Moderators: Canuck
Re: Benchmark for 22-250!
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Picture of LDHunter

From the Data Hodgdon publishes, LilGun has the best pressure/velocity relationship with lighter bullets in cartridges above a .357...

I've never talked to anyone that has loaded LILGUN in 41s and 44s.What kind of velocites do you get and how is the accuracy compared to H110??


I have only chronoed the 41mag rounds so far and they were a bit faster than H110 (I'm moving so my data is packed away) and pressure signs were almost non-existant.

I'm totally sold on Lil' Gun and have already sold the last of my H110 to a friend that still likes it and doubt I'll ever load it again.

H110 is so incredibly fine (small granules) that it tends to give powder measures and dispensers (me too) fits and I've never liked working with it.

Posts: 2494 | Location: NW Florida Piney Woods | Registered: 28 December 2001Reply With Quote
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$bob$ (A.K.A. LDHunter): I expected just such a typical smart ass answer from you, to my serious inquiry!
Unlike you bob - I have seen literally hundreds of humans who have been shot with firearms! Just the memories of those wounds and the howling of those humans (the ones that were still alive) after being shot leads me to ask you again - don't you think it would be more appropriate to show your self in profile with your Rifles muzzle pointed in a more appropriate direction?
It just seems like a poor comprehension of firearms safety for you to be pointing your "pictured" muzzle at the gentle readers on this forum!
Anyway it certainly does leave a poor impression with those that are familiar with firearms safety and those that tend to "always" put safety and safety concerns first when handling firearms AND photographing people with firearms!
I simply think it was a poor decision on your part to have your photo taken while the camera was looking down your Rifles muzzle! You may disagree, but again, take it from someone who has dealt firsthand with many dozens of "accidental" or "I didn't mean to shoot them" type gun accidents - poor gun handling whether in reality or in photo depiction IS not only in poor taste it is inviting tragedy!
Grow up bob - simply make a better, more mature decision and re-photograph yourself in a more "safety concious" mode!
Your punishment, by the way, for such an obvious and flagrant gun safety "faux pas" is to somehow remove the memories I have of just a few of the humans I have witnessed wailing with pain and turning ever paler in skin tone til their lifes blood is gone or their wounds render them DEAD (lifeless!) after being "accidentally" shot!
And after mulling over those memories for a few years I bet then EVEN you would show a lot more respect for gun handling and firearms safety! Now remember the few memories you will have to live with as your punishment will be of often times innocent people who have suffered "an accidental" gun shot wound from people who (like you!) often do not show the proper respect for firearms and their handling!
Think it over bob!
Its just a reasonable request from a reasonable gun advocate. One who obviously has a lot more experience with and respect for firearms - than you have!
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Posts: 3067 | Location: South West Montana | Registered: 20 August 2002Reply With Quote
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This powder work great in my 22-250! 40 gr. v-max molys go 4250f.p.s with no signs of presure. Groups at 37.4grs. were .211c-t-c for the first group of five. Second group went .239c-t-c and the third went .399c-t-c with the flier! I'm using Win. primers, Win. brass,and bullets seated .012 off the lands.
Anyone else having this kind of luck with Benchmark? I never here anything said about this powder. 338vt
Posts: 255 | Location: Left coast, Right mind! | Registered: 16 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Benchmark is availble in 2 burning rates in Australia Hogdsons is using what we call Benchmark 2 it was actually formulated for loading our military 5.56mm nato rounds the fine grains were for loading on automatic machines I use this powder in my 222 Magnum it is a fantastic powder that will take off one day in America when you guys realise how good it is it can be used in up to 308
Posts: 249 | Location: Australia | Registered: 13 July 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of RareBear
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Excellent report. I have been thinking about trying Benchmark in the same case and bullet. Your report has pushed me over the edge. I'm gonna go git some.
Posts: 166 | Location: Cardington, Ohio, USA, 3rd rock from the sun, Milkyway Galaxy | Registered: 01 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Kory
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Benchmark is an amazing powder and very forgiving. I have yet to have bad results in any load (17, 204, and 224) I've tried. I think I'm going to use it in all of my loads so that I can buy it in bulk and not have to deal with other powders.

Posts: 860 | Location: Montana | Registered: 16 August 2004Reply With Quote
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Not to dissuade anyone from Benchmark... It is an excellent powder but my favorite is Varget and it ALSO is very versatile and my choice as an all around, do everything, powder.

Both of them are very "tame" to load with and very versatile.

