This is not a joke thread. I was wondering what you guys think of shooting match bullets for varminting compared to say the v-max. What are the advantages and disadvantages thanks!
You did not say what type of varmints or the calibre so I guess it will be prairie's , yotes etc. I am going to give my view simply on the game I have had sucess with at home using the sierra HPBT M in my friends 22-250 (I am waiting for mine to be delivered ) . So far I have not had any failures out to 300 m with them and they make prety nice wound channels , These seem to have slightly thicker jackets that the V-Maxes & the like. So if you are shooting close to housing etc. be carefull where those shots end up. I only say this cause we have had some richochects with them, but not with V-Maxes and Sierra blitzkings. I would say that for the extra price we pay for them here there is simply no edge over the normal varmint bullets that have also been designed for benchrest type accuracy in most good heavy barreled rifles.
Regards Rudie
Posts: 150 | Location: Witbank ,South - Africa | Registered: 22 March 2002
I would not use a matchking if I was pelt hunting, but I use them for popping smaller varmints like starlings and cats on my farm. Works fine. HTH, Dutch.
Posts: 4564 | Location: Idaho Falls, ID, USA | Registered: 21 September 2000
Trophyhunters - If you are talking about J-4 jacketed match bullets, they work fine. For long range varmint shooting, most folks that I shoot with are using a match grade bullets for accuracy. Bullet performance is not that big of a deal on prairie rats and the like. I shoot Bergers, MKs, and Lapuas in my varmint/target rifles no matter if I am punching holes in paper or rats.
However, the potential problem is this - they can be unreliable. Sometimes they simply punch a hole, sometimes they explode on impact. As Dutch pointed out, if you have hopes of collecting pelts, this could be a problem.
Posts: 10780 | Location: Test Tube | Registered: 27 February 2001
I have shot thousands of p dogs and crows with 52gr serria match form 223s and 22 250 they aork great neve had any trouble killing anything as long as the hit was good. They make pdogs join the red mist club as well as anything.
Posts: 20001 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001
I've used the Hornady 52 gr BTHP Match bullet in a few 223's and 22-250's.It was the most accurate load in a couple of them.They blow up gophers really well, as well as any BT or Vmax.
If you mean by match bullets such as Starke, Fowler, Watson, BIB, Berger, Cheek, and the list goes on. I have found that any quality made FBHP bullet will strike with devastating results on varmint sized game from my 22 hornet, 222, 22-250, 243, at all practical hunting ranges. I find the benchrest bullets will produce tight groups in any one of those cartridges I shoot. I have fired some very good groups in my 22-250 with the Sierra bullet that equal the Benchrest bullets I listed. All HP point bullets will open on impact dependeing on jacket thickness and scored jacket along with the size of the opening in bullet jacket. The FMJ bullet will punch neet tiny bullet size holes because of their design. Point of fact, all bullets other than solid copper bullets now on the market, have copper jackets and lead cores in many different configurations no mtter who makes them. The key to tight groups in any bullet is how perfectly round that particular bullet is. Mushroom ability is determined by jacket thickness and lead compound content inside that bullet. Point of fact, through testing, damaged points on bullets will not destroy that bullets grouping ability. Damage to the rear of the bullet will riun that bullets ability to fly true.
I have used hundreds of 52 gr matchkings in my 22-250 popping chucks over the years, they work fine in that application. If you are hunting for furbearers I don't know, never used them on 'yotes.
Posts: 414 | Location: Missouri | Registered: 28 February 2002