinking about doing a little glass bedding on the action. So the jury is still out but at this point I am pleased.
Posts: 59 | Registered: 21 September 2003Reply With Quote
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I would not necessarily reccomend it, but I have seen deer killed by it. My mother once shot a 90 lb. (Dressed) Doe with a 55 gr. V-Max out of a Ruger Mini 14 at about 50 yards. She hit it squarely in the heart and it absolutely shredded the interal organs. At the check in station a man asked it if was shot with a shotgun. It would work, but I wouldn't use it.
Posts: 61 | Location: Deep Fork River Bottoms, Oklahoma | Registered: 09 February 2004Reply With Quote
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aim for their head.POP!
Posts: 160 | Registered: 31 May 2004Reply With Quote
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Why even try it when there are many other suitable bullets for 6mm to choose from for whitetail?
Posts: 27 | Registered: 10 January 2004Reply With Quote
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I kindof chuckle everytime I see something like this asked. The bottom line is you could kill a deer with just about anything if you hit it right; a 22LR, slingshot, or stick for that matter. However, you're success rate (i.e. taking the animal humanely and quickly) falls off quite a bit when you don't use the proper tools. The better gauge for this discussion should be % chance of a successful kill. For example, 90% if you use a 300RUM with a particular bullet, 80% if you use a 6mm, 75% if you use a 22-250... You get the picture.

Personally, I hate tracking deer. I like for them to fall right where they are standing. If I throw my shot 2" with my 300RUM, most likely the deer will still go down. If I did that with a 22, my guess is I could possibly miss some vitals and allow the deer to run off. Screw that, I want meat in my freezer. If you are a good enough shot under field conditions to pull a perfect shot with a 22 everytime, by all means have at it. I like to have a little margin for error though.
Posts: 445 | Location: Connellsville, PA | Registered: 25 April 2002Reply With Quote
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I will throw my 2-cents in....I bought a 22-250 last year because it looked like it would be fun to shoot and reload for...In the part of Texas I hunt the deer are not huge by any means, but I did wind up shooting three deer with the 22-250 and .50gr Ballistic Tips. All three deer fell within sight of my stand, one ran about 40 yards, the other much less. All shots were broadside in the boiler room, and two completely passed through the deer. Best thing I liked about it was NO MEAT DAMAGE at all....

Posts: 199 | Location: D/FW Texas | Registered: 10 June 2004Reply With Quote
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Geez Seafire, I just went out front and the marquee does indeed say "Accurtatereloading". I thought for a moment, from reading your holier than thou post, that I had stumbled into the Mary Poppins Room. If a guy thinks a set-up is bullshit, why can't he say "Bullshit"? As far as the question is concerned, it is pure bullshit. We have been over the river and thru the woods with this same question many times before. Anyone that hunts and has any respect for the game he hunts will agree it is at best nothing more than a hot dog, look what I can do stunt. At worse, it is a question, if sincere, that reflects a total absence of knowledge. Had the poster wanted real information, the question would have ran more like: What's the best 6mm bullet for deer? Then he could have gotten a wealth of knowledge from experienced hunters. And, I daresay, none of the suggestions would have been to use a 55gr varmint bullet. Since the thought is, in and of itself, bullshit.
Posts: 2037 | Location: frametown west virginia usa | Registered: 14 October 2001Reply With Quote
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Well Beeman, if my post is 'holier than thou" and saying Bullshit to someone who has a different opinion, but puts forth that opinion to share instead of with any malice, all I can say is if you want to Scream BULLSHIT have at it.

My family roots are in West Virginia also. South Eastern West Virginia. All I can say also is that we were raised with a whole lot better sense of common courtesy and ettiquette towards others, that evidently was NOT the case in your part of the state.

In a world full of values that keep declining, and everyone focusing more on themselves like they are special instead of showing courtesy to their common man, then I will keep my opinion that Screaming BULLSHIT over a difference of opinion is basic low class and uncalled for.

If you think something is a stunt and nothing more, than have it at. I know you have skills but I am at a loss of why you think YOUR way is the RIGHT WAY, and act so dam POMPOUS about it.

I put forth observations, and share them with others to draw their own conclusions. Others like yourself, just wait to have something or someone to criticize. I see those that will criticize what certain people say. It is aimed at the person not the information. I have seen YOU belligerently critical of a lot of things I have shared.

So If KISS MY ASS is 'New York' enough for ya.................

JUST go out and do whatever it is that you do when you hunt and I will do the same on my end. Maybe the animals will just drop in sheer fear of your mighty all knowing presence?

I am happy to even know of the existance of someone who is so "all knowing" and enlightened.

Cheers to YOU, Jedi Master Yoda Beeman
Posts: 2889 | Location: Southern OREGON | Registered: 27 May 2003Reply With Quote
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ROFLMAO. Well my roots are not in West Virginia. And, if you've visited lately, I think you'll agree that you must have taken all the courtesy and manners with you. And before you tell me how "genteel" these hillbillies are, you need to read a little history.
I do have a question for you: if West Virginia is so great, why did you leave?
Posts: 2037 | Location: frametown west virginia usa | Registered: 14 October 2001Reply With Quote
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Because my dad is an Air Force pilot retired. I have lived in a lot of places.

Plus I have seen places west of the Mississippi that suit me a lot more, TaLLER mountains, more wide open sky, and fewer people.

Where I live now, the coast is 85 miles away. I have to go down thru some of the California Redwoods to get there.
My home county is larger than Rhode Island and has 40,000 people in it. 75 % of the land is all forest service or BLM. It is 100 % mountaineous. I live near Crater Lake, Oregon's only National Park. If you see pictures of most of this area, it is hard to compare to anywhere east of the Mississippi.