They also are both "extreme" powders with extremely low sensitivity to temperature fluctuations.

Posts: 2494 | Location: NW Florida Piney Woods | Registered: 28 December 2001Reply With Quote
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LDH-Unlike the Hornet,This is something we AGREE ON..(LOL)

I am using Varget in three different rifles- my 22-250,my 30-30 and my 30-06(150g loads) It works VERY well in all three.

Benchmark sounds like a great powder-it,like Varget is part of the Extreme line of Hodgdon powders.I like working up a Coyote load in the summer and knowing it will still shoot in 25 degree weather in January...
Posts: 392 | Registered: 05 October 2003Reply With Quote
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I switched over to BenchMark about 6 months ago. I use it in my .223 NEF Handi (don't own a 22-250) It is very clean burning as well as clean to handle. I use it under 55gr Horns and 55gr Noslers for coyote hunting. It is very accurate. It is all that I now use. W748 and H-335 are great powders for my .223 but they are now gathering dust.
Posts: 23 | Location: SE Wisconsin | Registered: 06 July 2003Reply With Quote
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$bob$(A.K.A. LDHunter): Do you think it would be more appropriate to show your signature photo in a profile type view as opposed to head on and having the viewers of your signature looking right down the bore or your Rifle barrel?

I was just wondering if you think that another view would be more appropriate in some safety conscious ways?

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Posts: 3067 | Location: South West Montana | Registered: 20 August 2002Reply With Quote
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I agree........
Posts: 23 | Location: SE Wisconsin | Registered: 06 July 2003Reply With Quote
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I seriously suggest you enroll in an anger management class. It's obvious to everyone here but you that you have some pretty deeply rooted emotional problems.

Anyone that hasn't seen this thread (see link below) should look at it so you will know what I'm talking about.
What We Have Here FAILURE To Communicate ---- in Big Game Hunting Forum

I choose to now put VarmintGuy on ignore mode because getting into a pissing contest with him would be an excercize in word slinging and everyone would hate us both for clogging up AR with yet another petty fight.

I apologise to the good people on AR that I seem to have somehow provoked VarmintGuy and am trying to minimize the impact on "innocent bystanders".

I'm not trying to say who's wrong or who's right in our disagreement but rather that I know when to just drop it and move on as obviated by my past behaviour in my many small skirmishes I've been involved in including one with present parties...

We disagree, we sometimes fight, we make peace and we move on. I see nothing wrong with that.... Some of us refuse to move on and that seems to be one of the identifying characteristics of an internet troll.

'nuff said...

Now back to the fun business of talking about hunting, reloading, shooting, buying and selling, and other great pursuits on AccurateReloading!

Posts: 2494 | Location: NW Florida Piney Woods | Registered: 28 December 2001Reply With Quote
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$bob$ (AKA LDHunter): You simply are incapable of admitting your mistakes and correcting your poor decisions! Call it a pissing contest if you will, I am trying to point out a better way of showing respect for others and better ways to show respect for firearms safety concerns!
I will not put YOU "on ignore" bob nor will I apologize for you! You are the one that needs to apologize and improve YOUR decision making capabilities and interpersonal skills.
I will continue to monitor your posts and point out YOUR oft made errors and poor decisions!
Your record in these matters proves it needs to be done and I volunteer!
And this bob, your perception of my being angered by you (another faulty assumption of yours by the way!) has nothing to do with my pointing out your shortcomings! I am not angry with you - I am laughing at you and at the same time very concerned with your lack of courtesy and common sense!
You have been proven to publicly state incredible things, make immature outbursts and make poor (VERY POOR) decisions. Its simply going to be a public service for me to illustrate these every time they occur.
Describing your disregard for the simplest of firearms safety concerns as a "petty argument" again just goes to prove my point! Your disregard of firearms safety tenants is not only dangerous and immature it is disrespectful!
My advice to those physically around you bob is this - be extra watchful of this dude!
And yes bob I refuse to "move on" when it comes to firearms safety concerns and your ignorance and disrespect for others! I will stick to correcting your poor decision making and pointing out your shortcomings as long as you continue displaying them!
And bob, thats a promise!
Again I will point out it is inappropriate and in bad form to show a picture of yourself aiming your Rifle directly at the gentle readers that frequent this forum.
Would you have the courtesy to change your signature photo to a more safety conscious profile with your muzzle pointed not at the readers but in a safe direction? I will even say PLEASE! Please change that inappropriate photo!
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Posts: 3067 | Location: South West Montana | Registered: 20 August 2002Reply With Quote
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VERY well said.....I applaud your comments Varmintguy.
Posts: 23 | Location: SE Wisconsin | Registered: 06 July 2003Reply With Quote
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Sometimes people react negatively to VarmintGuy because of the force in which he says things. Trust me, I know this man and he has seem tragedies and experience things that I hope I never will. Take heed in what he has to say. I personally don't know anymore more pro-gun than VG, and at the same time, I personally don't know any one more concerned about gun safety than VG.