WVA can't supply all of that in ANY level.

Cheers and Good shooting
Posts: 2889 | Location: Southern OREGON | Registered: 27 May 2003Reply With Quote
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Hey beemanbeme,
No sense arguing with the self proclaimed 11th disciple.
He's more concerned with righteousness on the forum than
persuading someone to make the right decisions.
It's great entertainment value, however. Just keep in mind, everything west of the mississippi is better, and you'll be O.K.
Personally, i'm from NY, and I know everything there is to know about anything. Anyone from Oregon can tell you that.

Posts: 271 | Location: ALBANY,NY,USA | Registered: 28 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Well Said! It goes to prove that Archie Bunker is alive and well in NY still.

& Thanks for the nomination for the 11th disciple. However I think there are enough, so I will politely decline.

And for the righteousness of the forum, Maybe YOU can be happy with it being VOID of a little common courtesy by some people, but tell me which you like better TOWARDS you.

Some one showing you a little common courtesy, or else just telling you to F*&K off?

There is a declining set of MORAL values in this country, and I for one refuse to contribute to its decline. So if that makes me Mary Poppins, or " Holier than Thou", then they are titles I will gladly wear.

When one travels overseas and sees what others think of Americans and their pompous self centered attitudes, no wonder our nation is not so popular. I am no Democrat any day, but COMMON COURTESY and COMMON DECENCY never hurt a soul.

But on the other hand, Archie, I always loved watching your show. Your heart was in the right place if you tongue wasn't.
It is what makes New Yorkers, New Yorkers. Get past the BS and they are some great people there.

I just have a habit of respecting people's opinions instead of feeling the need to criticize their opinions when they conflict with mine. And I can offer my contrary opinion without being malicious about it.

You attract more bees with honey than you do with vinegar.
Posts: 2889 | Location: Southern OREGON | Registered: 27 May 2003Reply With Quote
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See what I mean?
Posts: 271 | Location: ALBANY,NY,USA | Registered: 28 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Posts: 2889 | Location: Southern OREGON | Registered: 27 May 2003Reply With Quote
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Hey Seafire, I haven't noticed any of these countries that hate us refusing any of the free money we send them. Or repaying their war debts for that matter. How many folks have you heard of fleeing the USA and sneaking into say Bangledesh or Ethiopia?? Yeah, its pretty bad around here.
Posts: 2037 | Location: frametown west virginia usa | Registered: 14 October 2001Reply With Quote
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Hey guys,

Since I am probably the one who started all the name calling, etc...I just want to let anyone interested know that I just got a new "toy" digital camera, and would be happy to share pictures of my 170 deer with anyone who is so interested. To reiterate and refresh, I shot this deer with a 55 gr. NBT from a Remington 600 6mm that was inherited from my grandpa. This is the only rifle I had at the time because I was basically a poor college student. I shot the deer at about 80 to 100 yards and hit him right where it counts. Do I think this is the ideal setup? No, thus me now using a bigger rifle. Did it do the trick that day? You bet. Was it divine intervention? Who knows. Deer is dead and did not suffer. End of story. PM me if interested in pics.
Posts: 217 | Location: South Dakota | Registered: 29 October 2002Reply With Quote
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I'd recommend just posting it for everyone. As my original post just asked if anyone had had any luck with the combo, since i had seen the 55 grain BT do so much damage to the backstop I was using, and at low velocities was penetrating thru 6 to 8 inches of wood.

Surprisingly, using larger ( 6.5 mm, 100 grain Ballistic tips)
at the same velocity, I saw more penetration with the 55 grain Ballistic Tips. IN the world we are taught, this should not be, but it was!
Hence I ASKED others for experience, nothing more, nothing less. Calling names is what I draw a line at, and then it was posted here.

I agree with about 90 % of what I see Beeman posting. I also agree with Trigger on some of his other posts I have seen, on other subjects.

However I think etiquette and respect goes a lot farther than lack of it. It that makes me Mary Poppins or Holier Than Thou, than I will happily wear the titles. Water off of a Duck's Back to me.

Hopefully we can all share what we see, good or bad, and not have to resort to calling the person with opposite experiences a Dickhead, or idiot or whatever.

I have had a failure with a 300 Win Mag on a huge deer that the bullet passed thru the entire chest cavitiy,, with a 200 grain Sierra SP, Federal factory loaded ammo. There was blood and fur all over the snow, and the deer got up and headed right into a swamp. It was shot last day of the season at about 5 pm, at 100 yards. This swamp takes up SQUARE MILES, we tried to track it as best as possible for several hours. I never recovered it.

Does this mean that a 300 Win Mag with a 200 grain SP is 'too small' for deer? I don't think so. Sierra's tech line told me that the bullet was probably too tough on deer, even big ones, and that the bullet probably passed thru the animal without being able to completely open up. The hit was solid, right behind the shoulder.

So what does it prove, except food for thought by sharing with others.

cheers and good shooting
Posts: 2889 | Location: Southern OREGON | Registered: 27 May 2003Reply With Quote
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well here goes i see some of you seem to think the 55gr bt wont penatrate very good . i have presonaly shoot it at 4250 ftps and at 300 meters it will go thru 3/8 " plate steel and at 400 meters it will almost completly go thru it and at 500 meters it will penetrate about 1/4 inch of 1/2" plate steel will post pictures when i figure out this damm digital camara
Posts: 61 | Location: Missoula,Mt | Registered: 14 March 2002Reply With Quote
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