Carry on, VarmintGuy!

Your friend,

Posts: 860 | Location: Montana | Registered: 16 August 2004Reply With Quote
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Again I will point out it is inappropriate and in bad form to show a picture of yourself aiming your Rifle directly at the gentle readers that frequent this forum.

Would you have the courtesy to change your signature photo to a more safety conscious profile with your muzzle pointed not at the readers but in a safe direction? I will even say PLEASE! Please change that inappropriate photo!

Hold into the wind


What kind of silly crap is this, and who died and appointed you as the "forum conscience?"? I happen to greatly enjoy Bob's signature pic as well as his comments, even though I do not agree with all of his observations all of the time. Bob has 30 years experience as an avid �real world� hunter and not just a weekend keyboard hunter, and we can all learn from such folk and others like him.

No one is that "safety conscious" over a such pic. I have yet to see anyone die from an AD from a pic. I would hope that I never become so hypersensitive and �gentle� that I engage in the sort of juvenile hand wringing and effeminate fault-finding as you have here, over a simple, and I would add, tasteful picture. I believe that you are rather an opportunist, nit picking and using any opportunity wirh anything you can in Bob�s posts as an excuse to pic on Bob because he embarrassed you on another forum. Get over it, move on with your life, and please don't apply the ridiculous and effeminate "gentle people" to all of us. Such politically correct lawyer-speak has no place in the shooting world. We get enough of that sort of effeminate drivel from the media and the politicians to have to stomach it here.
Posts: 830 | Location: Virginia, USA | Registered: 08 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Thanks for the vote of confidence. Make that 45 years hunting though... Yeah... I'm gettin' old... I started out as a varmint bounty hunter for cash at, not so tender, age of 7 and made a quite hansome income decimating ground hawgs on the prairies of Southern Illinois...

I brought this subject of my avatar up on the African forum too and it seems that they agree with you and I wholeheartedly. In fact they seem to like it... I know that I certainly do although there are others I like a lot better.

VarmintGuy writes quite well but it seems that he's speaking to the wrong audience for the type of writing he does.

I'll not say whether or not I was right or wrong in my arguments with him. I just can't understand why he can't seem to get over it and move on.

There's no doubt that I am very opinionated and judgemental and many here and other places have felt the sting of my critical comments.

VarmintGuy is the first in my many years that seems to NOT be able to get over it.

I will move on from here... I always do... I wonder if VarmintGuy will or can?!?

His anger will only hurt himself and further alienate those that look on his temper tantrum and scratch their heads in wonder.

Posts: 2494 | Location: NW Florida Piney Woods | Registered: 28 December 2001Reply With Quote
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I find any picture that has $Bob$ face in it much more upsetting. Heck I did not even notice the gun. LOL

Seriously though, do we now have to start being politically correct here too? I am sure $Bob$ will consider the feelings of those involved, but it is his right to post his pic if he feels it is appropriate. I also think any complaint should have been posted to him privately.

VG, I am sorry that you are so easily upset. I sure hope you do not have kids that like to play video games.
Posts: 177 | Location: SW Florida | Registered: 26 February 2002Reply With Quote
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I find any picture that has $Bob$ face in it much more upsetting.

HEY!!! I resemble that comment!!!
Posts: 2494 | Location: NW Florida Piney Woods | Registered: 28 December 2001Reply With Quote
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You are getting off track!!!!
This powder seems to work great. I would like more input,Info,etc. Thanks all.
Posts: 255 | Location: Left coast, Right mind! | Registered: 16 July 2004Reply With Quote
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You are absolutely right!!! And I apologize because I've been the cause of that derailment or at least indirectly the cause...

Benchmark is VERY popular with the Benchrest shooters and I like it too... I just think that Varget is more versatile and just the right speed. Benchmark is a bit fast for most of my applications.

Oh yeah... I can buy Varget at local gunshows in 8# jugs any time I want... Benchmark is rare as hen's teeth.

Posts: 2494 | Location: NW Florida Piney Woods | Registered: 28 December 2001Reply With Quote
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